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Cycling Without Age Scotland: Largs - funding for operation of booking system
2024-09-10 • No comments • • North Coast
Description: Our CWAS Chapter in Largs provides outings of between 20 and 90 minutes along the Promenade for residents in care homes, and individuals at home, giving them spells of fresh air and conversation, plus seeing life along the shore. The visual stimulation and conversations along the way are hugely beneficial to their physical and emotional wellbeing.
The outings (jaunts) take place on our ‘trishaw’ (see photo) which is powered by one of our volunteer pilots (assisted by a battery) and carries a deserving passenger plus a carer or relative. We are also happy to take out disabled people of all ages, special schools and children’s and adults’ hospices.
Benefits to Volunteers: The volunteers, once trained and qualified, get a chance to be part of something that makes a real difference to the lives of those in their community. They form friendships and, from the stories they hear on the rides, learn more about their locale. Plus they develop important social skills and their own health will benefit from the exercise and fresh air. All our volunteers find it a hugely rewarding activity.
Benefits to Passengers: Our service helps address loneliness and isolation for the elderly and those of all ages less mobile in the local community but it can also be a lifeline to able-bodied people who may have experienced mental health challenges. This unique befriending service is often the highlight of a passenger’s week and something they look forward to.
With an unrestricted view and interested, lively company, fresh air, a slow pace and the chance to interact with passersby (old friends and new), the rides are a highly stimulating experience for many who spend much of their time indoors and on their own. The CWAS Trishaws provide a sustainable form of recreation providing access to the fantastic scenery to those who would otherwise be unable to enjoy those routes. In addition, the opportunity for rides will allow community events to be more inclusive and accessible.
Seeing other people and places stimulates both the mind and the body and leaves the person feeling happy and even those who have memory impairment are left with feelings of elation.
Breakdown of Costs: We are seeking funding to cover the cost of operating our booking system for the next two years. This is made up of:
- Mobile Phone pay-as-you go costs of £10 per month for 24 months => £240
- Online TeamUp Calendar at £9 per month => £216
Millport Town Hall Community Kitchen
2024-09-11 • No comments • • North Coast
The Millport Town Hall charity was formed by the community of the Isle of Cumbrae to improve the welfare of islanders by providing space and activities to address anxiety, stress and social isolation, particularly in our more vulnerable community members. We're transforming our previously derelict Town Hall into a vibrant, self-sustaining Community Hub, Arts & Culture and Heritage/Conservation centre that will deliver social events, self-help groups, creative and performing arts, indoor sports and volunteering opportunities for the whole community.
We're preparing for Millport Town Hall to open to the community in 2025. A key facility will be the kitchen, which reaches across the ground floor with access to all spaces and which will be available for community groups and event organisers to use. We’re seeking funding to support installing a large fridge freezer.
The cost is £1199 - the balance of £199 is coming from local fundraising.
Increasing Entertainment for Largs Yuletide Night
2024-09-18 • No comments • • North Coast
Largs Events’ objective is to bring events to the town that will bring pleasure for the residents and their families, whilst also increasing footfall to a popular “seaside town” which following the pandemic and consequential “Cost of Living” crisis, has seen a changing and declining landscape of choice and facilities. Increasing awareness of the available choices is key to creating a friendly and enjoyable experience to residents and visitors alike. We have managed to increase our events by use of a local partnership to facilitate markets with specific “topics” and these have proved popular. One of our foundation Events is the annual “Yuletide Night” which has always been popular, and we would like to carry this on. Last year the night cost Largs Events £3,422.00 as we continued our long-term objective of “Social Inclusiveness” and everything “Free”, and indeed all our events are wherever possible free, and across all genders and ages. As a committee we decided to refrain from approaching the troubled businesses last year because of the financial situation and will try to do that until a more appropriate time. This year we have been advised by NAC that the erection\dismantling of the Lights will need to be paid for and we are actively pursuing funding for this in order to ensure Yuletide actually happens. We have already obtained funding to buy new lights as the existing one are failing and beyond their best and hope to have this in place for this year.
Our Yuletide night is a night for all the family and we would like to ensure there is something there for all family members and here is where we are asking for help. We usually try to have an area for live entertainment ranging from choirs to some local entertainers, this we have in the past been unable to make best use of due to lack of funds and would like to ask for a sum of £1000 to hire the stage area, to accommodate the local singers, but to make better use of, we can get hire some more “established” musicians to come to Largs and people can enjoy them, again foc. Any spare funds could also be used to add extra entertainment to the event, but without current costings we cannot say at this stage.
