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Investment projects with scope: North Coast

Total budget £20,873

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Increasing Entertainment for Largs Yuletide Night

2024-09-18  •  No comments  •  Largs Events  •  North Coast

Largs Events’ objective is to bring events to the town that will bring pleasure for the residents and their families, whilst also increasing footfall to a popular “seaside town” which following the pandemic and consequential “Cost of Living” crisis, has seen a changing and declining landscape of choice and facilities. Increasing awareness of the available choices is key to creating a friendly and enjoyable experience to residents and visitors alike. We have managed to increase our events by use of a local partnership to facilitate markets with specific “topics” and these have proved popular. One of our foundation Events is the annual “Yuletide Night” which has always been popular, and we would like to carry this on. Last year the night cost Largs Events £3,422.00 as we continued our long-term objective of “Social Inclusiveness” and everything “Free”, and indeed all our events are wherever possible free, and across all genders and ages. As a committee we decided to refrain from approaching the troubled businesses last year because of the financial situation and will try to do that until a more appropriate time. This year we have been advised by NAC that the erection\dismantling of the Lights will need to be paid for and we are actively pursuing funding for this in order to ensure Yuletide actually happens. We have already obtained funding to buy new lights as the existing one are failing and beyond their best and hope to have this in place for this year.

Our Yuletide night is a night for all the family and we would like to ensure there is something there for all family members and here is where we are asking for help. We usually try to have an area for live entertainment ranging from choirs to some local entertainers, this we have in the past been unable to make best use of due to lack of funds and would like to ask for a sum of £1000 to hire the stage area, to accommodate the local singers, but to make better use of, we can get hire some more “established” musicians to come to Largs and people can enjoy them, again foc. Any spare funds could also be used to add extra entertainment to the event, but without current costings we cannot say at this stage.

Our normal Fundraising activities will continue with the hope of building on the last couple of years successful events, whilst maintaining our desire to make Largs a town we can all be very proud of.

Giving people choice in our food larder and increasing their dignity

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Largs Food Hub  •  North Coast

We would like to offer a pay forward scheme for all 89 of our members and their children for the local church of the Nazarene located in Largs. The church takes a token £2 for a meal and children go free. We would like to offer a free ticket to all our members some of whom come to us at desperate times . We feel if they can go and try it for free they might return the next week. It is non relligious and welcoming and older people might enjoy the company as well as the food. Largs has a large elderly population most of whom are too proud to come to our larder and if we could get the older people who do come to the larder to tell their friends we might not only provide them with food but company as well. Its all about dignity in food provision.

Wheel and Walk

Nature Inclusion for Walk and Wheel

2024-09-17  •  No comments  •  Catherine Brannan  •  North Coast

Our proposed project will support the more vulnerable people in the community during the winter months, those  at risk of increased social isolation, loneliness and depression.  

Largs has a higher percentage of elderly and a higher percentage of people less mobile.   Giving them that life line in winter to connect with people encourages them out of the house to be part of daily life in the community.  The social interaction promotes a sense of belonging and safety for those more vulnerable in the winter months.

This will also showcase local establishments who support poor mobility by easy access, encouraging others to spread the word of local residents involved in community life.  We believe that poor mobility should not mean poor involvement.

We propose to meet fortnightly during 6 months of winter.  12  events for an estimated 10 residents  at each.  £8 towards each lunch is £80 x 12 = £960. 

Oor Hame 2024

Oor Hame

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  coast collective  •  North Coast

Just before Easter 2024, we conducted workshops with young people and children in West Kilbride to explain and encourage them to use photographs as a means to tell stories and impart information. The children and young people then submitted their images on the theme of "Oor Hame", telling what made their home, home. These images were then exhibited in the windows of the shops and other businesses along Main Street and Ritchie Street in the village, creating an open air gallery which residents and visitors to the village could enjoy.

We wish to repeat this project during the same Easter holidays for 2025, but this time we will be running the workshops with the cooperation of West Kilbride Primary School and other youth groups (Brownies, Boys' Brigade etc). In 2024 we held the workshops at what we later realised was not an ideal time, and did not get the level of involvement of young people we believe the project has the potential to engage; that said, we did receive nearly 50 images, and the exhibition was a success, but we believe that with more targeted workshops we could easily receive 10 times the number of images, making the open air gallery that much larger and spreading the collected images around more of West Kilbride's streets.

