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Balance & Bliss CIC

L Leanne Smith  •  2024-09-06  •  No comments  •  Three Towns  • 

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Investment project code: 582

Estimated Price



Seeking funding for Balance and Bliss CIC to provide holistic therapies like reflexology, Reiki, and sound healing/baths. Our goal is to improve community wellbeing and support vulnerable groups of all ages.


Balance and Bliss CIC: Enhancing Community Wellbeing

We are applying for £1000 to raise awareness of how holistic therapies can improve mental health and wellbeing, particularly for vulnerable groups. Our goal is to break barriers to accessing support and foster a supportive community.

Funding Breakdown:

  • Hall Hire - £250: To provide a welcoming space for our sessions.
  • Drinks and Snacks - £150: To nurture conversation and connection during sessions.
  • Resources/Crafts - £600: For materials needed in our activities and therapies.

Mini Taster Treatments: To introduce therapies like reflexology, Reiki, EFT, and sound baths.

Our holistic, trauma-informed approach includes therapies such as reflexology, Reiki, EFT, sound healing, and more. We aim to improve physical and mental wellbeing, address social isolation, and promote healthy lifestyles. By focusing on vulnerable groups, we build confidence, skills, and resilience, fostering positive personal and community change. We believe that a community that supports each other thrives.

This funding will help us provide 10 sessions/groups, ensuring each is well-supported with a welcoming space, refreshments to foster conversation, and necessary materials for activities and therapies. This will enable us to improve mental health and wellbeing, particularly for vulnerable groups, and bring the community together.



Location: The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivations ranks North Ayrshire as one of the highest places within Scotland for people experiencing disadvantage, limited opportunities, higher crime rates, and poor health. These challenges contribute to reduced life expectancy and overall poor health across all age groups. Impact on Children: Children who suffer from Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are affected throughout their lifetime. ACEs can lead to mental health issues, trauma, and other long-term consequences. Need for Stronger Communities: I recognise the need for stronger communities to positively impact people’s lives, health, and aspirations. Strengthening community bonds can provide essential support networks and resources.

Proposed on behalf of: We envision a supportive community network where individuals of all ages can thrive, uplift each other, and find their paths to balance and bliss. We believe that a community that supports each other thrives. With extensive experience in trauma-informed practice, we work with the most vulnerable groups within the community. Our founder has over 20 years of experience working with children and families, ensuring a deep understanding of their needs. This experience and expertise have fuelled our passion and drive to offer holistic therapies to those most in need, breaking down barriers such as cost, stigma, and anxiety. We know how effective these treatments are in helping mental health, with feedback including: “new lease of life,” “never slept so well,” “not feeling anxious,” “got my spark back,” and “I don’t feel sore anymore.” Our Approach: • Inclusivity: Welcoming all community members, regardless of background or ability, with tailored programmes to meet diverse needs. • Accessibility: Designing activities to be accessible to everyone, considering physical and financial limitations. • Community Engagement: Actively seeking feedback and collaborating with local organisations to improve our services. • Sustainability: Striving for environmental and financial sustainability, using resources wisely and seeking supportive partnerships. • Continuous Improvement: Committed to ongoing evaluation and adaptation of our programmes to ensure effectiveness and relevance. By supporting our group, you are investing in a dynamic and responsive organisation deeply committed to the wellbeing of children and families in our community.

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