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Investment projects with scope: Three Towns

Total budget £29,288


West Coast Crucible Gaming Group

2024-09-17  •  No comments  •  Trina MacDonald  •  Three Towns

The group was set up after 3 men in their 40s got back into their teenage hobby of painting warhammer miniatures during the Covid Lockdowns and reconnected on social media.  Each of them suffered from social anxiety and found reintegrating extremely difficult.  After a few years of chatting together online the idea to set up a small gaming group to actually play the games was discussed.  After publishing the idea on social media 18 people showed interest so the group went ahead. Initially it was expected that it would be experienced players with their own miniatures that would be attending however the first meeting saw 9 people attend, 5 of which were new to the hobby and didnt own any of their own equipment.  The second meeting had 19 attendees with 8 of them having to use equipment supplied by the group.  

To continue the group and allow it to grow a lot more equipment will be required to allow everyone a chance to take part, especially the youngsters who have joined who dont have the ability to purchase their own kits.  Each starter box which allows 2 participants to play costs £110 and the club needs a minimum of 4 boxes to allow everyone to take part.  The other side of the hobby which most partipants find really aids their mental health is building and painting the miniatures so a space is being planned that will be fully stocked to allow the beginners to learn and enjoy that side of the hobby too.  Modelling tools and paints for this will cost.about £200. The group also provides tea, coffee and soft drinks for the attendees.

The let fees for the room at the Argyle Centre are £175 for the first year.


S.A.S. explorer scout unit

2024-08-27  •  No comments  •  A J Dodds  •  Three Towns

The explorer unit is based in the three towns and is made up of young people aged between 14 and 18 years of age. The unit leaders are unable to supply the adventurous activities that the young persons wish to take part in. These activities are available at the nation Scout Outdoor Activity centre at Lochgoilhead. They would be able to take part in activities like abseiling, climbing, mountain biking, burn run, sailing and kayaking . We plan to attend there in March 2025 which would allow us time to raise sufficient funds to attend. The total cost for this project is £2050. The cost includes accommodation, food, all activities and safety equipment. We plan to take a party of 12 persons to this event. Booking for the centre is £167 per head. Total of £2004. Transport by private cars is estimated at £46 to cover fuel costs.




Saltcoats Healthy Walking Group

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  ReeceHarvie_1997  •  Three Towns

Our friendly and welcoming walking group meets every Thursday for two hours, rain or shine, to enjoy a healthy walk, refreshments and good company. It keeps everyone active and is beneficial to mental and physical health and fitness. Everyone is respected and everyone supports each other. It not only provides participants with routine and something to look forward to each week but it also helps to tackle people’s feelings of social isolation, loneliness and poor confidence while creating a sense of community and belonging.  In a nutshell, it offers the opportunity to meet new faces and make new friends while being outdoors. Boosting social interaction, self-confidence and resilience.

The funding we're applying for would be spent as follows:

  • Cost of weekly teas, coffees, cuppa soups and fruit and packed lunches
  • Cost of additional equipment – reusable water bottles, waterproofs and high viz jackets, new flasks and cups and new first aid kit
  • Cost of travel out with Saltcoats – experience new walks further afield - walkers can discover themselves as they discover new routes
  • Cost of training for New Walking Leaders, First Aid, Group Facilitation,
  • Cost of promoting and growing the group within the community
Saltcoats High Flats

High Flats Afternoon Club

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  High Flats Afternoon Club  •  Three Towns

We would like to apply for funding to take the residents of Saltcoats High Flats on trips and outings throughout the year. As an older community of people with a range of mobility needs, many of us live by ourselves. We can go days without talking to people. The High Flats Afternoon Club brings us together with the common theme of living in the same buidling. 

We would like to be able to book some trips and days out but due to many different mobility needs, such as walking frames, sticks etc, we need accessible transport. Transport is very expensive and if we were to get £800, we could use a varierty of taxis, minibus or small bus hires to take us on some days out. 

