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Project Progress - Leaders Unlocked

E Ellie @ Leaders Unlocked  •  2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  Irvine  • 

Project Progress Logo
Project Progress Logo

Investment project code: 607

Estimated Price



Project Progress is a youth led, anti-bigotry project. This legacy project came about after the North Ayrshire Mental Health Commission (see attached report) revealed that young people in North Ayrshire believe that one of the biggest contributors to poor mental health, was bigotry and discrimination that they witness and experience every day.


At Project Progress our Young Leaders are dedicated to making change in their community by educating other young people on how to deal with and counteract bigotry and discrimination when they see it happening. By using their voices in leading interactive workshops within local community groups, and also beginning to develop a training toolkit, they are already making great headway with this three year project.

Creativity is embedded in our work at Project Progress, our young people have taken a great interest in trying processes such as printmaking, cyanotypes and photography. 

We would like to apply for £1000 for materials to continue providing the workshops we do. We would like to purchase art materials to replenish the ones we have already used in our workshops and also allow us to experiment with new media that our young leaders might not have had the chance to try yet. Once our Young Leaders have gone through the process of experimentation, we intend to roll youth led workshops out to young people across the Irvine area. we believe our approach to youth devised and led creative experiences is unique within North Ayrshire and the funds available through this PB would support the ambition of our young people to engage with more of their peers. 


Proposed breakdown of costs:

  • gel printing plates (2 sizes, 4 plates)- £206.36
  • block printing inks (waterbased)- £138.00
  • mini printing press- £112.79
  • workshop handouts (x100 copies)- £100
  • stationary- £96.54
  • coloured sugar paper- £82.99
  • low tack masking tape (20 rolls)- £69.40
  • cutting mats (A2 x2)- £41.98
  • newsprint paper- £47.98
  • metal letter stencils- £28.66
  • inking rollers (100mm x 5)- £28.75
  • pritt sticks (x20)- 23.80
  • round ended scissors (x2 right-handed, x2left-handed)- £19.16
  • foam patterned inking rollers- £3.59

Total- £1000


Location: Initially in Irvine with a North Ayrshire wide reach.

Proposed on behalf of: Leaders Unlocked

Don't have defined milestones