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Investment projects with scope: Arran

Total budget £10,636

Swimming Lessons

Kilmory Primary Children's Swimming Lessons

2024-09-16  •  No comments  •  Katy F E Brookes  •  Arran

The Kilmory Primary Parent Council are seeking funding to enable their P5 - P7 cohort of children to have swimming lessons for a term of their academic year. As an island school located very close to the shore, which the school regularly use for outdoor learning, and for the wider safety of our children outside the school setting, we feel that swimming lessons are a vital skill that should be obtained by all children as early on in life as possible.

For those of our children who are already swimmers, we are keen to provide any oppertunity for them to increase their confidence and proficiency in the water.

The costing for the swimming lessons is broken down as follows, please note, costs are estimated on prices for previous years:

£300 - coaching costs for the swimming instructor

£300 - hire of the pool

£300 - community bus hire 


20 Year Celebration Exhibition held in August

Arran Visual Arts Development of Art in Mind.

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Jan MacGregor  •  Arran

The main aim of Art in Mind is to reduce social isolation, providing a safe and relaxed environment where people can socialise, while being creative. Over the years, this has increased the confidence of individuals attending, and enhanced their feelings of well-being. There is no time limit, so some people have been coming for the twenty years, others come and go, but they all know that the door is open for them to return.

There is a relaxed, friendly and sometimes really industrious atmosphere, not to mention frequent doses of laughter! Time can be spent in group activity and doing your own ‘thing’, with plenty of help, support and advice – often achieving great results.

Some of the comments about the group have been;

‘I enjoy having a purpose and doing homework for the group. It reminds me of going to school, which I loved. I feel better on Saturdays and Sundays when I’ve been to Aim on a Friday’

‘Being able to be myself, friendship, acceptance, understanding, feeling for the first time in my life that I belonged somewhere’.

‘Meeting up with like-minded people, and doing art in a relaxed atmosphere’

  The second group started in December 2023, and both groups continue to meet every week, enjoying a wide range of creative pursuits under the guidance of a tutor. One group meets in the Ranger Centre, within National Trust's Brodick Castle Grounds. The other uses  part of Brodick village Hall. Transport from the ACVS Transport scheme, assists some members to attand, as well as some Art in Mind  Volunteer drivers. Both groups are supported by volunteers who take part in the art activities and help the tutor with materials and setting up the venue etc. The grant from Arran Community Council's Scottish Power Renewables Fund, has made this possible, but in reality has not been sufficient . There is a second year of funding due in October 2024, and Arran Visual Arts intend to advise them of the shortfall. However, the time allowed for the Coordinator of 3 hours per week, has not been enough, and the Art Materials requested by the different Tutors, and cost of ACVS transport,  has cost more than originally anticipated.

Arran Council for Voluntary Services Transport costs approx £30 per month  = £360

Art Materials    Clay  £40, Paper  £80,  Paints £40   =  £160

Additional Coordinator Hours  2 hours @ £20 per hour, per month = £480

Total  £1,000