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Largs Cluster leaders & Events support

L Largs Academy Sports Council.  •  2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  North Coast  • 

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Investment project code: 787

Estimated Price



The Largs Cluster Leaders initiative seeks funding to provide rural schools with after-school sports, led by trained leaders, ensuring equal access to coaching and access to central events that will allow all pupils opportunity to participate


The Largs Cluster Senior Pupils / Leaders initiative seeks funding to support the development of more after-school sports opportunities and events at rural schools within the Largs cluster. This project aims to provide equal access to high-quality sporting experiences for pupils in remote areas, helping to overcome social isolation / geographical barriers , that can limit participation in organized physical activities centrally. 

By empowering Largs Cluster senior Pupils / Leaders we will organize and deliver after-school sports sessions and events, enhancing pupils' physical wellbeing, teamwork, and leadership skills. These activities will be tailored to the specific needs of rural schools, ensuring accessibility and inclusion.

Funding will enable us to:

  • Support senior Leaders to deliver consistent and engaging sporting opportunities across the Largs Cluster
  • Provide transportation for rural schools to participate in after-school events and opportunties,
  • Provide Transportation for young peiple to visit local rural schools to support Sport & Physical Activity opportunties.
  • Organize cluster-wide sporting events that bring together pupils from all Largs Cluster schools, fostering a sense of community and competition.( Football , Netball, Golf, Tennis Basketball ) 
  • Offer additional resources and support to rural schools to help sustain these programs long-term.

This initiative will create lasting impacts by encouraging active, healthy lifestyles and enhancing social connections for young people across the Largs Cluster. Your support will ensure that Largs Cluster schools and their pupils have the same opportunities to participate in and enjoy the benefits of regular, structured sports activities. 


Location: Largs Academy, skelmorlie, Cumbrae,

Don't have defined milestones