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Eligible applications: Three Towns

Total budget £29,288

Three Towns Shutter Bugs

Three Towns Shutter Bugs

2024-09-20  •  No comments  •  3Tshutterbugs  •  Three Towns

We are applying for funding to allow us to promote and increase group membership and to help increase ways for participants to share their art. The art of photography is a skill that can be learned and  applied by nearly everyone. The group has already undertaken a successful exhibition, and produced postcards to raise funds. We want to have a further exhibition, to produce more postcards of members photography and sell these to raise funds for local charities.  We feel that participants sharing their photography will raise their confidence and promote wellness and postive mental health. The postcard and exhibition aspect of the project will showcase what is good about the Three Towns rather than 'buy into' negative views and opinions, thereby promoting community spirit and appreciation. costs will be as follows, print cartridges - £200, Mounting Boards - £80, Postcard printing £100, Banner/flag £200, Craft knifes/tape/backing card £100, travel costs £200.


Grapevine Theatre CIC working with young people

Performance in 3 days with Ardeer Primary School

2024-09-20  •  No comments  •  Grapevine Theatre CIC  •  Three Towns

This project will consist of three days of workshops with fifty 9–11-year-olds from Ardeer Primary School. The project will be in connection with the 'Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival', exploring the festival's theme of 'In/Visible' using Shaun Tan's beautiful picture book, 'The Red Tree'. The process will begin by using drama activities to explore these themes, then will delve into drama skills and confidence building, which will set the young people up to create a performance that will be shared with the rest of the school and wider community of parents, carers and guardians. This project will focus on the process to get to the performance, putting the young people’s learning and development in the forefront of the work. The project will allow young people to explore mental health themes, ensuring they are relevant for their ages, for example, friendships and belonging. We aim to engage the wider school community by getting other classes to help with prop making, so they can feel connected to the performance even if they aren’t onstage themselves. This prop making will use origami to create paper boats to be used within the performance; a motif from 'The Red Tree'.  The young people will then be asked to write on their boat what tools they use to 'stay above water'- what do they do to ensure they are maintaining their wellbeing? Drama is a brilliant tool to build community spirit, as each performer can present something they are proud of and share it with their audience of supporters who will come out of the event with a shared experience that can bring them together. This is why it is so important we bring this unique project to the Ardeer community.

Cost Breakdown

2 Theatre Facilitators delivery and planning:  £780

Travel: £100

Workshop materials: £40

Performance materials: £80

Total: £1,000

For a breakdown of the materials needed please see the attached document.

Our Wellbeing Matters - Mayfield Primary House Captains

Our Wellbeing Matters - Mayfield Parent Council and Mayfield House Captains

2024-09-20  •  No comments  •  •  Three Towns

Vision of Project - Create a Wellbeing Corner and Volunteer Programme of Activities at Lunch time and Afterschool. 

We are House Captains of Mayfiled Primary School.  We applied to be house captains to lead and support children and young people, to listen to children's views, to work with teachers to help with learning and to encourage volunteering in and outside our school.  As school captains, monitors and buddy's we would like the funding to help us grow as leaders.  - (House Captain Application and video link to see our ideas)

Project 1 - Volunteer Programme to support Lunch Time and Afterschool Activities (Theme - Health & Wellbeing, Building Community Spirit and Cost of Living).

Our school does not have any lunch time or afterschool clubs.  We want to lead on lunch time and afterschool activities and with the help of our teachers and parent council who can help by volunteering their time and help us bring in funding for resources.  We would like money from PB to purchase 2 new adjustable basketball stands so the big and wee ones can play.  We asked our houses what we needed and went a walk around our school playground.  We only have 1 basketball net and its older than Mr Faulds so the JANNIE SAID.  We did our research and found these for 249.99 each and we need 2.

Project 2 - Our Wellbeing Corner (Theme - Health & Wellbeing, Community Spirit, Cost of Living and Green Projects)

Part of our walk around we noticed that there is not anywhere for young people to sit together outdoors.  We would like to turn a corner of our playground into a wellbeing corner.  We would like money for picnic benches and planters.  We called a local men's shed.  They said if we got the PB money they would make them for us and would only charge us for the wood - We thought this was an absolute BARGAIN!!! The space we looked at you can see the fields behind us and the cows - we thought this area would make the ideal spot.  We as Mayfields House Captains want to introduce FUN, FRIENDLY FRIDAYS where pupils will give at least 1 comliment to someone during our lunch time activity.  We would also like to use the space when we are volunteering as buddy's and mentors as this is an ideal space to put our planters and we can help the wee people grow vegetable and their confidence.  This space would allow us as House Captains to develop our leadership skills using a space that is not used and hopefully recruit more wellbeing wizzards as part of our fun and friendly Friday's.

