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Eligible applications: North Coast

Total budget £20,873


Skelmorlie Community Garden..A Garden for Our Village

2024-09-06  •  No comments  •  IsyAgnew  •  North Coast

As a small group..we are creating a garden/space for all to enjoy.

A way of giving back to our community

A year ago we took ownership of a desolate,drab and weed-filled area..a year later we have transformed it into an oasis of important for mental health. We have a spot full of insect life..all our plants are bee/butterfly/pollinator friendly so important as this will be our village legacy for the next generation of up and coming gardeners.

The environmental benefits are exponential.

The village now has a focal point,a meeting place,somewhere to chill.

Our young people have a safe place to access.

Thanks to last years PB award we have a Wee Library..and a large planter filled with pollinator-friendly plants..both built by  Clyde Coast and Cumbrae Men's Shed

Our next wee project is the area at the entrance to the CC..we've already sited a planter full of polinator-friendly plants.

Seating in this area affords views to the hills and also all the play areas too..ideal for parents to watch their kids whilst also allowing them freedom to play.

We would like to purchase two sturdy benches..for the enjoyment of the village of Skelmorlie.

The benches in mind cost £75 pounds each.

They are made locally by a woodcrafter in Dalry.

Total cost would be £150


Millport Town Hall

Millport Town Hall Community Kitchen

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Cumbrae  •  North Coast

The Millport Town Hall charity was formed by the community of the Isle of Cumbrae to improve the welfare of islanders by providing space and activities to address anxiety, stress and social isolation, particularly in our more vulnerable community members. We're transforming our previously derelict Town Hall into a vibrant, self-sustaining Community Hub, Arts & Culture and Heritage/Conservation centre that will deliver social events, self-help groups, creative and performing arts, indoor sports and volunteering opportunities for the whole community.

We're preparing for Millport Town Hall to open to the community in 2025. A key facility will be the kitchen, which reaches across the ground floor with access to all spaces and which will be available for community groups and event organisers to use. We’re seeking funding to support installing a large fridge freezer.    

The cost is £1199 - the balance of £199 is coming from local fundraising.


Winter Wellbeing Christmas Fair

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  Daniela Leonardi  •  North Coast

St. Mary's Parent Council actively collaborates with all other centres in Largs Campus to provide activities that engage with our local community.  We have successfully run projects to support intergenerational working as well as developing excellent relationships with families across both primary schools.  Everyone in our local commuity is welcome to participate in the life and activities of St. Mary's Primary School and the Parent Council understands that Christmas can be a very difficult time for an increasing number of people.  Last year, we successfully hosted a Winter Wellbeing Christmas Fair where everyone in the local community was invited to attend.  All attendees enjoyed a free hot meal and drink as well as treats provided by the Parent Council.  The event was incredibly well-attended and a fantastic success, which would not have been possible without the generous donation of £300 from the Locality Participatory Budget.  We have listened closely to feedback from all who attended last year and there is a great deal of interest in inviting local groups who can provide advice, support and befriending opportunities for vulnerable families and individuals locally.  We know that the impact of last year's event was incredibly positive and anecdotal evidence shows that the event was, for some, the highlight of the Christmas period.  As a Parent Council, we have a strong desire to reach as many people as possible in our local community to offer an event with a free hot meal and drink.  We will also provide activities, entertainment, and opportunities to make, maintain, and rekindle links with local support opportunities.  The cost of the food for this event will be £450 and we will provide Christmas Gift Bags for our more vulnerable families and individuals.  These will include a small food treat, alcohol-free mulled wine, a Christmas card( made by our pupils), a hot chocolate pack (made by our pupils), reindeer food (made by pupils), and hand-crocheted wrist warmers (made by pupils and parents).  Our Crochet Club begins soon and through this, we hope to provide ongoing opportunities for intergenerational working where older members of our community pass on their skills to our youngsters who will enjoy spending time and having fun with their older mentors.  The cost of materials to make Christmas Gift Bags is £450.  This brings the total cost of our project to £900.  This expenditure will be the catalyst for generating a wide range of collaborative support opportunities throughout our local community.