The project in 2024 looked at what "Hame" means, as it was triggered by Mandy Edwards' documentary project of the same name. For 2025 we have yet to identify a theme (we intend to consult with the school, groups and, most importantly the children) but believe that "Oor Hame" is a good name for the ongoing project, whatever theme is adopted, as it emphasises the community nature of the project.

Funding is required for workshop facilitation (£200), purchase of single use cameras (£250) printing and presentation of images (£150), publicity material (£100)


Largs Table Tennis Club tournament & equipment boost

2024-09-08  •  No comments  •  tokiapparel  •  North Coast

We would like to run a banded table tennis tournament at Inverclyde Sports Centre this season. A banded tournament would bring to Largs approximately 60–70 players from across Ayrshire and Glasgow for an afternoon's competitive table tennis. Hall hire for 5 hours would be £440. This would be a once-a-year annual event, and as such the cost of the hall hire does not constitute rent for the normal week-to-week running of our club.

 We also need some equipment for our club for the new season. First off, we would like to purchase a training robot to help elevate the skill levels of our existing members. A training robot is also a big draw for younger players. Secondly, we would also like to purchase some new bats, as the ones we currently have are poor and not suited to developing players.

Breakdown of costs:

Hall hire for banded tournament: £440

Entry-level training robot: £200

Starter bats x 8: £80

Intermediate bats and rubbers x 5: £200

Balls (2x120): £75

Total: £995

We currently have £550 in our club account and are able to put £300 towards costs, so we are applying for a total of £695.


Largs Table Tennis Club attracts people from across the North Coast, including Fairlie, West Kilbride, Skelmorlie and Inverkip. Almost two years ago we took advantage of the fact that our town enjoys a state-of-the-art sports facility and a wide array of table tennis equipment by opening our own club in the town. Largs is fast becoming a hotspot of Scottish table tennis; in March, the centre hosted the Scottish Nationals, and in July, Inverclyde hosted the Scottish Parkinson’s International for the second year running. One of our coaches, Paul Carson, attended a supplementary course at the Scottish Parkinson’s International designed to better prepare coaches for people with Parkinson’s attending the club. We have members with Parkinson’s and members with MS. Table tennis is renowned in sports circles for its benefits to people with degenerative and neurological conditions. We aim to embrace all people at our weekly sessions; it is an open group, and you can regularly find a ten-year-old playing with a sixty-year-old, and young and old mixing with people with various disabilities. We are very proud of this fact.

Our club is open to all ages and to encourage everyone we only charge £5 for the two hours session and we have made it FREE for under 18s.


Largs Music Club

2024-08-30  •  No comments  •  Tom Stewart  •  North Coast

I moved to Largs late 2022 and created Largs Music Club soon after in response to the interest I received since floating the idea on social media. 


LMC offers an informal setting for amateur musicians to meet on a regular basis and encourage and teach one another to improve their skill-level on their preferred musical instrument.


The club is growing in popularity since word is out that we existing members offer a friendly and relaxed environment for those keen to learn at their own pace without fear of judgement or impatience. As membership is growing, so does the variety of instruments being learned and taught. 


The club relies on individuals contributing their time and equipment to teach fellow members how to play their preferred instrument. With continued funding, I would aim to purchase more equipment to make that teaching more accessible - music stands, microphones, microphone stands, amplifiers, mixing desk and some basic entry level instruments to encourage those who do not own an instrument (but who wish to learn one), to join us. The funding would also contribute to the maintenance (and if necessary, repair) of the equipment purchased in our first year. These items are expensive and realistically will require additional funding from me and some other willing members to supplement any money issued following this application. However, I am confident that your contribution will assist LMC continue to grow in membership and reputation and continue playing music for the community.       


Our club assists develop confidence as well as musical literacy, with participants encouraged to play live for friends and family and now, for larger audiences in the community shows as per my vision. 


Feedback from participants so far evidence the mental health benefits of playing and learning in our community, a benefit I will highlight as I further promote our initiative in the community. 

Members talk about how the club combats loneliness and depression. I hope to continue making this club available for some time to come.

The reason I don’t include a specific breakdown of cost is because our costs are really unpredictable. The idea of the club is that anyone can turn up and learn to play any instrument. So last year we bought, among many other things, a mandolin, a banjo and a saxophone. The demand is driven by who walks through the door and what they want to learn.

We also spend money on instrument maintenance – new strings and replacement parts. Again, we respond to what our members need – replacing guitar strings once they break, for example.

