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Multi Sports Club
2024-09-03 • No comments • • Arran
Over 70 young people from across all seven primaries on the island come together to participate on a Monday afternoon for P1-3s and a Wednesday afternoon for P4-7s at a multi-sports club, where pupils participate in a variety of sports. It’s important for youngsters to engage with peers of a similar age, which doesn't always happen . This is a chance for youngsters to build relationships from different villages, which also prepares the young people for transition into secondary school.
There are a number of costs to make this possible –
Transport costs (taxi for pupils from further afield) - £500
Equipment (balls, bibs, cones, general sporting equipment) - £500

Arran High School Mountain Bike Club
2024-09-19 • No comments • • Arran
We would like to train another volunteer MTB leader. As a Scottish Cycling affiliated club there are strict qualifications required in order to volunteer as a leader. We need another leader in order to meet the needs of our growing membership. We need to cater for multiple ability groups and continue our popular girls only night. Arran High School Mounytain Bike Club is an award winning after school club based on the Isle of Arran. Recently we have opened Dyemill Bike Park, a family friendly cycling. We have noticed an increae in demand for spaces on our regular and frequent after school rides which are year round, term time.
£260 British Cycling BMBLA Level 2 leader training
£150 British Cycling BMBLA Level 2 leader assessment
£190 2 day outdoor first aid
£25 Sport Scotland CWPS
£475 Expenses. Two return trips to Aviemore from Arran with three night’s accommodation budget (anticipated more than this)

Arran Young Sports Leaders
2024-09-03 • No comments • • Arran
Dedicated Young Sports Leaders attend a number of programme and island wide events throughout the year, undertaking a number of roles such as refereeing/umpiring, leading workshops, setting equipment up for events etc. Before this is possible, it’s important for our leaders to access training off-island, free of charge or at a reduced cost. We also feel it’s important for the group of leaders to be recognisable to staff and participants, as well providing a sense of community for the groups of Leaders.
We would require financial support to purchase t-shirts and support with transport costs.
- £10 per t shirt (20 young people)
- Embroidery £4 per item
- Travel costs, 3 training courses £720 (boat ticket £4.60 per leader, average bus cost £150)

Arran Junior Shinty Club
2024-09-19 • No comments • • Arran
We have had a very successful year with delivering weekly training to approximately 25 children. We have also just held our 3rd inter-school tournament and are looking at taking a team to competition with other schools and clubs on the mainland. We need equipment to allow us to particpate and we are looking for funding for helmets. These are priced at £65 each and we would require 10 of these.
Helmets £65.00 eachx 10= £650