Improvement to path leading into the Glen from the B7047 at the Old Tractor

2024-09-08  •  No comments  •  Friends of Kirkton Hall Glen, West KIlbride  •  North Coast

The proposal is for our volunteer groups to join in clearing the overgrown vegetation and to engage a contractor to prepare the existing unusable path and supply and lay an appropriate appropriate amount of Type 1 aggregate which will prevent further degradation of the surface. We have been quoted a cost of £900 for labour and materials for this work.

Children fun play park

Craufurd Simson Park

2024-09-18  •  No comments  •  Jenny_Clark_466  •  North Coast


The Craufurd Simson Park charity will be developing a piece of land acquired from the council for an outdoor play park for use by the residents in West Kilbride.  

In order to develop the park, the children will be invited to contribute to their vision of the park at an event. The event will provide an afternoon of fun, to build community awareness about the project and to make sure that the children are able to play a role in developing the park and feel included in the development.

The event will be hosted in the space the park will be built on (subject to the relevant approvals and insurance).

The event is aimed to be fun for the children, build community spirit, and gather the input we need for the next big step.  We hope that this will build excitement give the children something to look forward to.

We will provide entertainment for the children and an area for the children to build their vision for the park and choose the equipment they would want.

The park will ultimately deliver the proven health and wellbeing benefits of an open space with play equipment for children to engage in physical activity, build social skills and feel part of a community.

Funding for the park will be sought through other funding avenues once the land is transferred through a Community Asset Transfer.

This initiative is championed by the Community Roots and orgnaisation well established in the West Kilbride community. Community Roots is set up to help people live their best healthiest lives with food security and outlets that improve mental and physical well-being. Community Roots runs the Village Larder, SHED & a community garden.


Barrfield Community Garden in Largs

2024-09-09  •  No comments  •  LargsCG  •  North Coast

Barrfield Community Garden is a new space located in Largs. Though only created in the winter of 2023, already volunteers have brought in raised beds, planted a large varity of vegetables, fruits, and flowers, and harvested vegetables which were  donated to the Largs Food Bank. We have served as a site for local small projects as well as a well-being space allowing local people with varying levels of ability to work with plants. We hope to expand this site in the coming years to grow more food and create a space for local people of all ages and ability to engage with, as well as of course continue to grow tasty food and beautiful flowers to share with Largs and those who presently do not have access to healthy, locally-grown food.

At present, the site has water but no electricity. We'd love to keep a few plants growing well into the autumn and need to procure solar-powered grow lights to do so. This involves the purchase of two sets of grow lights with attached solar panels to keep our melon, pepper, lettuce and tomato harvests going into the late autumn.

Our water pipes are at present not protected from the colder temperatures that come with Scottish winter. We are seeking to insulate the water pipes and employ a local plumber to install this insulation. 

In the interest of increasing the environmental sustainability of the Barrfield Community Garden space, we would like to install drain pipes and water butts. This will allow the garden to collect and utilise rainwater for watering the garden's beds and indoor plants.

People in Largs may be aware we recently experienced vandalism to the garden. After this event, we would like to  install a motion-activated camera, as well as solar- powered, motion-activated lights for the main path into the garden.

Adequate amounts of compost will be needed for planting over the winter, including but not limited to the growing of garlic and seed potatoes.

We would in future hope to create a tiered garden on the hilly portion at the east side of the garden. The area is at present covered with thistles and weeds, so we would to cover this area with weed-killing membrane as the first step of this project.


10 Meter weed membrane roll (x10) @ £6.95 = £69.50

10w led Solar grow light (x2) @ 68.50 = £137.00

Motion sensor lights for pathway lighting (x6) @ £6.99 = £41.94

SolarCam Kit with night vision and SDCard = £85

Builders bag Compost  = £52 

Insulation for water pipes, materials and labor = £200

Water butts and guttering for rainwater collection = £400





Wheel and Walk

Nature Inclusion for Walk and Wheel

2024-09-17  •  No comments  •  Catherine Brannan  •  North Coast

Our proposed project will support the more vulnerable people in the community during the winter months, those  at risk of increased social isolation, loneliness and depression.  

