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Pennyburn Parent Council - Children equality first

P Pennyburn Primary Parent Council  •  2024-08-29  •  No comments  •  Kilwinning  • 


Investment project code: 544

Estimated Price



We are looking to secure funding which will be used to support the pupils and families of Pennyburn Primary School & Early Years. The funding will be used for transport costs which will allow pupils to attend events mainly the annual festive pantomime. Securing this funding will ensure that we can remove the costs for local families during the cost of living period we find ourselves in. We want to make sure no child misses out in 2024, equality for every child!


We want to ensure all children can take part even if there parents or gaurdians are unable to fund the events!

These opertunties will be out with the learning funded by the local authority and will give every child long lasting memories aditionally this will give local families releaf finansually. Some of the funding will be used for Halloween, Christmas and Easter events with this funding we can ensure every child celebrates and bring joy to there childhood. 

Transport Cost: £680

Celebration Cost: £320

Location: We are a parent council group, who strive to positively support and guide the pupils & families at Pennyburn Park Primary.

Proposed on behalf of: Pennyburn Primary Parent Council

Don't have defined milestones