Our normal Fundraising activities will continue with the hope of building on the last couple of years successful events, whilst maintaining our desire to make Largs a town we can all be very proud of.
Largs Hi-Impact Event Information boards
2024-09-12 • 1 comment • • North Coast
This proposal will provide a fund to create professionally designed event boards, which will be displayed in the Largs Community Council Garden, adjacent to the A78. These will be in A1 size, and provide details in large font of:
- Event
- Date
- Location
- Website
It is clear that social media and even print media has limitations to reach, not least because we find that the older demographic do not engage social media, and the Largs and Millport News cannot provide endless free promotion. Many people do not find out about events on Social media until AFTER the event.
The Largs Community Council successfully bid for grant funding for Tourist Information Notices boards which are now in place at the Seafront Car Park. We continue to receive feedback from the community that they 'didn't know that was on', whether for Yuletide, Community Cinema or other events and this proposal seeks to address a gap in providing information to those in the area.
It is intended that this fund is used on a 'per event' basis, to allow non-profit groups the opportunity to promote their event to a large audience, without being burden with the cost. LCC are minded to engage with groups such as The Boys Brigade, Parent Councils, Mens Shed, Largs SWRI, Largs Community Development Trust, Dementia Friendly Largs, Food Larder, Access to Food, Largs Naz (Community events) and others to help them promote their events, increase footfall and drive success for their groups.
LCC believe this proposal will:
Support Community Spirit - whilst larger events may have budget to publicity, smaller, voluntary organisations have limited finds, and we believe this proposal will help promote local, community based events, and bring the community together, whether through fairs, cinema screenings, workshops or speaking events. Participation in local events creates community cohesion and helps reduce Social Isolation and promotes feelings of physical & mental health wellbeing
Health and Wellbeing - Our overall aim is to promote local events, and in doing so, we believe that we can help improve the Health And Wellbeing of the community. We know through our Community Cinema events how much people enjoy and the sense of community it bring about. Largs has a vibrant community sector and the more people engaged, the better for everyone.
Cost of LIving - LCC Access to Food supports Community based Food Events and learning to cook projects and fundraising events ie "tea dances". This provides a sustainable way for individuals and families to prepare healthy but low cost food during the cost of living crisis. Whilst attendance has been increasing, the more people that are aware of events, the more who can benefit. Hard to reach families may not be aware of the events and this is a way they can find out without any stigma, quite the opposite.
Green Projects - As referenced above, amongst the groups we intend to engaged to support events are Largs Green Futures and future events to promote growing own produce. The LCC Anti Litter Campaign : plans further Seafront "litter Pick" events which can be promoted, along with other active groups in the area.
Cost Breakdown:
Budgeted promotion of up to 9 events within 12 month period (if we can
- A1 (594x841mm) sized print onto 5mm Foamex board £44.50 plus VAT.
- Design per event board expected 1 hour design £45+VAT
- 9 event boards £108inc VAT = £972
(Quotation provided by Largs Print Company. If 4 event boards are ordered at a time, the cost will reduce by £10 per units, which would go towards additional boards)
It should be noted that boards will be designed to be reuseable - where an event is recurring annually (for example, school fairs, Dementia Walk, Yuletide etc), the DATE section can be overlaid with this is it anticipated that the number of events that will be promoted will be at least three fold if not more. LCC will stored all boards to future reuse.
Feasibility study to construct an all weather multi use pitch
2024-09-10 • No comments • • North Coast
We require funding to pay the Architect for a feasibility study before embarking down the road of full design and setting up a committee. A local Architect McMillan & Cronin have had previous involvement in the area (ie the tennis court and future grass pitch) and would be will to use the information already gathered to provide this feasibility study. The study would look at Sports Scotland approvals, routes of all existing underground services, available power for lighting, budget costs and statutory requirements. The cost would be a one off fee of £1000 paid on completion of the feasibility report
west Kilbride is the only village in North Ayrshire without an all weather pitch.
Improvement to path leading into the Glen from the B7047 at the Old Tractor
2024-09-08 • No comments • • North Coast
The proposal is for our volunteer groups to join in clearing the overgrown vegetation and to engage a contractor to prepare the existing unusable path and supply and lay an appropriate appropriate amount of Type 1 aggregate which will prevent further degradation of the surface. We have been quoted a cost of £900 for labour and materials for this work.