Largs has a higher percentage of elderly and a higher percentage of people less mobile.   Giving them that life line in winter to connect with people encourages them out of the house to be part of daily life in the community.  The social interaction promotes a sense of belonging and safety for those more vulnerable in the winter months.

This will also showcase local establishments who support poor mobility by easy access, encouraging others to spread the word of local residents involved in community life.  We believe that poor mobility should not mean poor involvement.

We propose to meet fortnightly during 6 months of winter.  12  events for an estimated 10 residents  at each.  £8 towards each lunch is £80 x 12 = £960. 


Increase participation in the sports of table within West Kilbride

2024-09-20  •  4 comments  •  Billy main  •  North Coast

Our club is  growing in numbers each year and this due to our hard working committee and working with our partners in the town. Alongside playing , our club brings people together from all backgrouns and creates an opportuniy for social interaction and physical activitty which can and does improve mental health and wellbeing for all.

We aim to keep costs low and make it affordable to everyone who attends all our session. We offer free sessions and equipment supplied and we have qualified coaches for beginners , advanced and we have coaches educated in delvering to physicall impaired and our new classes of Parkinsons class starting up.

Due to the demand for table tennis again this year we now require to purchase new equipment and increase our sessions and obtain additional space i the community centre to meet the demand coming to the club.Table Tennis is at all time high with participations numbers especially the BAT AND CHAT SESSIONS  which we were theleaders in starting this and being an example how social table tennis is bringing communities together.

We will also be offering drop in sessions for the community. We will ensure costs will be at a minimum to ensure that it is accessable for all.

We are seeking funding to purchase 2 tables for an additional room @ £200 each and also hall hire contribution of £300 and coaching fees of £300 total £1000


Improvement of access to West Kilbride Glen from B7047

2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  •  North Coast

We require to widen this particular entry point to the Glen to permit vehicular access for work vehicles to undertake the renovation and renewal of the decrepit and dangerous blaes football pitch. This will involve the removal of bollards and a gate blocking access.  We plan to ensure safe passage way for work persons and the community by trimming overhanging trees. This will also ensure the health of the trees and avoid collision. We require to relocate bins en route to maximise public access and ensure the condition of the Glen is maintained.

The cost of materials, equipment and labour will be £1000

Oor Hame 2024

Oor Hame

2024-09-11  •  8 comments  •  coast collective  •  North Coast

Just before Easter 2024, we conducted workshops with young people and children in West Kilbride to explain and encourage them to use photographs as a means to tell stories and impart information. The children and young people then submitted their images on the theme of "Oor Hame", telling what made their home, home. These images were then exhibited in the windows of the shops and other businesses along Main Street and Ritchie Street in the village, creating an open air gallery which residents and visitors to the village could enjoy.

We wish to repeat this project during the same Easter holidays for 2025, but this time we will be running the workshops with the cooperation of West Kilbride Primary School and other youth groups (Brownies, Boys' Brigade etc). In 2024 we held the workshops at what we later realised was not an ideal time, and did not get the level of involvement of young people we believe the project has the potential to engage; that said, we did receive nearly 50 images, and the exhibition was a success, but we believe that with more targeted workshops we could easily receive 10 times the number of images, making the open air gallery that much larger and spreading the collected images around more of West Kilbride's streets.

The project in 2024 looked at what "Hame" means, as it was triggered by Mandy Edwards' documentary project of the same name. For 2025 we have yet to identify a theme (we intend to consult with the school, groups and, most importantly the children) but believe that "Oor Hame" is a good name for the ongoing project, whatever theme is adopted, as it emphasises the community nature of the project.

Funding is required for workshop facilitation (£200), purchase of single use cameras (£250) printing and presentation of images (£150), publicity material (£100)
