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Junior Bowlers

A Ardrossan Indoor Bowling Club  •  2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Three Towns  • 

Anyone For Bowls?
Anyone For Bowls?

Investment project code: 627

Estimated Price



Ardrossan Indoor Bowling Club is the only facility in North Ayrshire for Indoor Bowling. As it is situated in Ardrossan it is used primarily by young people from the Three Towns of Ardrossan, Saltcoats and Stevenson. The Club provides an opportunity for young people to be involved in non mainstream sports. The Club has had a degree of success and currently have players who hold the titles of under 18 and under 21 Scottish Champions and the under 25 World Champion.


Encourage participation from a greater number of young people within the Three Towns by having Open Events/Try Bowls Events - £300

Provide expenses to the young people of the Club who compete in Championship Events - £400

Continue with our Breakfast Project, providing food/drinks at Saturday morning training sessions - £300

Location: The Three Towns comprises Ardrossan, Saltcoats and Stevenson. This is an area of social deprivation with a lack of facilities for young people to meet in a warm, safe, supervised environment.

Proposed on behalf of: Ardrossan Indoor Bowling Club

Don't have defined milestones