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"Skirt the Skeith" 12k road run

S she989y  •  2024-09-13  •  No comments  •  Garnock Valley  • 


Investment project code: 716

Estimated Price



'Skirt the Skeith' will be in its fourth year next year, a 12k road run which runs round the historic and scenic areas of Dalry. We provide a community event which attracts runners from all over and is sponsored by local business's. We are supported by Dalry Sports Club and Garnock Valley runners and have become a well supported event by the local community who come out to cheer the runners on. Our run provides an outdoor event to support physical and mental health and numbers grow every year


Our main aim is to keep our runners safe on the country roads and ensure other road users are aware of runners on the road. For the last three years we have begged and borrowed road signage from Running groups around Ayrshire which is not always feasible if they have their own events on, We would like to purchase our own road signs which can be placed around the route 


We require 20 signs which states "runners on road"

We require 4 signs which have arrows on them

Location: Dalry is a small town in North Ayrshire within the Garnock Valley catchment area

Proposed on behalf of: "skirt the skeith" is one of the ongoing projects under the Dalry Community Development Hub and is supported by Dalry Sports Club and the Garnock Valley Runners as well as sponsored by local business including DSM who pay for our medals

Don't have defined milestones