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Investment projects with scope: Three Towns

Total budget £9,810


Empowering Personal Safety courses for Children & Youths

2024-08-30  •  1 comment  •  •  Three Towns

We plan to run over 26 Personal Safety training sessions in schools and youth groups across the Three Town area. The training will cover a diverse range of personal safety topics that affect young people's mental health. We will show young people how to avoid and, if necessary, defend themselves against bullies and abusers; how young children can escape from an abduction; how teenagers can identify date rape drugs, spiking and bogus taxi drivers; and we will teach young people self defence skills against a variety of attack scenarios including headlocks, strangulation, knife attacks, back attacks and ground attacks (including defence against sexual assaults for teenage girls, if required).

The empowering effects of our training have been known to save lives - both in defending themselves against potentially lethal attacks and steering young people away from taking their own lives.

For children/youths who are suffering from trauma after being severely attacked by bullies, we will also offer 30 x individual trauma-informed, empowerment-focussed Personal Safety training which includes emotional support to help them recover from their ordeal. 

In total, we aim to train / help over 500 children and youths.

A breakdown of our costs are as follows;

20 x Personal Safety sessions in Auchenharvie Academy £400

30 x individual trauma-informed, empowerment-focussed Personal Safety sessions for children/youths traumatised by bullying/abuse. £600

2 x Personal Safety sessions in Ardrossan Academy            £40

4 x Personal Safety sessions for Three Town youth groups £160

Transport, lunch and refreshment costs £100

Total cost of this project is £1,300 however our charity will pay £300 towards these costs.

St Matthews Pupil Sports Council - Kit Loan Scheme

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  SophieSkeneStMatts1  •  Three Towns

The St Matthews Academy PE kit loan scheme offers numerous benefits for students, schools, and communities. It promotes inclusion by ensuring all students can participate in physical education, regardless of their financial circumstances. This reduces stigma for those unable to afford or who forget their kit, fostering equality in the classroom. By removing barriers to participation, the scheme encourages physical activity, helping students stay engaged and healthy. It also minimizes excuses for missing PE, improving consistency in physical education attendance.

The scheme enhances focus on education by relieving students of worries about having the right gear. This boosts confidence, enabling students to perform better in class. Environmentally, it promotes sustainability through the reuse of kits, reducing waste, and saving families money by eliminating the need for frequent purchases as children grow.

A PE kit loan scheme also improves the school’s culture and reputation. By demonstrating a commitment to inclusivity and student welfare, schools create a more supportive and collaborative environment. The sense of community is strengthened through shared resources, encouraging cooperation among students and staff.

Additionally, the scheme serves as a solution for emergencies, accommodating students who may have temporarily misplaced or forgotten their kit. It also helps those in transition, such as students who have outgrown their kit but haven’t yet acquired a new one.

In summary, a PE kit loan scheme ensures all students have the opportunity to participate in physical education, regardless of financial or logistical challenges, while promoting inclusion, sustainability, and a positive school environment.

Community Football Team

2024-09-18  •  No comments  •  Whitlees centre  •  Three Towns

We have taking on 3 local football teams and we have had some difficulty to get them started with a home turf. The teams are currently training in Irvine but all kids are from the 3 towns. We are hopinh to give them a home ground here at the centre with pitch lines goals and equipment and strips. The council own the lan but we will be taking on the cost of the pitch lines and maintaning the park. The clubs currently are paying to use other facilities, with moving home they wouldnt have this cost coming out of their budget. The 3 teams andx the centre have been fundrasining ever since they came to us to put towards the cost off all below but still needing to work hard and keep fundraising. 



Pitch Lines - £300

Maintance £600

Strips - £3300

Goals - £2500

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Balance & Bliss CIC

2024-09-06  •  No comments  •  Leanne Smith  •  Three Towns

Balance and Bliss CIC: Enhancing Community Wellbeing

We are applying for £1000 to raise awareness of how holistic therapies can improve mental health and wellbeing, particularly for vulnerable groups. Our goal is to break barriers to accessing support and foster a supportive community.

Funding Breakdown:

  • Hall Hire - £250: To provide a welcoming space for our sessions.
  • Drinks and Snacks - £150: To nurture conversation and connection during sessions.
  • Resources/Crafts - £600: For materials needed in our activities and therapies.

Mini Taster Treatments: To introduce therapies like reflexology, Reiki, EFT, and sound baths.

Our holistic, trauma-informed approach includes therapies such as reflexology, Reiki, EFT, sound healing, and more. We aim to improve physical and mental wellbeing, address social isolation, and promote healthy lifestyles. By focusing on vulnerable groups, we build confidence, skills, and resilience, fostering positive personal and community change. We believe that a community that supports each other thrives.

This funding will help us provide 10 sessions/groups, ensuring each is well-supported with a welcoming space, refreshments to foster conversation, and necessary materials for activities and therapies. This will enable us to improve mental health and wellbeing, particularly for vulnerable groups, and bring the community together.



Wellbeing Room- Dykesmains Primary

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Mrs Smith  •  Three Towns

This will be used for children to have a safe place when they feel they require support.  Our new Barnado's worker will use this space every week for small group work, drop ins, friendship and resilience groups and working with children by themselves.  We have this worker to help us access any help directly to support our mental and social wellbeing in a positive way.  We would like to create a calm and safe environment that anyone can access at school when they need it and we would like to have the room equiped so that we can use positive strategies and mindful activities.

