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Investment projects with scope: North Coast

Total budget £20,873


Largs Table Tennis Club tournament & equipment boost

2024-09-08  •  No comments  •  tokiapparel  •  North Coast

We would like to run a banded table tennis tournament at Inverclyde Sports Centre this season. A banded tournament would bring to Largs approximately 60–70 players from across Ayrshire and Glasgow for an afternoon's competitive table tennis. Hall hire for 5 hours would be £440. This would be a once-a-year annual event, and as such the cost of the hall hire does not constitute rent for the normal week-to-week running of our club.

 We also need some equipment for our club for the new season. First off, we would like to purchase a training robot to help elevate the skill levels of our existing members. A training robot is also a big draw for younger players. Secondly, we would also like to purchase some new bats, as the ones we currently have are poor and not suited to developing players.

Breakdown of costs:

Hall hire for banded tournament: £440

Entry-level training robot: £200

Starter bats x 8: £80

Intermediate bats and rubbers x 5: £200

Balls (2x120): £75

Total: £995

We currently have £550 in our club account and are able to put £300 towards costs, so we are applying for a total of £695.


Largs Table Tennis Club attracts people from across the North Coast, including Fairlie, West Kilbride, Skelmorlie and Inverkip. Almost two years ago we took advantage of the fact that our town enjoys a state-of-the-art sports facility and a wide array of table tennis equipment by opening our own club in the town. Largs is fast becoming a hotspot of Scottish table tennis; in March, the centre hosted the Scottish Nationals, and in July, Inverclyde hosted the Scottish Parkinson’s International for the second year running. One of our coaches, Paul Carson, attended a supplementary course at the Scottish Parkinson’s International designed to better prepare coaches for people with Parkinson’s attending the club. We have members with Parkinson’s and members with MS. Table tennis is renowned in sports circles for its benefits to people with degenerative and neurological conditions. We aim to embrace all people at our weekly sessions; it is an open group, and you can regularly find a ten-year-old playing with a sixty-year-old, and young and old mixing with people with various disabilities. We are very proud of this fact.

Our club is open to all ages and to encourage everyone we only charge £5 for the two hours session and we have made it FREE for under 18s.

Largs Karate Club Badge

Largs Karate Club, Club T-shirts

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  gary ferguson  •  North Coast

We are a local, volunteer run club that provides instruction in the Martial Art of Shotokan Karate to adults, youth and children. Karate teaches self respect, discipline, respect for others and the importance of healthy exercise. We have run various courses bringing world class instructors to the local area as well as taking part in local, national and international events and competitions. Any money taken in fees helps fund our courses and subsidise our students competition entry fees and or travelling costs.

As a local sports club we are keen to promote positive mental wellbeing as well as physical health, we encourage our members to participate at their own level of fitness whilst providing a variety of exercises to work towards improving their overall fitness and skill level. We have a code of conduct which ensures our members are supported and have polices in place to ensure our club is an inclusive space where participants feel welcome and respected. 

The provision of t-shirts with the club logo will help to raise the profile of the local area and also instil a sense of pride and connection to the area in our students. This will help our members to develop community spirit through a sense of belonging. We hope this will also encourage new members to join enhancing our community. 

The ability to provide these t-shirts at no or little cost to the students also prevents anyone feeling  marginalised in this current difficult financial climate. This will ensure equality and finacial inclusion during the cost of living crisis. This will make joining the Karate club more accessable for those who may not have the finacial resources to access similar activites that require equipment or clothing to participate. 

As a club we are passionate about the enviromental impact. We encourage our members to walk or wheel to the club training sessions where possible as a way to promote positive change to reduce our carbon footprint and encourage enviromental awarness, to this end we are looking at ecologically sound t-shirts utilising organic and recycled materials where possible..

We would seek to purchase around 60 t-shirts as this would allow us to distribute them to our current members as well as encouraging new members to join. 

Purchase of 30 Adult T shirts with logo, including set up cost for logo £400 

Purchase of 30 Kids T shirts with logo: £300.00



Trishaw in Action

Cycling Without Age Scotland: Largs - funding for operation of booking system

2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  Gordon Black  •  North Coast

Description:   Our CWAS Chapter in Largs provides outings of between 20 and 90 minutes along the Promenade for residents in care homes, and individuals at home, giving them spells of fresh air and conversation, plus seeing life along the shore.  The visual stimulation and conversations along the way are hugely beneficial to their physical and emotional wellbeing.

The outings (jaunts) take place on our ‘trishaw’ (see photo) which is powered by one of our volunteer pilots (assisted by a battery) and carries a deserving passenger plus a carer or relative.  We are also happy to take out disabled people of all ages, special schools and children’s and adults’ hospices.

