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Investment projects with scope: Kilwinning

Total budget £14,189

Corsehill Retirement Club

Corsehill Retirement Club

2024-08-29  •  No comments  •  3. Corsehill Retirement club  •  Official position 1  •  Kilwinning

The continued support of Corsehill retirement club allows the elderly to access different opportunities outwith their local environment. One of which has been our very successful day trips to the theatre along with a meal. This can be the highlight of our participants year and we hope to continue to provide this service. The impact that these trips have on our group is wonderful and many members comment on how this gives them something to look forward and appreciate their freedom in going to different places. This has an overall positive impact on the individuals health and wellbeing. If we were successful in receiveing this funding it would enable us to provide this support and plan more trips out for our members. We hope this money can help reduce the cost of living and take away financial pressures that a trip may have on individuals. Receiving this grant would ensure that all our members were ablle to attend the trip regardless of affordablility. This in turns ensures that everyone has equal access to opportunities that we provide ensuring that our members have opportunities to socialise outwith our usual environment. This in turn improves the health and wellbeing of our members through making sure we have multiple different activities that can help stimulate their social circle.

Day trip to the theatre with a meal and transport

Theatre tickets - £450

Transport to Theatre - £450

Refreshments - £100

Healing Hearts

North Ayrshire Healing Hearts Bereavement Support Group

2024-09-06  •  No comments  •  Healing Hearts  •  Kilwinning

North Ayrshire Healing Hearts Bereavement Support Group is a peer support bereavement group for community members who have experienced the death of someone they loved.

The group was established in January 2024 after an initial CRUSE pilot scheme. The 25 members did not want to lose the group and the support it offered, so Healing Hearts was formed. The group is completely self funded and has expanded now to 4 groups running in North Ayrshire taking their total to over 50 members.

The group support people physically and mentally they address issues such as social isolation, addiction and improve the members well-being and health, meeting up weekly and for social events.

The project brings people struggling with the loss of a loved one together invarious locations in North Ayrshire enabling them to supoort each other. All of the group is constituted and all of the members who run it are volunteers. They offer befriending, mentoring and sign posting to various services locally for example Money Matters, Counselling and CHAP.

The group receives referrals come from Social Work, GPs, dentists, Community link workers, Police , libraries and other organisations in Ayrshires.

We woulike to request money for the below-

50 Christmas Lunches @ £15 each = £750

Bingo Machine £150

2 Boxes Markers £24.99 each =  £50

Bingo Books £30 for 600

Kilwinning Academy Parent Council

2024-09-09  •  No comments  •  Kilwinning Academy Parent Council  •  Kilwinning

The Kilwinning Acadamy Parent Council is here to raise funds to assist the young person's in the school. This has been used for many things over the last year. We assisted the school with funds to make some well needed spouse up of the curtains for school stage for the music depart. This was a total amount of £450. We also gave an amount of £170 towards the senior prom. We gave the school £450 towards toiletries and other amenities that our persons need.

Some of the Gang.jpg

North Ayrshire Tandem Cycling

2024-08-27  •  No comments  •  Andrew Lannigan  •  Kilwinning

North Ayrshire Tandem Cycling (NATC) is a local group set up in August 2023 that allows Vision Impaired people to enjoy cycling with the support of a Fully Sighted, Fully Trained Pilot. We currently have 11 members who are Vision Impaired and 15 fully Sighted members. We enjoy weekly organised outings. NATC is a new project that has had a phenomenal response from the local community including donations of tandems and people volunteering to Pilot tandems for Vision Impaired people. This has benefited members by improving their mental and physical health. It allows Vision Impaired people to meet other people with Visual Impairments and helps Sighted Pilots understand some of the impacts of Vision Impairment. Members are also improving their physical fitness as well as their mental health. NATC intends to run regular events to recruit new members both Sighted and Vision impaired as well as raise awareness of Vision Impairment. The aim is for NATC to grow and support more Vision Impaired people. NATC has liaised with another Tandem Cycling Club in Glasgow which has been successfully running for several years learning from their experiences and advice. NATC would like to purchase Spare parts for our Tandems, ie, Tubes, Cables and Tyres. We also want to have our Tandems serviced to make them safe for Vi's to ride.

Pryde Community trip to Pantomime

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  pryde.kilwinning  •  Kilwinning

We are looking to take families and people from the community to see Treasure Island at the historic Pavilion Theatre. Allowing members of the community to access different experiences outside the local area. We have had support from Riverside House Association and 1st Alliance Community Bank who will pay for the transport (2x70 seater coaches) which will go a long way in keeping costs down. We want to help boost community spirit in the run-up to the holidays, and if we can help to save people some money at the same time. It would go a long way to supporting families during a time of challenges. We would look to use this grant to make further reductions to costs for families as we are aware of just how expensive tickets can be. £2485 - cost for 140 tickets £1000 towards overall ticket cost. 

some of our group

Project Art

2024-09-16  •  No comments  •  Project Art  •  Kilwinning

We meet once weekly and incur no costs from the hall, we currently have pallettes of watercolour paints and brushes that were left over from the summer program so we are very limited in our learning choices. We would greatly benefit from having a supply of resources including sketch books and different meduims to fully get the benefits from this course and our development and understanding of this creative group. We are aiming to put on a display of all our learning/work next summer once we have a good range of finished pieces to display and we are very excited about this considering on one has any experience in the Arts.

We would also like to go on a field trip to the kelvin grove art gallery in the new year, this will be an insirational trip and we will begin to explore different ways to express ourselfs which will hopefully be shown in our art work.

breakdown of costs are;-The range for supplies costings,

Watercoulor & acrylic  brushes pack of 50: £8.99 x 2 - £17.98

A3 sketch books: £10 x 10 - £100

A4 sketch books: £5 x 10 - £50

Paint by number resources: £5 x 19 - £95

roll of tracing paper: £57

drawing made simple kit/ pencils: £3 x 10 - £30

A3 card: £9.99 x 5 - £49.95

Canvas's set: £20 x 10 - £200

Acrylic paint set graduate set 48: £39.99 x 5 - £199.95

Artiste Watercolour paint set 24: £19.98 x 10 - £199.80

Total £999.68

Kilwinning Litter Pickers.

Kilwinning Litter Pickers

2024-09-16  •  No comments  •  Kilwinning Community Events  •  Kilwinning

The group ls looking to order 25 litter pickers to re stock the groups collection of litter pickers that get loaned to groups or to borrow for groups at Kilwinning sports club.  or organised nights by groups like the scouts and guides etc. 

This will restock the groups supplies that are shared out across the community. This also allows the long term loan to individuals to adopt a spot.   

The Group operates with the support of North Ayrshire Council and Klwinning Community Events. 

ball control

Footie, Food and Fun

2024-09-12  •  1 comment  •  Aceswoodwynd  •  Kilwinning

hall hire  £13.50  2 hour hire                                 13.50

qualified coach  £80  90 minute hire                       80.00

food @ £5 per child 20 per session                      100.00

8 weekly sessions to cover various age groups. total £893.50