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Rock and Rose Project CIC

R Rock and Rose Project CIC  •  2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Kilwinning  • 


Investment project code: 669

Estimated Price



We are a new community project formed to help support members of our community by creating opportunities for both adults and children to experience a holistic approach to wellness and mental health support. Both our directors live in the town of Kilwinning and are aware of some of the challenges and barriers individuals can face when it comes to accessing services. Our goal is to create a safe and welcoming environment for anyone attending our sessions, and be accessible to all!


Our community will soon have access to a range of workshops designed to teach mindfulness approaches for coping with daily struggles, stresses, social barriers, and poor mental well-being. Our directors are qualified holistic therapists that can provide, drum healing, sound healing, reiki, massage, reflexology, therapuetic art.  Also we hold qualifications in education and social services with a vast range of work experience that has built our knowledge of the challenges that many face within our area.

The workshops will be open to everyone, providing a safe and supportive environment where individuals are acknowledged and listened to. Participants will have the opportunity to learn new skills, connect with others who share similar interests, and, where possible, link up with local community hubs and centers to access additional services and support. This initiative is designed to prevent social isolation by encouraging healthy daily routines and giving people a reason to engage with their community.

A sense of purpose will help those struggling to realize their potential and build confidence to contribute to their community. For individuals or families living alone, in poverty, or facing social, emotional, or mental challenges, these services and activities will enhance well-being, enabling them to better care for themselves and their families, and take pride in their local area. Collaborating with other services and local groups will foster a positive community spirit and promote a better understanding of self-care, healthy lifestyles, and a positive outlook for both themselves and their neighbours.

Therapeutic art will also be a key component of the initiative, helping individuals better understand their thoughts and emotions. This creative outlet can significantly improve mental health by offering a safe space to express stress and anxiety while introducing accessible skills that can be practiced at home.

Community members will have access to sessions and holistic therapies designed to promote calmness, relaxation, and stress relief. These sessions will be available to everyone and can be accessed in venue with in Kilwinning or within the comfort of their own homes. By offering home-based sessions, we ensure that even those who find it difficult to socialize or leave their homes can benefit, helping to build relationships and trust. Over time, we hope these individuals will feel safe and supported enough to break down barriers and integrate more fully into the social circles within the community.

We are applying for funding for the following resources to allow us to facilitate our sessions in Kilwinning -

15 cushions-  £100

10 blankets -  £100

4 children’s weighted blankets- £60

10 lightweight drums with beater - £150

Percussion instruments- £200

2 Ear defenders adult and child’s- £30

2 x Activity Parachute - £30

Therapeutic art resources - £80

Sensory resources- £150

2x reclining chairs - £60

Herbal Tea resources- £40



Location: This is a community based project that can be run in a variety of venues in Kilwinning. We are a registered community interest company with the aim of being accessible to all. This allows us to connect and support the wellbeing of vulnerable people in our community and bring people together.

Proposed on behalf of: Rock and Rose Project CIC

Don't have defined milestones