Basketball Stands 249.99 x 2 = 499.98

3 x Picnic Benches 2 x Planters = 580

Total = 1039.98 (We planning on fundraising for the rest if successful)


Three Towns Growers

Three Towns Growers (3TG) - Look & Learn

2024-09-20  •  No comments  •  Three Towns Growers  •  Three Towns

3TG maintain and manage the Community Allotments, Elm Park, Ardrossan. We are seeking funding to produce 'interpretative' boards to be positioned at key areas within the allotments. These will present visual and textual information. For example, the wildlife pond, and its inhabitants, why biodiversity is important for us all as well as the environment. How the pond benefits growing food. As place to chill and relax and by extension be part of resetting your wellness and mental health. A board at the community & training plot explaining, whats growing  and how it is governed by the seasons etc. Three further boards (including a site map and information) at other locations on the site. The fund would buy materials to make the boards from scratch, with volunteers from the allotment’s membership, and importantly volunteers from the communities of the Three Towns working together to construct them. The project will introduce people to woodworking, digital design, desktop publishing, and get them working outside gaining an understanding of biodiversity and growing food all at local level. They will be designed so that information can be changed and updated as and when required. The boards will be part of an ongoing move to encourage people to visit the allotment for leisure and relaxation, to experience the 'outdoors' in a safe space. This project will benefit an estimated 40 participants throughout the construction and placement stages, and further 300 - 400 people using the allotment or visiting. 

Costs would be as follows, Clear Acrylic Boards £200, Marine Plyboard £396, Coach Bolts £30, Yacht Varnish £40, fence posts £300, Ducks Black Matt Paint £86, post cement £80. The 3TG will contribute £200 to the project, making a total cost of £1132.

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Environmental survey to support community purchase of Kerelaw

2024-09-20  •  No comments  •  Stevenston Community Company  •  Three Towns

Later this year, we hope to buy Kerelaw - a former country estate in Stevenston – which is a well-loved, well-used, biodiverse greenspace. As part of the supporting documents for the land purchase, we need to submit an environmental survey of the site to the landowner and funder. The survey and resulting report – an ‘extended Phase 1 Habitat survey’ – would map the site’s habitats, note important ecological features, flag the presence of protected species, and provide management advice for the site.

Once we acquire the land, we will improve it for both the local community and biodiversity and seek Local Nature Reserve status from the Council.

The funding we’re applying for (£1000) would part-fund the environmental survey and report, which in total would cost £4626.

Free homemade meals

Food & Heat

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Whitlees centre  •  Three Towns

If we were to be sussessful with the funding the money would help us offer the community the free meal & hot drink 3 times per week so they are able to come along sit in the heat get a hot meal and a wee chat with friends or just to see some friendly faces in the cafe. We would love to offer this throughtout the day from morning to later afternoon as we know people have different circumstances in life and may not be able to get out early and also we want to encourage parents to come in before the school pick up as we know with the cost of living parents may skip a meal and this way they have had something warm to eat before heading home. Also we encourage anyone coming along to the cafe to charge any devices they may have including mobility scooters to try help them save some of their own electricity. We are here to help with any calls that may need to be made regarding any home issues they have, for exmaple if they have any issues with gas or electric and they are unsure how to call for help or advise. 

Cost for running over 3 days per week for 12 weeks

Food cost per week £120

£100 per week for hot drinks


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Art ventures at Flying Start Toddler group

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Josephine Coulter  •  Three Towns

The project is Art Venturers it is a programme designed fo babies and children under three years.  The aim is to develop a childs creativity by providing experiences and opportunities for creative play in a relaxed environment.  Children explore and create at their own pace and develop a sense of well being .  the programme promotes bonding and attachments between the babies and their caregivers.  A professional early years worker leads the sessions and the sessions are planned to support childrns development.

The costs of the project is 20 sessions at £50 per session £1000

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Bluebells and apple trees for Holm Plantation

2024-09-20  •  No comments  •  FRIENDS  •  Three Towns

Building on the tree planting work we have undertaken in Holm Plantation over the past two years, we plan to plant several hundred Bluebell bulbs in the woodland areas at the site and plant an additional 20 apple trees in the community orchard we recently planted there. This would be the latest part of our ongoing attempts to make this greenspace more diverse, interesting and attractive.

The funding we are applying for would be spent as follows:

- £250 for Bluebell bulbs.

- £706 for 20 apple trees, inlcuding delivery.

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Feed our Community

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  IMC Community Fridge  •  Three Towns

IMC Community Fridge is applying for £1000 for the purchase of amibient and chilled foods to ensure good stock levels during the depths of winter. Many people on prepayment meters have to choose whether to heat or eat and we want to enusre that our community can do both where possible. 

£1000 will allow for £100 to be spent per week for a 10 week period to provide soups, ready meals and other tinned produce. 

We anticipate that approx 30 household will benefit per week from this provision.


Chest, Heart and Stroke Group (Saltcoats Library)

2024-09-09  •  No comments  •  JohnWatson2010  •  Three Towns

The group is vital to help each other and build community spirit. Helping each other through living with the day-to-day effects of living with said conditions. The group helps build confidence in each other and helps with each other's health and wellbeing. Creates a positive situation for everyone. While increasing skills and resilience. Group is open to everyone in the three towns locality.

The funding we're applying for would be spent as follows:

Mobility Assistance - travel costs for group participants to attend the fortnightly group and for day outings - as some group members have impaired mobility

Refreshment costs - teas, coffee, milk, sugar, biscuits

Room Hire costs - every fortnight over a year
