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Investment projects with scope: Irvine

Total budget £35,347

Glebe Primary PTA/PC

Glebe Primary PTA/PC

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  GlebePTAPC  •  Irvine

The PTA/PC have worked with the school and the parents/carers of the Glebe community to raise funds for a school trip each year. However due to the increased costs associated with this we may not be able to commit to this come the summer time.   

School trips are such a wonderful experience for the children. The whole school attends on the same day and makes each pupil feel valued. These trips outside of school are important for the children's Health and wellbeing. They have huge benefits in supporting their friendships and relationship building with their peers. 

Last school term we managed to fully fund various activities through the support of our parents/carers and we appreciate all of the support we have received to date. Some of these includes; playground markings around the whole school, Halloween party, Spring disco and a P7 leavers disco and year books.   

Coach travel estimated for June 2025 is £2,500

Breakfast feeds Minds (Springside Parent Council)

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  SpringsideParentCouncil  •  Irvine

Some children, through no fault of their own do not go to school with a full belly and we as a parent council would like to remedy this but also provide information to the children on the topic.

The way we would plant to do this is would be to launch our 'Breakfast feeds Minds' campaign.  It would be our intention to provide the children in the school weekly breakfast hampers, available to any child who needs it, to ensure they have something healthy and nutritious before their school day begins.  This would include granola bars, cereal pots, yogurt drinks and fruit etc that the children can grab easily but will keep them full until lunchtime.

The funding we are applying for would be broken down as follows

£900 for the purchase of breakfast items (this is based on a budget of circa £35 per week)

£100 for the procurement of literature to promote the importance of breakfast and how this feeds the health and wellbeing of a child



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Green Grass Of Home

2024-09-18  •  No comments  •  Irvine Cricket Club  •  Irvine

In March our cricket square and cricket wickets are fully refurbished after our end of season repairs and regrowing and replenishment project. In April we cut and manicure them to allow cricket matches to take place for both juniors and seniors. The area is also used for training and game development. As the season progresses we are maintaining, reparing every wicket used through the methods mentioned above. After the work is complete we use our cricket covers to help speed up the process of germination, keep it dry and free of wind. After this has happenned we then start the same process on the next cricket wiicket, that has been used for games, to allow us to constantly maintain and repair and cause as less damage to the land as possbile. This process lasts until the end of August. In September we then do an overall deep scarify, re-dress the whole area reseed and fertilise the whole area in preperation for the next season.

The members of the club are heavily involved in this project with us, regenerating, regrowing and maximising the area we have, doing as much as we can by hand, labour and to be as green as we possibly can. The cricket wicket covers are in 3 sections that cost £2000 brand new. These last the club 10+ years. These covers are a key part of the work we are able to do on the ground and allow us to continue to play the sport and keep the area workable, renewable and fit for purpose. These covers have been badly damaged in recent high winds, the wheels are buckled and broken, the tops have become ripped, perished and the waterproof tops are no longer doing their job. These covers can be split into 3 areas for growth and regeneration or together as one to protect cricket wickets for matches. We currently have £1100 towards this project and the £900 would allow us to replace in February 2025 for the new season.

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Friends of Trindlemoss

2024-09-18  •  No comments  •  Broomlands and Bourtreehill Community Association  •  Official position 1  •  Irvine

Trindlemoss Day Opportunities is based in Irvine. Trindlemoss aims to transform community attitudes to better support and promote opportunities for people with learning disabilities and address mental health. We will help individuals share their strengths and skills with the community and encourage recognition for their input.

Throughout all our work, we stay focused on our customers, and the relationships that support and enrich them.

The group would like to organise social events in the evenings to utilise the building in the evening and invite parents, carers, family and friends to participate monthly to begin with to meet up with a long-term goal of making it a weekly meet up depending on how many family and friends would like to support this .

This would encourage a peer support group where the adults with learning disabilities would have the opportunity to meet up with their friends and socialise in the evening. The group would also give parents and carers, family and other care supports the opportunity to make friends and meet up with other parents and carers and support workers who support people with learning disabilities.

Trindlemoss also have residents who would also benefit from social events it would give them the opportunity to meet their neighbours.

The criteria we meet is Health and Wellbeing as Friends of Trindlemoss would promote physical and mental wellbeing the project would address social isolation, bring the community together.

The people who reside in the houses have mental health and learning disabilities so we also hit the criteria for building community spirits as we want to create a venue that is also an environment that they know. We also have other groups who use our building like Healing Hearts who have also shown an interest in volunteering, befriending, and helping  at Friends of Trindlemoss community events.

We would like to hold social events in the evening as winter is nearly here our Focus group have asked if we can put in for funding for the following items. With the following items we can have the oppertunity to fund raise ourselves and have games nights, bingo nights and fun nights. 

 Wireless  PA System - £200

pool table - £420

Curryoke Night - £260  Social event for 80 people (Curry, poppodoms, Rice) Pizza's for non curry lovers & refreshments for Tikka Bar

Entertainment  DJ - £100

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Irvine and Dreghorn Brass

2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  Alister C  •  Irvine

We are a community brass band organisation based in Dreghorn. We run 3 bands (a contest brass band, a community and a youth band) and we provide free or low cost after school music lessons for young people. We have over 100 members in our organisation and thousands of people are entertained by us each year at gala days, Christmas events and community concerts. People who participate in our bands and our audiences obtain mental well-being and educational benefits from musical activity. Each year we compete in several brass band contests and festivals all over Scotland. Any funding obtained would go towards our (2025) travel costs, entry costs, and other costs for competitions such as music, extra rehearsals etc. Participating in these event will inspires, motivates and develops our players, entertains audiences and we also represent North Ayrshire in an important cultural events.

