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Investment projects with scope: Arran

Total budget £3,563

Swimming for Lamlash Primary!

Swimming lessons/Lamlash Primary

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  Lamlash Primary PTA  •  Arran

The aim is to allow all P1 to P7 children (approx 60 children in total) to attend a block of x4 swimming lessons at Auchrannie Resort, Brodick.

Swimming lessons; approx £4 per child per class Total £960

Lamlash primary school children will require a return bus trip to from Lamlash Primary to Auchrannie, Brodick and back for each class. Cost per bus trip, per class is approx £90


Shiskine Primary School - Swimming Lessons

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  Aileenmb  •  Arran

The children will start swimming lessons at the local swimming pool at the Kinloch Hotel. They will receive 1 lesson per week for 6 weeks from a local swimming instructor. As Parent Council we support the school in meeting the costs of these including transport to and from the pool. This is an essential life skill for children living on an Island.

The cost of Instructor is £180

The transport by mini bus is £160

The Pool hire is £150



Brodick Primary Skills for Learning, Life&Work

2024-09-14  •  No comments  •  Claire1504  •  Arran

Brodick Primary Parent Council would like to help fund a new continuous project in which the children will develop lifelong skills.  These skills include cookery, woodwork, cleaning and ICT skills.  The children will work with teachers and parent volunteers to work on various projects that will benefit them with these essential life skills.    

block 1:  cooking

Children will learn to cook healthy recipes whilst learning about hygiene and safety.  Working with local organizations and parent volunteers, sessions will be delivered and build upon week by week to build up confidence.   

fresh food produce (4 week block for 30 children) £100

safety knives, graters, reusable food containers £100

block 2: woodwork

children with work with parent volunteers to create a woodwork item, learning essential tool skills and safety skills.

safety goggles for a class group £50

selection of woodworking tools £150

selection of woodworking materials such as sandpaper, wood glue, screws £60

safe storage box for materials £40

block 3: household skills

children will work with parent volunteers to learn about simple household skills such as ironing, sewing and washing.

iron and ironing board £50

sewing kits, thread and materials £100

Block 4: computer skills 

parent volunteers and teachers will work with the children to deliver computer skills which are essential to children in the digital age. 

Encrypted pen drives for each child £100


First Arran Brownies

2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  Tracypc  •  Arran

First Arran Brownies started in April 2024, and provides a safe space for girls aged 7-10 to meet weekly.  We play games, do outdoor activities, complete crafts and work towards badges.  Our favourite activities usually involve food and mess!

We are looking to invest in new storage, cost approx £100

Our rent has recently increased to £10 an hour.  Each session costs £15, plus money in the meter for the heating, cost approx £200 for 10 sessions (approx 1 term)

Craft materials - £100

Badges for special events/occasions - £50

End of term party £50



Multi Sports Club

Multi Sports Club

2024-09-03  •  No comments  •  Isle of Arran Sports Clubs  •  Arran

Over 70 young people from across all seven primaries on the island come together to participate on a Monday afternoon for P1-3s and a Wednesday afternoon for P4-7s at a multi-sports club, where pupils participate in a variety of sports. It’s important for youngsters to engage with peers of a similar age, which doesn't always happen . This is a chance for youngsters to build relationships from different villages, which also prepares the young people for transition into secondary school.

There are a number of costs to make this possible –

Transport costs (taxi for pupils from further afield) - £500

Equipment (balls, bibs, cones, general sporting equipment) - £500


Arran Junior Shinty Club

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  Ann Mochan  •  Arran

We have had a very successful year with delivering weekly training to approximately 25 children.  We have also just held our 3rd inter-school tournament and are looking at taking a team to competition with other schools and clubs on the mainland.  We need equipment to allow us to particpate and we are looking for funding for helmets.  These are priced at £65 each and we would require 10 of these.

Helmets £65.00 eachx 10= £650

Arran girls football team

Arran Junior Football

2024-09-03  •  No comments  •  Isle of Arran Sports Clubs  •  Arran

S1-S6 young people have the opportunity to compete against mainland football teams (in North Ayrshire and beyond). An important opportunity for island youngsters to play access competitive competition off the island. Boys and girls teams from the Isle of Arran will travel to the mainland to compete in various competitive tournaments and friendlies. Young people from Arran rarely get the opportunity to play competitive sport, due to the lack of teams on the Isle of Arran, as well as the challenges of travel. We’d be delighted offer this again to our young people of Arran, impacting over 60 players.

To be able to do this, we’d need financial support for the following –

Transport costs

boat £4.60 per person (16 in a team) total = £73.60

bus average £150 per trip

4 trips per year (1 for each team)

Equipment (bibs/balls/cones/kit) - £100

Corrie PS Swimming Lessons

2024-09-16  •  No comments  •  Ann Mochan  •  Arran

We would like support for providing a block of 5 swimming lessons to each of the pupils at Corrie Primary School. We are applying for the charge from Auchrannie swimming pool for each pupil:-

£4 per lesson

15 pupils

block of 5 lessons each

= £300.00

Young Sports Leaders

Arran Young Sports Leaders

2024-09-03  •  No comments  •  Isle of Arran Sports Clubs  •  Arran

Dedicated Young Sports Leaders attend a number of programme and island wide events throughout the year, undertaking a number of roles such as refereeing/umpiring, leading workshops, setting equipment up for events etc. Before this is possible, it’s important for our leaders to access training off-island, free of charge or at a reduced cost. We also feel it’s important for the group of leaders to be recognisable to staff and participants, as well providing a sense of community for the groups of Leaders.

We would require financial support to purchase t-shirts and support with transport costs.

  • £10 per t shirt (20 young people)
  • Embroidery £4 per item
  • Travel costs, 3 training courses £720 (boat ticket £4.60 per leader, average bus cost £150)

Arran High School Support Faculty Inclusion Funding

2024-09-16  •  No comments  •  Katy F E Brookes  •  Arran

The Faculty of Support staff at Arran High School are looking to improve resources for our most in-need students.

The department are looking to replenish their supply of small fidget toys and tactile activities in order to support students who need help to emotionally regulate. 

The department also wish to create a hygeine station for students to use, to include items such as deoderant, wipes and clean underwear, for students to be able to use should they need.

£100 - assorted fidget toys, kinaesthetic sand, puzzles and games

£200 - toiletries - toothbrushes and paste, wash cloths, soap, body wash, deoderant, wet wipes, underwear, socks