Nature Inclusion for Walk and Wheel
2024-09-17 • No comments • • North Coast
Our proposed project will support the more vulnerable people in the community during the winter months, those at risk of increased social isolation, loneliness and depression.
Largs has a higher percentage of elderly and a higher percentage of people less mobile. Giving them that life line in winter to connect with people encourages them out of the house to be part of daily life in the community. The social interaction promotes a sense of belonging and safety for those more vulnerable in the winter months.
This will also showcase local establishments who support poor mobility by easy access, encouraging others to spread the word of local residents involved in community life. We believe that poor mobility should not mean poor involvement.
We propose to meet fortnightly during 6 months of winter. 12 events for an estimated 10 residents at each. £8 towards each lunch is £80 x 12 = £960.
Oor Hame
2024-09-11 • 8 comments • • North Coast
Just before Easter 2024, we conducted workshops with young people and children in West Kilbride to explain and encourage them to use photographs as a means to tell stories and impart information. The children and young people then submitted their images on the theme of "Oor Hame", telling what made their home, home. These images were then exhibited in the windows of the shops and other businesses along Main Street and Ritchie Street in the village, creating an open air gallery which residents and visitors to the village could enjoy.
We wish to repeat this project during the same Easter holidays for 2025, but this time we will be running the workshops with the cooperation of West Kilbride Primary School and other youth groups (Brownies, Boys' Brigade etc). In 2024 we held the workshops at what we later realised was not an ideal time, and did not get the level of involvement of young people we believe the project has the potential to engage; that said, we did receive nearly 50 images, and the exhibition was a success, but we believe that with more targeted workshops we could easily receive 10 times the number of images, making the open air gallery that much larger and spreading the collected images around more of West Kilbride's streets.
The project in 2024 looked at what "Hame" means, as it was triggered by Mandy Edwards' documentary project of the same name. For 2025 we have yet to identify a theme (we intend to consult with the school, groups and, most importantly the children) but believe that "Oor Hame" is a good name for the ongoing project, whatever theme is adopted, as it emphasises the community nature of the project.
Funding is required for workshop facilitation (£200), purchase of single use cameras (£250) printing and presentation of images (£150), publicity material (£100)
Increase participation in the sports of table within West Kilbride
2024-09-20 • 4 comments • • North Coast
Our club is growing in numbers each year and this due to our hard working committee and working with our partners in the town. Alongside playing , our club brings people together from all backgrouns and creates an opportuniy for social interaction and physical activitty which can and does improve mental health and wellbeing for all.
We aim to keep costs low and make it affordable to everyone who attends all our session. We offer free sessions and equipment supplied and we have qualified coaches for beginners , advanced and we have coaches educated in delvering to physicall impaired and our new classes of Parkinsons class starting up.
Due to the demand for table tennis again this year we now require to purchase new equipment and increase our sessions and obtain additional space i the community centre to meet the demand coming to the club.Table Tennis is at all time high with participations numbers especially the BAT AND CHAT SESSIONS which we were theleaders in starting this and being an example how social table tennis is bringing communities together.
We will also be offering drop in sessions for the community. We will ensure costs will be at a minimum to ensure that it is accessable for all.
We are seeking funding to purchase 2 tables for an additional room @ £200 each and also hall hire contribution of £300 and coaching fees of £300 total £1000
Craufurd Simson Park
2024-09-18 • No comments • • North Coast
The Craufurd Simson Park charity will be developing a piece of land acquired from the council for an outdoor play park for use by the residents in West Kilbride.
In order to develop the park, the children will be invited to contribute to their vision of the park at an event. The event will provide an afternoon of fun, to build community awareness about the project and to make sure that the children are able to play a role in developing the park and feel included in the development.
The event will be hosted in the space the park will be built on (subject to the relevant approvals and insurance).
The event is aimed to be fun for the children, build community spirit, and gather the input we need for the next big step. We hope that this will build excitement give the children something to look forward to.
We will provide entertainment for the children and an area for the children to build their vision for the park and choose the equipment they would want.
The park will ultimately deliver the proven health and wellbeing benefits of an open space with play equipment for children to engage in physical activity, build social skills and feel part of a community.
Funding for the park will be sought through other funding avenues once the land is transferred through a Community Asset Transfer.
This initiative is championed by the Community Roots and orgnaisation well established in the West Kilbride community. Community Roots is set up to help people live their best healthiest lives with food security and outlets that improve mental and physical well-being. Community Roots runs the Village Larder, SHED & a community garden.