Benefits to Volunteers: The volunteers, once trained and qualified, get a chance to be part of something that makes a real difference to the lives of those in their community. They form friendships and, from the stories they hear on the rides, learn more about their locale. Plus they develop important social skills and their own health will benefit from the exercise and fresh air.  All our volunteers find it a hugely rewarding activity.

Benefits to Passengers:  Our service helps address loneliness and isolation for the elderly and those of all ages less mobile in the local community but it can also be a lifeline to able-bodied people who may have experienced mental health challenges. This unique befriending service is often the highlight of a passenger’s week and something they look forward to.

With an unrestricted view and interested, lively company, fresh air, a slow pace and the chance to interact with passersby (old friends and new), the rides are a highly stimulating experience for many who spend much of their time indoors and on their own. The CWAS Trishaws provide a sustainable form of recreation providing access to the fantastic scenery to those who would otherwise be unable to enjoy those routes. In addition, the opportunity for rides will allow community events to be more inclusive and accessible.

Seeing other people and places stimulates both the mind and the body and leaves the person feeling happy and even those who have memory impairment are left with feelings of elation.

Breakdown of Costs:  We are seeking funding to cover the cost of operating our booking system for the next two years.  This is made up of:


  1. Mobile Phone pay-as-you go costs of £10 per month for 24 months => £240
  2. Online TeamUp Calendar at £9 per month => £216
Wheel and Walk

Nature Inclusion for Walk and Wheel

2024-09-17  •  No comments  •  Catherine Brannan  •  North Coast

Our proposed project will support the more vulnerable people in the community during the winter months, those  at risk of increased social isolation, loneliness and depression.  

Largs has a higher percentage of elderly and a higher percentage of people less mobile.   Giving them that life line in winter to connect with people encourages them out of the house to be part of daily life in the community.  The social interaction promotes a sense of belonging and safety for those more vulnerable in the winter months.

This will also showcase local establishments who support poor mobility by easy access, encouraging others to spread the word of local residents involved in community life.  We believe that poor mobility should not mean poor involvement.

We propose to meet fortnightly during 6 months of winter.  12  events for an estimated 10 residents  at each.  £8 towards each lunch is £80 x 12 = £960. 

Viking Festival 2024

Clyde Coast & Cumbraes Mens Shed Growth

2024-09-05  •  No comments  •  treasurer.cccmensshed  •  North Coast

The Clyde Coast & Cumbraes Mens Shed is becoming more and more integrated into the community everytime we open our doors, we are being asked to make or repair more and more varied items by the public, Local charitable causes & local businesses, which gives the membership a great sense of achievement and a feeling belonging to the community, which improves their mental health and wellbeing. 

We held evening sessions with the Scottish Womens Institute & the Largs Boys Brigade on seperate nights, which were greatly received and has lead to us organing evening session with both groups which will help to teach them new skills and hopefully develop into something that can use in the future.

The breakdown of costs for the funding is as follows.

  1. For 2 Erbauer Impact Drivers £199.98
  2. For 1 Erbauer Impact Wrench £69.99
  3. For 2 Trade screw Packs £139.98
  4. For 10M of 220mmx 20 Planed Pine £248.88 at current prices
  5. For 50M of 150 x 19 Rough sawn Fence palanks £220.40 at current prices
  6. For 20M of 47x50mm Rough sawn timber £101.00 at current prices
Gift box motifs

West Kilbride Yuletide Group (WKYG) lighting motifs

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  YuletideLights  •  North Coast

Purchase of replacement motifs

Project is to purchase 3 motifs to feature in the centre of the village's Main Street.  This is where the Yuletide Parade passes through and the public follow to visit other events and traders' premises.

The new motifs will replace old, malfunctioning motifs and will enhance the atmosphere in the village to encourage residents and visitors to mingle together in an enhanced atmosphere.

Blachere Illuminations have quoted £321 each for these motifs, including fitting of wall-mounted brackets to maximise display values, as per attached quote.

