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Youth Voice Engagement Event (Pupil Councils)

N North Ayrshire Executive Youth Committee  •  2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  Three Towns  • 

Example of the graphic artists work
Example of the graphic artists work

Investment project code: 622

Estimated Price



We want to make sure you have a voice. We’ll use the money to have an event bringing youth groups together to make sure there is a minimum standard for pupil councils across all our schools.


As a group that has representation across most of our secondary schools we have consulted with other young people to ask them about their pupil councils and youth voice groups.  Through doing this it was clear there was no consistency or a minimum standard of what they do or the support they get to ensure that young peoples voices are heard across the school community.  We feel as a group there needs to be guidance to support school staff and the young people.  It shouldn’t come down to what school you go to determine how involved you are allowed to be in decisions that affect you. 

We would use this money to bring together groups of young people to support us in writing a Pupil Council Toolkit and Charter that schools would sign up for.  This would involve around 50 young people from across North Ayrshire.  This would make sure schools have a minimum standard for their pupil councils in schools.  With young peoples rights now part of Scots Law, it is more important than ever that Article 12 (young people having a voice and having platforms to use it) is put into action across our local authority.

By bringing these young people together we would write, design and create a Pupil Council Toolkit that would launch in partnership with schools, to support running effective pupil councils.  The Toolkit would have information, guidelines and templates for these groups to run effectively and allow young people a ‘seat at the table’ to influence decisions that affect them.

The event will take place at Ardeer community centre. 


Catering Costs – Snacks and refreshments for the day - £250

Money towards graphic artist – Working with a graphic artist who will sketch in real time, simple graphics of the groupsdiscussions as they happen. We can watch the visuals unfold and get to see the big picture develop as the conversation grows giving us actionable results from the event. £920

The remainder of the event costs would be covered from a small pot of funding we have secured for the Pupil Council Toolkit.

Location: This is the central meeting base for the group and the joint forum events.

Proposed on behalf of: The North Ayrshire Executive Youth Council is a group of 12 young people that has representation across all localities, including our 4 Members of Scottish Youth Parliament. We are the over-arching representative group for youth voice, participation and democracy across North Ayrshires children and young people.

Don't have defined milestones