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Kilwinning Discovery Award Group

K Kilwinning Discovery Award Group  •  2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  Kilwinning  • 


Investment project code: 609

Estimated Price



We are a group of 13 individuals aged 50+ who meet on a weekly basis in Kilwinning library with an aim to complete the discovery award programme through taking part in personal and group challenges.


We have created an inclusive environment for all involved in our group. Whilst completeing the challenges involved in the awards our group give back to the community through chosen volunteering opportunities. Our group has provided a social lifeline for many members and it gives us the chance to visit different places throughout Scotland and connect with local history. This is turn positively impacts the health and wellbeing of our group memebers to help promote an active and healthy lifestyle by offering challenges that both stimulate and motivate. We have been able to access free opportunities and museums through the national trust this has not impacted our members finanically. However, we would love to be able to go further afield and access new experiences together as a group. This money would allow us us to continue to provide an inclusive environment for all our members by covering the costs and allowing equal access to aopportunities wavering financial limitations. We hope to use this money to continue to work together as a group providing key support and care to each other with the benefit of sharing new and exciting experiences togther. 

We hope to access different places such as Dumfries house, this is a place where many of our members have wanted to visit but due to financial limitations, we have been unable to do so. We would also like to go over to Millport to share a day trip together and celebrating completeing different parts of our discovery awards and have an end trip bedore the group break up for summer. 

We would also like to celebrate burns day as many of our group have an interest in the local history of burns and his poetry. We would like to come together and share this day as a group. We would also like to support or local community pantomime and attend this together; this will allow us the confidence to attend in the evening and increase our social inclusion as well as experiencing the nostaligia of a Christmas pantomime. 

As a group we have really gelled, and we enjoy spending time togethe. The friendships that have formed through the Discovery award have spilled into the private lives of our members who regularly meet up out with the group environment creating a bigger support network for everyone involved. This award group has opened social opportunties for all involved having such a positive effect on the mental health and wellbeing of the group 

Dumfries House £260

Pantomime £120

Millport Ferry £65

Millport Lunch £200

Burns supper/Location and Food £325

Location: The discovery award is a personal challenge, that we complete through a programme of chosen leisure activities. Each individual works through different levels of the award completing four different modules over a minimal time. These include service to the community, recreational pursuit, hobbies and interest and the journey of discovery. The group dedicate their own leisure time daily to complete different aspects of the award. This includes participating in volunteering opportunities within the local community helping with various organisations. The group also share ideas together and encourage each other to join other social groups. Many of the group see a significant change in their own mindset through completing this award. Due to the progressive nature of the award and the challenges that the award brings gives purpose and meaning to the group members. It also allows members to become active community volunteers whilst documenting their journey and achievements. Many of our members note a rise in their own confidence through embarking on this journey, by documenting all their achievements it brings a meaningful sense of purpose and fulfilment that positively impacts all aspects of their wellbeing.

Proposed on behalf of: N/A

Don't have defined milestones