WKAFC SFA Accreditation

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  West Kilbride Amateur Football Club  •  North Coast

We at WKAFC are looking for £1000 for professional fees to assist us in applying for SFA Accreditation. This will in turn allow us to apply for funding from them to facilitate the improvement of facilities and provide a multi use pitch

Winter Wellbeing Christmas Fair

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  Daniela Leonardi  •  North Coast

St. Mary's Parent Council actively collaborates with all other centres in Largs Campus to provide activities that engage with our local community.  We have successfully run projects to support intergenerational working as well as developing excellent relationships with families across both primary schools.  Everyone in our local commuity is welcome to participate in the life and activities of St. Mary's Primary School and the Parent Council understands that Christmas can be a very difficult time for an increasing number of people.  Last year, we successfully hosted a Winter Wellbeing Christmas Fair where everyone in the local community was invited to attend.  All attendees enjoyed a free hot meal and drink as well as treats provided by the Parent Council.  The event was incredibly well-attended and a fantastic success, which would not have been possible without the generous donation of £300 from the Locality Participatory Budget.  We have listened closely to feedback from all who attended last year and there is a great deal of interest in inviting local groups who can provide advice, support and befriending opportunities for vulnerable families and individuals locally.  We know that the impact of last year's event was incredibly positive and anecdotal evidence shows that the event was, for some, the highlight of the Christmas period.  As a Parent Council, we have a strong desire to reach as many people as possible in our local community to offer an event with a free hot meal and drink.  We will also provide activities, entertainment, and opportunities to make, maintain, and rekindle links with local support opportunities.  The cost of the food for this event will be £450 and we will provide Christmas Gift Bags for our more vulnerable families and individuals.  These will include a small food treat, alcohol-free mulled wine, a Christmas card( made by our pupils), a hot chocolate pack (made by our pupils), reindeer food (made by pupils), and hand-crocheted wrist warmers (made by pupils and parents).  Our Crochet Club begins soon and through this, we hope to provide ongoing opportunities for intergenerational working where older members of our community pass on their skills to our youngsters who will enjoy spending time and having fun with their older mentors.  The cost of materials to make Christmas Gift Bags is £450.  This brings the total cost of our project to £900.  This expenditure will be the catalyst for generating a wide range of collaborative support opportunities throughout our local community.

Largs Events logo.png

Increasing Entertainment for Largs Yuletide Night

2024-09-18  •  No comments  •  Largs Events  •  North Coast

Largs Events’ objective is to bring events to the town that will bring pleasure for the residents and their families, whilst also increasing footfall to a popular “seaside town” which following the pandemic and consequential “Cost of Living” crisis, has seen a changing and declining landscape of choice and facilities. Increasing awareness of the available choices is key to creating a friendly and enjoyable experience to residents and visitors alike. We have managed to increase our events by use of a local partnership to facilitate markets with specific “topics” and these have proved popular. One of our foundation Events is the annual “Yuletide Night” which has always been popular, and we would like to carry this on. Last year the night cost Largs Events £3,422.00 as we continued our long-term objective of “Social Inclusiveness” and everything “Free”, and indeed all our events are wherever possible free, and across all genders and ages. As a committee we decided to refrain from approaching the troubled businesses last year because of the financial situation and will try to do that until a more appropriate time. This year we have been advised by NAC that the erection\dismantling of the Lights will need to be paid for and we are actively pursuing funding for this in order to ensure Yuletide actually happens. We have already obtained funding to buy new lights as the existing one are failing and beyond their best and hope to have this in place for this year.

Our Yuletide night is a night for all the family and we would like to ensure there is something there for all family members and here is where we are asking for help. We usually try to have an area for live entertainment ranging from choirs to some local entertainers, this we have in the past been unable to make best use of due to lack of funds and would like to ask for a sum of £1000 to hire the stage area, to accommodate the local singers, but to make better use of, we can get hire some more “established” musicians to come to Largs and people can enjoy them, again foc. Any spare funds could also be used to add extra entertainment to the event, but without current costings we cannot say at this stage.

Our normal Fundraising activities will continue with the hope of building on the last couple of years successful events, whilst maintaining our desire to make Largs a town we can all be very proud of.


West Kilbride Environment Group

2024-08-28  •  No comments  •  West Kilbride Environment Group  •  North Coast

We have established more sustainable planting and have introduced a range of perennial plants and shrubs in several areas throughout the village. We top up during summer with colourful annuals some which we grow ourselves. We also maintain over 50 hanging baskets which bring colour to the village during the summer months. All our gardens are highly visible in the village and several have seating areas for people to rest and enjoy the plants. One of our gardens has a sensory theme and a Happy to Chat Bench. We believe that the gardens connect people in the village and give a sense of community and pride in our local environment. We work in partnership with a range of other organisations, schools and community and environmental projects who benefit from the range of habitats that we have to offer.

We would be grateful if the PB could support us to bulk buy a selection of bulbs, perennials, plug plants and hanging basket plants to plant out newer gardens and top up our existing gardens. It would also enable a bulk purchase of compost and plant feed