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Kilwinning Rangers Girls Under 10's

S Stephaniecampbell  •  2024-09-09  •  No comments  •  Kilwinning  • 

Kilwinning Rangers Girls Under 10s Team
Kilwinning Rangers Girls Under 10s Team

Investment project code: 595

Estimated Price



We are newly formed youth girls football team and we are looking for a cash injection to enable us to purchase much required training equipment and kit. We also strive to hold a Players Award Night to acknowledge the girls hard work and dedication over the past 10 months.


The girls began playing together in January 2024, with many of these girls having not played in team football matches before they have excelled with their skills and continue to work hard both at training and at their games.  We wish to build on the football equipment we have to ensure that we can continue to build on the skills the girls have achieved thus far.  We also wish to acknowledge the girls hard work and determination over the past year by holding a Players Award Night and After Party, this is to show the girls how proud we are of them and enstil our belief in them.  All girls will receive a trophy and a medal at the Players Award Night, dedicacted to them and the skill which they have mastered over the past 9 months within the football team - this is to ensure inclusivity and that all the girls confidence and mental wellbeing is boosted.  The after party is a bit of fun for the girls for after the awards, this will include DJ, Food and Bouncy Castle to allow the girls to spend some social time together for team building.


Training Equipment and Kit costs £520, this includes new footballs, spare shin pads, spare training kits and match kits

Player Awards Night and After Party £380, this includes purchasing of trophies and medals (having these engraved), catering, hall hire, bouncy castle hire and DJ hire

Location: Kilwinning Community Sports Club, Pennyburn Road, Kilwinning

Don't have defined milestones