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Barrmill and District Community Association

F  •  2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Garnock Valley  • 

Barrmill dog show photo.jpg
Barrmill dog show photo.jpg

Investment project code: 670

Estimated Price



This funding would be to provide a day trip or meal for the volunteers at the association who work tirelessly to ensure the hall and gardens are maintained. Currently there is a bank of volunteers who participate in maintaining the hall and gardens on a daily basis.


Barrmill and District Community Association provide and organise recreational facilities for the community. We also manage the Barrmill Community Centre for the benefit of the community.

There are many activities organised and run by volunteers including carpet bowling, bingo and chit chat club on a weekly basis. Charity coffee mornings, Christmas Fairy Trails, an annual dog show and teddy bear's picnic have also been added to the range of events offered in recent years. There is also an annual garden competition for gardeners in the area.

Barrmill Conservaiton Group  which works in conjunction with Barrmill and Distriict Community Association provide weekly and monthly workdays to maintain the park 

Funding would show gratitude for all the time and effort the volunteers contribute to the assocation.

Location: The Barrmill & District Community Association (BDCA) is dedicated to maintaining our independent community centre as a local facility for the use of all. We aspire to become a focal point for activities in the village and increase the community spirit as well as encourage local people to get together.

Don't have defined milestones