We are applying for £1,000 for our adult groups competing costs

Cost breakdown would be:

  • Travel cost subsidies – bus hire £600
  • Entry fees - £200
  • Music, extra rehearsal costs - £200

Each year we compete at the Scottish Brass Band Championships in Perth (March 2025) and for this contest alone a bus costs c. £700 and other costs (music, entry, rehearsals) c. £500. As we attend 3 - 4 contests per year the costs incurred for all competitions is c. £3,000. Contests / festivals are important for our groups development and the band would fundraise or meet the gap from reserves.  

Boxing Club Young People

Irvine Vineburgh Boxing Club

2024-09-18  •  No comments  •  Irvine Vineburgh Boxing Club  •  Irvine

We would like funding to contribute towards the costs of running the club which helps young people and adults alike. For younger members, it takes them off the streets, teaches them how to look after their physcial and mental wellbeing. It also teaches them discipline and how to conduct themselves in the community. 

The club is open Monday to Friday and has a membership fee of £4 per session or £10 to attend 5 nights in one week. We would like to keep this cost as low as possible for families so it's accessible to young people, so by getting this funding will help us subsidise the costs. 

Taking part in the club helps improve members health and wellbeing through exercise and building relationships between members. The funding will also help towards the cost of living crisis for members as it will reduce the costs of taking part in this activity which is invaluable to members of the Vineburgh and Redburn neighbourhoods. 

Ring hire - £360 Insurance - £640

TOTAL - £1000

The Canny Crafters Group

2024-09-18  •  No comments  •  NACAdmin  •  Official position 1  •  Irvine

The Canny Crafters Group is a local sewing and craft group open to all, offering support in crochet, sewing and the art of repurposing old materials into new, creative projects. Based at the Redburn Centre, the group works in partnership with the friends f redburn community group and has been active for around a year. What began with just 4 members has grown to a ful group of 12 participants and two dedicated volunteers. Together htey have created a variety of handmade items, including Christmas wreaths, hand knitted goods and crochet crats and they plan to hot stalls at local events selling their handmade goods to help sustain the group and ensure its continued success.

The group fosters creativity and skill deelopment while offering a warm, commujnity focused atmosphere and for the members attending it has many benefits, including learning new skills, making new friends, and promoting mental well being. It provides a creative outlet, cost free access and a supportive environment where the members can recieve guidance on personal or group projects, enhancing a sense of belonging.

The group would like to apply for the cost of tickets to be able to attend 2 Creative Craft shows at the SECC to see differnt types of crafting and get ide4as for thier own group and also to buy resources such as wool and fbric for future projects.

Breakdown of Costs

Creative Craft Show Tickets March 2025 x 14 £168

Creative Craft Show Tickets Xmas 2025 x 14 £168

Resources such as wool, fabric, patterns etc £350

Total 686

School Visits to Wellwood Burns Centre & Museum

Primary Schools’ Education Programme: Irvine Burns Club

2024-09-05  •  No comments  •  John Murdoch  •  Irvine

To reinforce the annual school visits it is intended to produce a workbook for each pupil take away with them as a reminder of their visit.

In relation to the verse speaking “Champion of Champion” event funding is sought to provide trophies for those pupils nominated to represent their schools and performing their chosen poem.

It is intended that there will be three categories, Primaries 1-2, Primaries 3-4 and Primaries 5-7.

There are 11/12 Primary Schools in the Irvine Area, and it is hoped that all would participate.

Those nominated by their schools are also eligible to compete in the Ayrshire Association of Burns Clubs Schools’ Competition held later in the year.

We seek funding towards the printing costs of the workbooks (£500) and the purchase of 36 trophies at a cost of £20 each (£720) a total of £1220.



Irvine Takeda Karate Club

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  IrvineTakedaKarateClub  •  Irvine

Our karate club is based in Irvine is well established and open to all. We practice in the Redburn and Castlepark community centres on Mondays, Wednesday and Saturdays. We have c. 150 members that benefit from our classes and we support physical and mental health. Our members are in all age groups and many are from deprived areas and challenged by the cost of living. Many of our members attend competitions all over the UK and we try to keep our costs low and support people so that everyone can take part. For example we already subsidise karate suits, competition entry fees etc. We’d be grateful for any funding and money would go towards equipment and suit subsidies, subsidising entry costs and occasional travel to competitions.


Estimated breakdown would be:

-        Equipment (mats, punchbags, T-shirts, etc) - £400

-        Suit subsidies – 40 suits x £10 subsidy = £400

-        Entrance fees subsidies, we pay £1600 roughly in entrance fees  – £200 

Templeton Chair

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  billy dickson  •  Irvine

Interior design and decoration of display ares.

Design and fitting of information panel..

provision of spotlights, installation of audio facility and appropriate electrical works.