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Investment projects with scope: Kilwinning

Total budget £4,753


Kilwinning Rangers 2014

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Kilwinning Rangers 2014  •  Kilwinning

Kilwinning Rangers 2014 are applying for funding of £1000 to help the team reach their target of buying new balls, cones and bibs, training pack for each player and to play in a youth festival in a different area.  

A successful application would support the team to reach these goals and help the coaches improve the experience and level of training that is taking place currently. The funding would also support the families by lightening the financial burden and allowing all players to have their own training packs so everyone is wearing the same and feel part of the team. 

The £1000 funding would be used to help the team secure the following:

  • New balls/training equipment so there are enough balls for each player when doing drills in training and different equipment to aid in different training exercises and warm up drills - £10 per ball x 35 = £350 - Cones and bibs - £40  total £390
  • Trip to football festival - We would love to give our players the opportunity to experience playing in different football festivals all over the country but due to funding this can be difficult as we have 30 players which make up 3 team playing 7 a side currently.  Estimated cost: 3 teams entered into festival £100 per team per festival = £300 total for one festival.  
  • Training packs ( shorts, top, socks, ½ zip, rain jacket) for each player so everyone has the same kit to wear on Mondays and Thursday for training and means that the football kits would only be worn on match days. All players would also be ready for all weather playing. Estimated cost £61 per player x 35 = £2,135

We would be looking for the additional funds to meet our goals to be provided by the parents/guardians, hence how important this fund could be to the team and families during this cost of living crisis to ensure that all players have the same kit and nobody is left behind. 



Pennyburn Parent Council - Children equality first

2024-08-29  •  No comments  •  Pennyburn Primary Parent Council  •  Kilwinning

We want to ensure all children can take part even if there parents or gaurdians are unable to fund the events!

These opertunties will be out with the learning funded by the local authority and will give every child long lasting memories aditionally this will give local families releaf finansually. Some of the funding will be used for Halloween, Christmas and Easter events with this funding we can ensure every child celebrates and bring joy to there childhood. 

Transport Cost: £680

Celebration Cost: £320

Kilwinning Academy Parent Council

2024-09-09  •  No comments  •  Kilwinning Academy Parent Council  •  Kilwinning

The Kilwinning Acadamy Parent Council is here to raise funds to assist the young person's in the school. This has been used for many things over the last year. We assisted the school with funds to make some well needed spouse up of the curtains for school stage for the music depart. This was a total amount of £450. We also gave an amount of £170 towards the senior prom. We gave the school £450 towards toiletries and other amenities that our persons need.

Youth PB photo.png

Pryde Youth Groups

2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  pryde.kilwinning  •  Kilwinning

We will run three youth groups based around 3 different demographics. p6/p7 youth group, as they move towards transitioning to secondary school. s1+ group, to create a safe space for young people to hang out, and learn new skills/knowledge while creating stronger links with their community and opportunities to volunteer. Youth group for young people around music, as space for young people who play or just want to meet like-minded music fans and would like to learn skills in the business/creative side of it. These would be development groups over 3 months with the plan to develop full groups going into 2025. The cost would cover the cost of a youth worker to work with young people throughout. £330 per group x 3 groups = £990  

Kilwinning Rangers FC Youth Football Group

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  skelpy999  •  Kilwinning

Whilst we hope to develop a lot of our young players to one day play for Kilwinning Rangers FC or other senior professional or semi-professional teams, we are just as single-minded in our vision to having as many young players continue in sport and activity, whether that be football, running, tennis or other activities on offer at our club.

We believe our project will promote aspiration and education in our area, North Ayrshire; a known disadvantaged area,encapsulating:

Health and Wellbeing

Poverty and Inequality.

Voice and Participation.

Our application for £1000 will be used to ensure we have proper and secure storage facilities for the kit and equipment of our 17 teams, to properly maintain our boot/ kit exchange and to ensure all teams have an equal opportunity to continue playing organised sport with the correct equipment. 

We would hope to start our project as soon as practicable and promote the exchange through our many social media accounts and though the local press.


What difference will the project make and who will benefit?

With experience of running and managing youth football teams for over 16 years, we appreciate it is a costly business. The provision of a large and organised storage area, well stocked and maintained will essentially provide individuals and groups/ teams in our community who are perhaps less fortunate than others with the means to provide football equipment and sports kit for their children.This is particularly relevant for newly formed teams who may be less reliant and perhaps not as fortunate to have generous sponsors or fundraisers in place to assist with the running costs of youth football teams.

We have included our Youth Football Section Forum in researching and writing this application. One of our former Youth Football Section Forum members has also travelled to a secondary school in Osika, Kenya twice in the last two years, donating a large number of KSC Kilwinning Rangers Youth Football kits and tracksuits to the pupils there.

Kilwinning Rangers Girls Under 10s Team

Kilwinning Rangers Girls Under 10's

2024-09-09  •  No comments  •  Stephaniecampbell  •  Kilwinning

The girls began playing together in January 2024, with many of these girls having not played in team football matches before they have excelled with their skills and continue to work hard both at training and at their games.  We wish to build on the football equipment we have to ensure that we can continue to build on the skills the girls have achieved thus far.  We also wish to acknowledge the girls hard work and determination over the past year by holding a Players Award Night and After Party, this is to show the girls how proud we are of them and enstil our belief in them.  All girls will receive a trophy and a medal at the Players Award Night, dedicacted to them and the skill which they have mastered over the past 9 months within the football team - this is to ensure inclusivity and that all the girls confidence and mental wellbeing is boosted.  The after party is a bit of fun for the girls for after the awards, this will include DJ, Food and Bouncy Castle to allow the girls to spend some social time together for team building.


Training Equipment and Kit costs £520, this includes new footballs, spare shin pads, spare training kits and match kits

Player Awards Night and After Party £380, this includes purchasing of trophies and medals (having these engraved), catering, hall hire, bouncy castle hire and DJ hire