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Investment projects with scope: Irvine

Total budget £11,840


Green class room

2024-09-09  •  1 comment  •  IRVINE SEA CADET  •  Irvine

Irvine sea cadets current classroom has been destroyed due to weather conditions last year. As a non profit and only funded by donations we are looking to remove and replace the old classroom and build a new one. Irvine Sea Cadets currently have around 25-30 cadets who require training at different levels to progress.  The cadets will do as much work as they can with support from volunteers and donations of work people's time. Costing will cover some of the price for removal of old unit which is around, £5000 some paint for the inside when the classroom is ready £100 and some tools to complete the job 


Lawthorn Parent Council - Road Safety

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Lawthorn Parent Council  •  Irvine

The parent council, have worked closely with the pupils of Lawthorn Primary to discuss the issues surrounding road safety in the local area.  Within the school there are representatives that are Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO) who consult the other young people on issues relating to safe travel in the surrounding community area.  The school has 284 pupils that travel from Girdle Toll area/ Montgomerie Park.  The young people have told us that they feel unsafe when not traveling to school by car.  We have a very small carpark, and surrounding areas has narrow roads where during pick up and drop off both sides of the road are filled with parked cars making it unsafe for young people to cross.   Health and wellbeing is so important for our young people, being able to exercise whilst traveling to and from school safely increases physical health but also wellbeing, being outdoors, meeting friends and traveling together whilst also learning invaluable skills like road safety and independent travel.  The JRSO would also like to do more initiatives from points in the community including walking buses and cycle to school programmes.  Reducing car pick up and drop off also works towards the councils target of tackling climate change and young people leading the way in climate action. The JRSO have asked young people what they would like to see and they have asked for £1268.48 (inclusive of VAT)

This money would buy:

  • A banner 8ft x 1ft no parking on zig zags
  • ‘No parking’ sign for lamppost 
  • 4 parking dummies (2 drop off only, 2 no parking on zig zags)
  • Traffic cones no parking x 6
  • 2 pavement signs (parking here may endanger your child's life).

These items will:

  • Discourage people from parking in the drop off bay and unsafe manoeuvring in the area.
  • Remind parents and carers not to park or stop for picks ups keeping the area clear for safe travel in front of the school gates.
  • Create safe crossing for children and young people.

The young people involved in the project said “We feel that this would be a great chance for us and the parent council to help us in our goal of encouraging more young people and families to travel safely, help the environment and improve our wellbeing.  The parent council have listened to what we need, and we have really enjoyed being part of this application.”

By voting for this bid it ensures that UNCRCs Article 31 ‘A right to play’ gives young people the feeling of safety going to and from school in ways that they associate with play and connecting with others.

Night time Soccer

Night Time Soccer and Flytying

2024-09-16  •  No comments  •  Fullarton Hub  •  Irvine

Night Time Soccer and Fly Tying are the choice of activities by the young people. The age range cover 8 years to 25 years old and will be split across 2 age ranges.

Soccer Training -  3 hours per session at £22.50 per hour x 2 sessions = £135 per week for an 8 week taster.

This will run over the course of a year, Fullarton HUb are providing the flood lit pitch free of charge and are seeking furthter funding to continue this beyiond the 8 week period. There will be no charge for the participants as the cost of living crisis means households have no money for leisure activities. We want this to be as inclusive as possible.

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Empowering Girls Through Rugby

2024-09-13  •  No comments  •  Victoria Frater  •  Irvine

This initiative promotes gender equality by encouraging participation and boosting confidence. The U14s Girls Team, which currently has 7 regular players, which has doubled since August 2023 and they are currently using the Irvine Ladies’ old kit designed for men, not tailored for female players. By providing gender-specific rugby kits, we aim to ensure the girls feel comfortable and better prepared, enhancing their performance and overall experience on the field. Through our attached development plan, we aim to increase the number of girls playing over the next few years. Introducing a dedicated kit will boost visibility, encourage participation, and reinforce our commitment to gender equality in sports, fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment that empowers female players to thrive.

The proposed costs are for 12 of each:

Female fitted shorts £200

Female fitted rugby shirts £800

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Irvine and Dreghorn Youth Brass Band

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  Alister C  •  Irvine

We are a community youth brass band based in Dreghorn. Our youth brass band plays at various events each year e.g. community concerts, school events, festivals, Christmas carolling. We also provide free or low cost after school music lessons and equipment for young people. We have c. 45 members in our groups. Young people who participate in our bands and our audiences obtain mental well-being and educational and personal development benefits from musical activity. Our members come from schools all over North Ayrshire (we have c. 10 schools represented).

Any funding obtained would go towards our uniform costs and supporting attendance and National Youth Brass Band of Scotland courses.

Our young people have yellow hoodies which identifies us at concerts and festivals and gives us an identity and encourages team behaviours. Although we pass hoodies down we need to replenish the sweatshirts regularly as they wear out and young people grow. We are requesting funds for 25 hoodies to replace worn out ones and replenish stocks.

Several of our young people are members of the National Youth Brass Band of Scotland (NYBBS). We actively encourage participation as it supports musical and personal development. The band provides a small subsidy for members attending of the residential summer course each year. The courses last one week and are expensive. In 2024 we had 7 young people attend the course and the band provided a £100 subsidy, however parents / families provided most of the cost. We hope to increase attendees in 2025 (we are estimating 8) and we’d like to provide a larger subsidy and also remove finance as a barrier to any young person attending. Part of the requested amount will go towards our subsidy fund for attendees.  NYBBS residential course has master classes, small group practice and full band rehearsals to provide the opportunity for some serious music making for the students while ‘extra curricular’ events take place too. Culminating in an end of course concert. Almost 200 students took part during 2024 and we’d love to increase the North Ayrshire representation. Costs breakdown : Uniform - hoodies    25 @ £18 = £450 NYBBS attendee subsidy  8 @ £60 = £480 Total £930 Additional NYBBS subsidy costs to be provided from band funds / other fundraising.   

