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Feasibility study to construct an all weather multi use pitch

W WKCC  •  2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  North Coast  • 

Investment project code: 606

Estimated Price



Various community groups are considering the provision of an all weather pitch in The Glen West Kilbribe


We require funding to pay the Architect for a feasibility study before embarking down the road of full design and setting up a committee.   A local Architect McMillan & Cronin have had previous involvement in the area (ie the tennis court and future grass pitch) and would be will to use the information already gathered to provide this feasibility study. The study would look at Sports Scotland approvals, routes of all existing underground services, available power for lighting, budget costs and statutory requirements. The cost would be a one off fee of £1000 paid on completion of the feasibility report

west Kilbride is the only village in North Ayrshire without an all weather pitch.

Location: This project is in Kirktonhall Glen on the location of an existing grass football pitch. The grass pitch currently can only cope with no more than 2 matches per week, whereas a synthetic, floodlit pitch will cope with any amount of football,(both girls and boys) It will also be used for other sports and training facilities such as netball, rugby, walking football etc

Proposed on behalf of: West Kilbride Community Council

Don't have defined milestones