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Investment projects with scope: Kilwinning

Total budget £4,753


Pennyburn Parent Council - Children equality first

2024-08-29  •  No comments  •  Pennyburn Primary Parent Council  •  Kilwinning

We want to ensure all children can take part even if there parents or gaurdians are unable to fund the events!

These opertunties will be out with the learning funded by the local authority and will give every child long lasting memories aditionally this will give local families releaf finansually. Some of the funding will be used for Halloween, Christmas and Easter events with this funding we can ensure every child celebrates and bring joy to there childhood. 

Transport Cost: £680

Celebration Cost: £320

Kilwinning Rangers Girls Under 10s Team

Kilwinning Rangers Girls Under 10's

2024-09-09  •  No comments  •  Stephaniecampbell  •  Kilwinning

The girls began playing together in January 2024, with many of these girls having not played in team football matches before they have excelled with their skills and continue to work hard both at training and at their games.  We wish to build on the football equipment we have to ensure that we can continue to build on the skills the girls have achieved thus far.  We also wish to acknowledge the girls hard work and determination over the past year by holding a Players Award Night and After Party, this is to show the girls how proud we are of them and enstil our belief in them.  All girls will receive a trophy and a medal at the Players Award Night, dedicacted to them and the skill which they have mastered over the past 9 months within the football team - this is to ensure inclusivity and that all the girls confidence and mental wellbeing is boosted.  The after party is a bit of fun for the girls for after the awards, this will include DJ, Food and Bouncy Castle to allow the girls to spend some social time together for team building.


Training Equipment and Kit costs £520, this includes new footballs, spare shin pads, spare training kits and match kits

Player Awards Night and After Party £380, this includes purchasing of trophies and medals (having these engraved), catering, hall hire, bouncy castle hire and DJ hire


Random Acts Of Kindness gift giving

2024-08-26  •  No comments  •  Rack  •  Kilwinning

Every year we do a gift giving tree appeal  to help local families throu the schools ,community centre and other organisations with a few gifts for the kids we would like to apply for funding to help us make this year even before for the kids  with a selection box and some gifts we would like £300 for selection boxes and £700 to go toward toys and gift set etc for the kids ,we make up gift bags of toys and selection boxes to give to the kids at Christmas we work with local schools and organisations to help the most vulnerable kids .

Young Sports Leaders Supported by the Parent Council

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  CNess  •  Kilwinning

The funds would allow the school to purchase new sports equipment for our young move & improve leaders to be able to deliver lunchtime sports clubs as well as support our afterschool clubs lead by active schools’ volunteers.

We wish to continue with the success of our extra-curricular clubs.  The funds would allow us to pay for transport to take teams and classes to upcoming tournaments which are organised by North Ayrshire Active Schools. We would add to our existing sports kit to allow the children to be identified and part of the team. 

The school have Young Sports Leaders who have responsibility for promoting physical activity in the playground.  The children undertook training in playground games and have requested playground equipment to fully engage all the children in the school.  The fund would be used to purchase this equipment. The children will work closely with North Ayrshire’s Active Schools Coordinator to successfully deliver their lunchtime clubs, which will run each day for the rest of the academic year.

Physical and mental health and wellbeing is always at the heart of St. Lukes’ agenda.  Afterschool sports clubs are an excellent way to engage children in physical activity and improve their health and mental well-being.  Exposing children to sports and physical activity in an afterschool environment encourages them to explore the sport in the community and strengthens the pathways into the sport.  It is hoped that that the afterschool clubs will encourage more children to participate in sport and thus increase their physical fitness.  Due to the cost-of-living crisis, after school clubs are the only opportunity that some children have to participate in sports. 

Through this fund we wish to improve aspects of fitness and develop personal and interpersonal skills and attributes.  We want to enable learners to develop the concepts and skills necessary for participation in a wide range of physical activity, sport and outdoor learning and enhance their physical wellbeing in preparation for leading a fulfilling, active and healthy lifestyle.

The school’s Young Sports Leaders (Primary 6 and 7 pupils) are involved in this application through providing their opinion on the after-school clubs they wish to have established. The have selected the equipment needed for their lunchtime ‘Playground Games’ club. 

Sports equipment - £300

School sports kit - £200

Buses to sporting events - £500

TOTAL - £1000

Kilwinning Community Sports Leaders

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  Martyn2131  •  Official position 1  •  Kilwinning

As a Young Sports Leader group we are looking for £750 to purchase Sports Leader uniform, so we can be identified in the community and feel part of a wider project, and to top up some much needed equipment to allow our group to deliver sports clubs in each school, after the school day has ended. A breakdown of costs would look like:


Uniform (Zippers) - £500

Equipment - £250

Total - £750

St Winnings PS Sports Project

2024-09-13  •  No comments  •  Sarah Donaghy  •  Kilwinning

We wish to continue with the success of the football afterschool club for girls and boys from Primary 5-7, this club would run for the rest of the academic year.  The funds would allow us to pay for transport to take the football team to upcoming tournaments which are organised by North Ayrshire Council Active Schools. We would like to purchase new kit to update our old kit from the 1980’s.

We would use some of the fund to pay a netball coach to establish a netball after school club.  Following consultation with the pupils from St. Winnings’ Primary this was a sport that the children showed a high level of interest in.  Netball tournaments are organised by north Ayrshire council and the funds would enable us to pay for buses for the children to attend.  

Following the success of the Dance Club last session, the children are very keen to continue this.  The children took part in the Day of Dance last year and we would love to provide this opportunity again and allow them to compete at the regional competition held by active schools. 

The school have Young Sports Leaders who have responsibility for promoting physical activity in the playground.  The children undertook training in playground games and have requested playground equipment in order to fully engage all the children in the school.  The fund would be used to purchase this equipment. The children will work closely with North Ayrshire’s Active Schools Coordinator to successfully deliver their lunchtime clubs, which will run each day for the rest of the academic year.

Physical and mental health and wellbeing is always at the heart of St. Winning's agenda.  Afterschool sports clubs are an excellent way to engage children in physical activity and improve their health and mental well-being.  Exposing children to sports and physical activity in an afterschool environment encourages them to explore the sport in the community and strengthens the pathways into the sport.  It is hoped that that the afterschool club will encourage more children to participate in sport and thus increase their physical fitness.  Due to the cost-of-living crisis, after school clubs are the only opportunity that some children have to participate in sports. 

Through this fund we wish to improve aspects of fitness and develop personal and interpersonal skills and attributes.  We want to enable learners to develop the concepts and skills necessary for participation in a wide range of physical activity, sport and outdoor learning and enhance their physical wellbeing in preparation for leading a fulfilling, active and healthy lifestyle.

The school’s Young Sports Leaders (Primary 6 and 7 pupils) are involved in this application through providing their opinion on the after-school clubs they wish to have established. The have selected the equipment needed for their lunchtime ‘Playground Games’ club. 

School sports kit - £500

Buses to sporting events - £500

TOTAL - £1000