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Arran Dogs (SC053020)

A Arran Dogs (SC053020)  •  2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Arran  • 

Class on the field
Class on the field

Investment project code: 707

Estimated Price



Arran Dogs (SC053020) is a newly formed Scottish Registered Charity (registered in Dec 2023) with the aim of promoting responsible dog ownership, training and education. We have just opened Arran's only secure dog field which is free to use, and bookable online for hourly use. Our aim is to make it more inclusive by adding accessible paths which will facilitate movement around the field for those with impaired mobility.


Arran Dogs (SC053020) is a newly formed Scottish Registered Charity (registered in Dec 2023) with the aim of promoting responsible dog ownership, training and education. We are focused on ensuring that our facilities and training are accessible to all, regardless of age or  abilities so that all can benefit from the positive impact dog ownership has on physical and mental well being.

While Arran is rich in open areas such as countryside, forest paths and beaches for exercising dogs, these are generally not suitable for people with impaired mobility (or sight/ senses) or dogs that cannot be exercised off-lead or mix with other dogs.  As a consequence, both these owners and dogs miss out on valuable bonding and exercise opportunities, with the mental health and well-being benefits this brings.

We have just opened Arran’s only secure dog field which is free to use, and bookable online for hourly use.

Our field is open to residents and visitors. We estimate that there are 2000 owned dogs resident on Arran and approximately 3795 visiting dogs. (Source: Arran Vets and Auchrannie).  Initial bookings and feedback since opening a month ago have already shown this to be an in-demand and appreciated resource with 27 residents and 8 visitors booking in our first week. 

This has enhanced the facilities available to the Arran dog community and visitors to the island. This is ideal for owners with elderly or reactive dogs, poor recall or just need to recover from injury in a safe space.

The field is also used for Arran Dogs’ lifeskills dog training classes which will help with building a sense of community involvement and so reducing social isolation by encouraging dog owners to meet likeminded people.

The field is now open to the public. Our aim is to make it more inclusive by adding accessible paths which will facilitate movement around the field for those with impaired mobility. This will then provide an opportunity to exercise their dogs in a secure place or to be able to participate in our weekly training classes along with the wider Arran dog training community.  

 The anticipated cost of the paths is £5700. We propose funding this by:

  - applying for £1000 from the Local Participatory Budget Fund

 – match funding with an application for £4000 from the Community Benefit Fund

  – match funding of £700 (and any extra required) from our own fundraising and donations.

Location: The field is located in Brodick in the Auchrannie Resort grounds. This land is on a 5 year lease on a rolling annual basis.

Proposed on behalf of: Arran Dogs (SC053020) is a newly formed SCIO (registered in Dec 2023) with the aim of promoting responsible dog ownership, training and education

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