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D donaldleesreid  •  2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Garnock Valley  • 

Brass Banding - Winning is good, but taking part is Best!
Brass Banding - Winning is good, but taking part is Best!

Investment project code: 684

Estimated Price



Welcome the Co-operation Band for a Gala Concert with soloist. It will give a real boost to the community to enjoy one of Europe's top bands. For older attendees it will get them out and about bolstering their confidence, health and wellbeing as they meet others enjoying happy times after covid. We will encourage young people to inspire them to consider learning a musical instrument and the inter-generational aspect is also of the essence giving pride to all. "Where words fail, music speaks."


Cost of bringing Co-operation Band to Garnock Valley: £1,000 (Standard concert fee); Guest Soloist: £100; Hire of Geisland Concert Hall for Gala Concert: £250; Production of  Concert Programmes anmd tickets: £80; Catering for Band, other performers, VIP guests and volunteers:(60  people X £3 = £180); Ticket Admin: £100; Parking Marshalls (4 X £20 = £80); 2 First Aiders: £50; provision of interval refreshments for audience: £100. TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF GALA CONCERT: £1940

Location: Prior to WW2 Garnock Valley had brass bands in Beith (3); Dalry (1) and Kilbirnie (2). in 2024 we have none. We want to inspire young people and former players to get back to playing in a brass band, hence this concert is important.

Don't have defined milestones