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52nd Ayrshire -Saltcoats - District Camp for Scouts , Cubs and Beavers

K KYou85  •  2024-09-09  •  No comments  •  Three Towns  • 

Campfire Songs
Campfire Songs

Investment project code: 592

Estimated Price



We would like to apply for funding for our three sections to attend the 2025 District Camp. Our aim is to subsidise the camp for every young person in order to support families dealing with the impact of the cost of living crisis. We would like to provide every young person with the opportunity to attend by covering the costs of food and activities. We would like to apply for £1,000 towards this.


52nd Ayrshire operates from St Mary's Church Hall, our three sections run each week on a Tuesday and Thursday Most of our children and young people are resident in Saltcoats with a few who travel from Stevenston and Ardrossan.


We provide indoor and outdoor activities for children and young people aged 6yrs - 25 yrs. We provide activities that support health and well-being and that build confidence independence and self-esteem. We strive to provide activities that are fun , exciting and that will create memories that will last forever. Our young people are decision makers and they are involved in the design, planning and implementation of programmes and activities


The North Ayrshire and Arran District organise a District camp every two years for all young people (both male and female) who attend Scouting organisations. Young people range in ages from 6yrs up to 25yr. 


The next camp will take place in June 2025 from a Friday afternoon to late Sunday afternoon.


During this time, young people will participate in indoor and outdoor activities with others from across the District. Some young people will camp outdoors while others will stay inside in dormitories or hobbit huts.


Over the weekend, they will take part in a variety of activities, the vast majority being outdoors, whatever the weather! In the past, activities have included:





Backwoods cooking

Den building

Late night Hike and Camp Fire


Low ropes/high ropes



During camp we will provide everyone with all of their meals, as well as snacks including fruit and hot and cold drinks through the day.

Location: 52nd Ayrshire is a part of North Ayrshire and Arran District and the Scout association whose rules govern how we operate. 52nd Ayrshire comprises of 3 sections of Scouts , Cubs and Beavers. We also have young people aged 16-25yrs on our leadership team in all sections . The Values of Scouting - as Scouts we are guided by these values: Integrity - We act with integrity; we are honest, trustworthy and loyal. Respect - We have self-respect and respect for others. Care - We support others and take care of the world in which we live. Belief - We explore our faiths, beliefs and attitudes. Co-operation - We make a positive difference; we co-operate with others and make friends. The Scout Method Scouting takes place when young people, in partnership with adults, work together based on the values of Scouting and: enjoy what they are doing and have fun, take part in activities indoors and outdoors, learn by doing share in spiritual reflection, take responsibility and make choices, undertake new and challenging activities, make and live by their Promise.

Don't have defined milestones