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Ghillie Dhu Crew

G Ghillie Dhu Crew  •  2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  Irvine  • 

Our pledge (posed by models)
Our pledge (posed by models)

Investment project code: 614

Estimated Price



The Ghillie Dhu groups support children who have all experienced early adversity & trauma. Most struggle to express & manage their feelings, or to understand others. This can result in community-based clubs and organisations, which are a positive experience for most of their peers, being overwhelming for them. With the support of trained & experienced volunteers, the children's ability to regulate their behaviour and emotions increase and they have the experience of being included.


The Ghillie Dhu groups were recognised by the SCVO as a voluntary organisation in May 2024 (Organisation name; Friends of the Ghillie Dhu, reg number; 8890). The groups have been in existence for 5 years. Referrals come mainly from North Ayrshire Council's Children & Families teams throughout North Ayrshire, parents can refer children and the group includes some whose adoptive parents have found the groups to be the only organisation in which their children recieve the high level of adult support to allow them to participate fully and have a positive experience.The aim of the group is  helping the children to trust and regulate their emotions, to promote kindness to others and to help the children learn social skills which can help them  progress to participating in mainstream community children's organisatiions. The group continued online throughout Covid restrictions and the children have shown continuing enthusiasm for attending. We have our own Face Book page - The Ghillie Dhu Crew, pleased look us up and like. 

There are two groups (over and under 8's) which meet in the Volunteer Rooms in Irvine, only the cost of the venue is met by the council. The costs of activities, crafts, the group sweatshirts with our logo and the children's evening snacks and celebrating events, such as Halloweeen are all met by fund raising. The children's sweatshirts need replacing (app £18 each) and the cost of craft and other materials is £250-300 per year. It is hoped that in the new session, 2024/2025 funding will stretch to organising guests who could provide therapeutic experiences such as puppet making and animal& wildlife awareness. The amount applied for is to assist with all these costs. 


Location: The benefits to the children affect families throughout North Ayrshire who bring their children to the groups in Irvine.

Proposed on behalf of: Friends of the Ghillie Dhus.

Don't have defined milestones