£500 for transport costs

£300 for entrance fees, food and drink etc.

Tuesday Womens Group

The Tuesday Womens Group Expansion

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  TheTuesdayWomensGroup  •  Three Towns

We are looking to raise £800 to continue and expand our group.

£200 for crafts and resources

£200 for food

£400 for trips and outings.

One of our members recently said, "i was sitting alone in the house with no-one to talk too and now I have a purpose on a Tuesday morning, have somewhere to go, have made new friends and look forward to taking part in things again. The winter doesnt look so bad now."

By bringing local women together we are offering a sense of purpose, building reslience and promoting independence.

Hayocks Primary Parent Council

School Trips

2024-09-05  •  No comments  •  Hayocks primary parent council 2023  •  Three Towns

- To provide children with positive experiences alongside their peers, this can help to build relationships and enhance friendships which is important for mental health.

- Children can learn and develop new skills during educational trips, this can also support outdoor learning.

- This fund would provide transport and any additional costs for trips.

- This will improve health & wellbeing, the most important expense for trips to support families would be transport, this would allow children and families to access good experiences together.

- The parent council will organise transport for children and families.

- Families who have been affected by the cost of living would benefit from their children being included in trips that they would not be able to afford.

Buses: £750

Snacks: £250

Argyle Community Shop

Argyle Community Shop

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Argyle Community Association  •  Three Towns

The ongoing cost of liviing crisis is continueing to have a significant impact on households ability to eat, heat and survive. We are looking to continue to support our community be being able to offer the range of foods that we currently have. Due to ongoing price rises, the community shop will not be able to provide the same choice and range of products if we are unable to secure funding to achieve this. Having access to a range of foods, provides a dignified support for families when they are at their most vulnerable.

£1000 would allow us to purchase food over a 3 month period, which will take us over the depth of winter when energy bills are highest for families. This equates to £83.33 per week and we support approx 65 household each week which is only £1.28 per household per week for food. 


Wellbeing bereavement space

2024-09-16  •  No comments  •  NODAAyrshire  •  Three Towns

We run a bereavement group open to members of the general public who have experienced loss and would like to attend the group to talk.  We also provide a space for those who'd like to simply have a cuppa in the company of others sharing the same issue, or who wish to feel into their grief in a safe space without intervention.  

We can now also offer CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and hypnotherapy for those who need it and we provide training for those experiencing anticipatory grief.  Helping them prepare for the stages of dying, in particular for the emotional care of their loved one at the end of life.

We will use the money to pay a counsellor/psychologist to attend our bereavement group for 10 weeks, also working one to one with people in the local area using CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and Hypnotherapy where needed.

Youtube link -

Liking and sharing our posts regularly on social media helps us enormously to build our profile locally.  Please consider helping in this way.

Stevenston Livingstone players panto 261123 cast and crew[16033] (1).jpg

Clear Sound Microphone Bid

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  Livingstone Players  •  Three Towns

The Pantomime with Livingstone Players has really grown this year and we have doubled the number of young people involved since we reopened after Covid shutdown. The microphones will ensure that actors and singers are heard by everyone in the audience. We have the technology to control the feedback and audio interference but ideally the more microphones we have the less are shared and it avoids errors that can happen when one is shared with a few people as may have different functions for each user which puts stress on sound team so ideally we need more so that we can be as professional as possible. 

We have added another performance to offering so 6 shows this year rather than 5 so equipment used more and we want to be the first choice of Pantomime for local people.

Microphones are called Sennheiser XSW 2-ME2 GB Band lapel set at £333 including VAT. We want to have 3


3rd Ardrossan Rainbows

2024-08-27  •  No comments  •  Kerry Elliott  •  Three Towns

We run a unit at the Ardrossan Parish Church for girls aged 4 to 7. We have 24 girls currently with a large waiting list. 

We would love to be able to take the girls to the newmilns ski slope for a trip and purchase new craft materials. It would also allow us to purchase more badges and awards for the girls.