We spent more than £1000 last year (all receipts available) and expect we’ll do the same again next year. That said, I expect you’ll have more applications this year, so we will be very delighted to receive any amount of award.

We at LMC are extremely grateful for your consideration.



Feasibility study to construct an all weather multi use pitch

2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  WKCC  •  North Coast

We require funding to pay the Architect for a feasibility study before embarking down the road of full design and setting up a committee.   A local Architect McMillan & Cronin have had previous involvement in the area (ie the tennis court and future grass pitch) and would be will to use the information already gathered to provide this feasibility study. The study would look at Sports Scotland approvals, routes of all existing underground services, available power for lighting, budget costs and statutory requirements. The cost would be a one off fee of £1000 paid on completion of the feasibility report

west Kilbride is the only village in North Ayrshire without an all weather pitch.

Millport Town Hall

Millport Town Hall Community Kitchen

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Cumbrae  •  North Coast

The Millport Town Hall charity was formed by the community of the Isle of Cumbrae to improve the welfare of islanders by providing space and activities to address anxiety, stress and social isolation, particularly in our more vulnerable community members. We're transforming our previously derelict Town Hall into a vibrant, self-sustaining Community Hub, Arts & Culture and Heritage/Conservation centre that will deliver social events, self-help groups, creative and performing arts, indoor sports and volunteering opportunities for the whole community.

We're preparing for Millport Town Hall to open to the community in 2025. A key facility will be the kitchen, which reaches across the ground floor with access to all spaces and which will be available for community groups and event organisers to use. We’re seeking funding to support installing a large fridge freezer.    

The cost is £1199 - the balance of £199 is coming from local fundraising.

Consultative Workshops/ needs analysis and promote the Herbert Protocol

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  •  North Coast

1.Under the Health and Wellbeing we would secure the services of a researcher to develop a questionnaire for our service users and their families to complete , they would be responsible for the analysis of the data. DFL will then use this needs analysis to seek funding for the activities and most wanted and needed by people living with dementia.

The Grant will cover the following costs 

Development / analysis of Questionaire £400 Workshop venue/ refreshment £ 200

total £600  

2 Promotion of Herbert Protocol for the most vulnerable group in our society, very similar to the National Scheme the Help tubes , this is to introduce a system which is nationally know .If a vulnerable person goes missing it will standardize the system so that the Police know where to find this form which wil expedite the search of a missing vulnerable person.

Form Printing £100 Secure Plastic Containers £300 total £400  


Trishaw in Action

Cycling Without Age Scotland: Largs - funding for operation of booking system

2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  Gordon Black  •  North Coast

Description:   Our CWAS Chapter in Largs provides outings of between 20 and 90 minutes along the Promenade for residents in care homes, and individuals at home, giving them spells of fresh air and conversation, plus seeing life along the shore.  The visual stimulation and conversations along the way are hugely beneficial to their physical and emotional wellbeing.

The outings (jaunts) take place on our ‘trishaw’ (see photo) which is powered by one of our volunteer pilots (assisted by a battery) and carries a deserving passenger plus a carer or relative.  We are also happy to take out disabled people of all ages, special schools and children’s and adults’ hospices.

Benefits to Volunteers: The volunteers, once trained and qualified, get a chance to be part of something that makes a real difference to the lives of those in their community. They form friendships and, from the stories they hear on the rides, learn more about their locale. Plus they develop important social skills and their own health will benefit from the exercise and fresh air.  All our volunteers find it a hugely rewarding activity.

Benefits to Passengers:  Our service helps address loneliness and isolation for the elderly and those of all ages less mobile in the local community but it can also be a lifeline to able-bodied people who may have experienced mental health challenges. This unique befriending service is often the highlight of a passenger’s week and something they look forward to.

With an unrestricted view and interested, lively company, fresh air, a slow pace and the chance to interact with passersby (old friends and new), the rides are a highly stimulating experience for many who spend much of their time indoors and on their own. The CWAS Trishaws provide a sustainable form of recreation providing access to the fantastic scenery to those who would otherwise be unable to enjoy those routes. In addition, the opportunity for rides will allow community events to be more inclusive and accessible.

Seeing other people and places stimulates both the mind and the body and leaves the person feeling happy and even those who have memory impairment are left with feelings of elation.

Breakdown of Costs:  We are seeking funding to cover the cost of operating our booking system for the next two years.  This is made up of:


  1. Mobile Phone pay-as-you go costs of £10 per month for 24 months => £240
  2. Online TeamUp Calendar at £9 per month => £216