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North Ayrshire Champions Board

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  laurissamonaghan  •  Irvine

Group of secondary age pupils who are expeirenced who come together monthly to discuss the things in care that affect them.  The time is also used to build friendships and develop new skill s like team building, event planning and much more. We are looking to use the funds to enable us to become a more established group and to buy resources that we can use to make stuff that help us stand out such as tshirts, badges ect.   Our main aim is to buy resources such as arts equipment and distraction tools that we can create a calming box for other care experienced young people in our locality/school that we can give out which also can include information on our group to let them know we are here for them but we would also include print out's that may be helpful to them in their care journey. 

£200 - Merch

£800 - Resources


2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Morgan Blackie  •  Irvine

We have previously been lucky enough to secure Youth PB in 23/24 which allowed us to provide free bite to eat during each group for 10 months as this is something that the young people attending the centre where often asking for. Being able to provide young people with a free bite to eat and drink has allowed us to help relive the cost of living crisis from young people and their families. Which is why we would like to be able to continue having this as part of our programme. As well as our free snacks at the youth groups, the centre also hosts “Food chat and chill” on a Sunday evening which is one of our most popular groups this provides young people with a free hot meal. Between the snacks at through the week and food chat and chill the centre has been able to provide over 150 young people with a free meal in the last 10 months. We would like to be able to continue our choice of tuckshop sweets for young people to choose one per night and a range of juice for young people to access. We would also like to stock a range of noodles for young people to have when they are visiting.   

water/diluting juice - £200

tuckshop snacks and crisps - £300

noodles/bread/poptarts - £500

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5th Dreghorn Brownies

2024-09-04  •  No comments  •  oliviaerinhughes  •  Irvine

Teamwork is essential in Girl Guiding, as it fosters collaboration, communication, and mutual support among young women, empowering them to achieve common goals while building essential life skills. Through shared experiences in activities, projects, and leadership roles, girls learn the value of diverse perspectives and collective problem-solving, which not only enhances their confidence but also prepares them to navigate both their personal and professional futures. By emphasizing cooperation and solidarity, Girl Guiding nurtures a strong sense of community among young women, inspiring them to become proactive, resilient leaders who can make a positive impact in their communities and beyond. 

Team-building trips for Brownies are essential as they foster a sense of belonging, enhance social skills, and build camaraderie among the girls. These experiences facilitate cooperation and communication, teaching them how to work together towards common goals while having fun. Engaging in outdoor activities and challenges strengthens friendships, boosts self-confidence, and encourages resilience. Additionally, such trips allow Brownies to develop problem-solving skills in a supportive environment, contributing to their overall personal growth and instilling values of teamwork and leadership.

Annual costs 

Hall - £88

Crafts - £300

Science centre sleepover trip 

Cost per girl/leader - £30

20 Brownies - 4 Leaders - £720

North Ayrshire Darts Academy

North Ayrshire Darts Academy

2024-09-09  •  No comments  •  Rosalyn17  •  Irvine

We are a non profit and self funded ever expanding youth darts academy and our members have grown considerably since January we currently have a waiting list of 10 youths awaiting a space at NADA.  We are always needing new dart boards due to the numbers of children using them, we also host Scottish ranking competitions throughout the year and need top of the range boards for these dsays.  We pride ourselves on supplying the necessary equipment to youths who may not be able to afford them such as sets of darts, cases, shirts and stems/flights.

8 x Winmau Blade 6 dart boards(£64.99 each)

5 shirts (Various sizes) £20 each

Sets of darts, Stems, flights


Showtime Youth Theatre

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Tricia  •  Irvine

The money would be used to put on a Theatre Show in March 2025 to assist with costumes, props and scenery. By participating in this production, the young people gain skills with performing and working together which builds their mental and physical wellbeing, communication and teamwork skills and builds confidence and trust. In addition to gaining life skills, they have fun and grow together. The Showtime Youth Theatre assists young people to express themselves; gain confidence with public activities and ensures that nursery, primary and secondary school young people interact and develop together. The culmination of learning songs, dances and acting skills creates a fantastic performance. The young people are working very hard every week to learn their new dances/routines and whilst we have auditions for the lead parts, all young people have an active and inclusive part to play whether it is in acting, dancing, singing or drama. This builds not only confidence but also maintains positive mental and physical wellbeing and entertains the people of Ayrshire whilst being a fun activity. A main aim is the development of our young people and to watch them grow throughout the years but we also wish for our local community in Ayrshire to thrive and we therefore try to source and support our local businesses as much as we can.

The Showtime Youth Theatre is an integral part of Irvine life as the young people participate in Marymass, put on shows at Fullarton Connexions, for the Ayrshire Hospice and sing Christmas Carols within local Supermarkets. The young people also learn the value of team work, kindness, community spirit and about the Irvine locality through participating in local events and when they bag pack, sing and fundraise in local shops and supermarkets.

The main benefactors of the funding are the young people but it is also the Instructors, drama and dance teachers, friends and family who get to enjoy all the hard work when they see the performances and smiles on the young people's faces.

Costumes - ready made outfits and dance costumes –10 x £15 - £150;  30 x £20 - £600; 10 x £10 - £100;  = £850.00

Material, thread/ribbon/accessories -  £50 (material); £50 (accessories and threads) = £100.00

Props - paint/brushes/materials (paper/cardboard) for handmade elements  – £50.00