Led lights- £50

Lighting (mood lighting)- £120

Light projector- £30

Crafting station- £200

Soft furnishings (pillow and fluffy blankets)- £200

Bean bags- £200

White noise speaker- £50

Chalkboard sign and stand- £30

Chalkboard pens- £30



Ardrossan Winton Rovers Girls Under 12s

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  KD21  •  Three Towns

We are looking to fund new strips for the full team and jackets suitable for the lovely Scottish weather. As a team we always try fundraise as much as possible to bring down the costs for those within the team. Fundraising allows the team to be more inclusive and ensures that where possible the only costing for those in attendance is the monthly fees.

The girls are all in need of new home and away strips due to their current strips being too small. We are hopeful if successful with the grant to fund 16 away strips and 16 jackets.

Strips x 16 - £540 (£33.75 each)

Jackets x 16 - £480 (£30 each)

If successful the girls will help design the new away kits and be involved in the design as well as choosing colours.

North Ayrshire Athletics

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  North Ayrshire Athletics Club  •  Three Towns

Our main aims are to bridge the gap in socially deprived areas, to be inclusive in our communities and encourage better mental & physical health through athletics. We believe in having a strong working relastionship with our local community for the benefit for all. 


We would love funding to alllow us to pay towards our new junior coaches to run an athletics camp for both additional support needs and mainstream young people during the  school holidays. Providing a healthyu snack and water for all.



Coach £27 per hour for 12 weeks

running for 12 weeks is £648

Provided Healthy Snack £352


3rd Ardrossan Brownies

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Kerry Elliott  •  Three Towns

Trip to the newmilns ski slope - £520

Money towards crafts - £180

Prizes and Christmas gifts £300


AYA Logo

Ardrossan Youth Association (projects and activities for young people)

2024-09-17  •  No comments  •  richardcaig  •  Three Towns

The Ardrossan Youth Association is managed by young people, looking to provide support, tackle isolation and promote positive mental health. This has been acheived in the past by providing trips with Ocean youth trust, attending youth festivals and through multiple groups and activities. The association also run different groups like Art group, Youth groups, Duke of Edinburgh, Cooking activities, and hold weekly committee and planning meetings.

The association is looking to start cooking classes which will look at how to cook on a budget. They are looking for funding to purchase an oven as the one they have at present is broke.

They are also looking to purchase food and and drink for the family fun day next year. along with other activities happening inside and outside the centre, there will be a barbeque.

The association is looking to purchase stationary to help with committee meetings and planning.

Lastly, the association is looking to purchase a new Karaoke system. this is due to the high demand in the centre from all young people.



HOOVER HOC3858IN Electric Pyrolytic Oven - Stainless Steel & Black from Curries                                                                        £269.00

Cushions, Throw over, Rug for chill out room B & M                                                                                                                             £  70.00

LED Lighting from B & Q                                                                                                                                                                       £  50.00

Stationary form Amazon                                                                                                                                                                        £ 115.00

Mr Entertainer Digibox Pro. Portable Touch Screen Karaoke Machine and Media Player (4 x Wireless Microphones) from Amazon £477.00

Food and drink for family fun day                                                                                                                                                          £120.00

The association will pay the excess for food.




Triple Act Theatre & Arts Youth Initiative

2024-09-04  •  No comments  •  Andy  •  Three Towns

We are a theatre and arts group [Scottish Registered Charity] who would like £1000 to deliver a series of accessible Theatre & Arts Masterclasses over Spring 2025 for children and young people in the Three Towns to build confidence in performance and communication, and promoting positive health and wellbeing in young people through social interactions and feeling a sense of learning and achievement.

After consultations with our current youth theatre participants, we have identified the need and want for further arts opportunities in the area that offer a professional level of training in a particular area of performance or artform, especially during school holidays. Our Masterclass series would offer a series of 2-hour long professional masterclasses for children and young people in areas like Clowning, Circus Skills, Mask Making and Performance, Musical Theatre. The workshops will improve skills and spark interests for our young people in specific artistic areas, promoting a variety of creative pathways, whilst having fun with like-minded peers in a non-judgmental, supported environment that is accessible for those on the poverty line. All masterclasses are provided at a subsidised low cost for participants - £2 per workshop - and payment plans can be discussed with participants if appropriate. It is our aim that this project will provide young people the opportunity to develop and enhance their confidence and skills while exploring new areas of experience. Young people will build upon creative performance and artistic skills in a way that they will feel confident seeking further education and training in this area should they choose. They will go away feeling a strong sense of achievement and community having spent time with like-minded peers and being treated as professionals by our established and experience freelance facilitators and staff.

Cost breakdown - 

Hall Hires = £326; Freelance Facilitators = £544; Marketing = 75; Travel/volunteer expenses = 50

Please note this is not the full cost of the project [which is £2000 total]. Other costs such as insurances, admin, materials, core staff etc will be met out of Triple Act reserves and will match the grant award.

Triple Act Theatre & Arts | Performing Arts & Creative Arts in Ayrshire