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Kilwinning Rangers 2013's

B Brown#2024  •  2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Kilwinning  • 

Kilwinning Rangers 2013's
Kilwinning Rangers 2013's

Investment project code: 695

Estimated Price



Kilwinning Rangers 2013's are a community club, who are proud to offer young children the opportunity to participate in football. We are striving to give our team as many opportunities to grow as footballers and people. A successful application would help us to let the players experience tournaments, at no cost to the parents and also help with purchasing much needed equipment.


Football trips and camps - we would love to give our parents and young players the opportunity to experience football trips and camps out with our local community. The money will be used to ensure that all young people are able to take part and no one will be left behind. This will take the burden often felt by parents and allow young people to have the same experiences regardless of their parents financial income. We are looking to enter the team into several tournaments where they will compete against higher opposition which in turn will help them develop and become better players.

Tournament fees £200 (per tournament) 

Bus hire: £200

Estimated total: £600

Equipment - We are also keen to provide our young players with top of the range training equipment such as: footballs, cones, goals, hurdles and bibs. The current resources we have are dated and well used which does our team a disservice. By upgrading our equipment we feel it gives our team a better chance to improve and better their skills.

Estimated total: £200

Football Strips - We have recently recruited some new players as we transition from 9's to 11 aside which leaves us short of kit for all the new recruits. We would like to purchase new kit packs for our players so they feel like a full member of our team.

Estimated cost: £200

Proposed on behalf of: Kilwinning Rangers 2013's

Don't have defined milestones