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young ambassadors

N Nairn  •  2023-09-15  •  No comments  •  Three Towns  • 

Investment project code: 417

Estimated Price



We as young ambassadors at Ardrossan Academy would like to apply for funding towards our extra curricular clubs equipment. We have a variety of clubs going on within the school for all ages however the lack of equipment means we are limited to how many kids can take part and what sports they can be offered. Alot of the equipment is dated and in need of replacement. This new equipment would allow for more pupils to get involved in sport who do not get the opportunity out with of school. The cost of local clubs means some of our pupils don't get the chance to try different sports and the volunteers/teachers within the school who co-ordinate the clubs need some support with this equipment fund. 


multi sports 6 metre net x 3 - £375, bazooka pop up football goals x 2 - £300, new footballs £80, new handballs x 8 - £120, bouldering crash matt £125.


Location: The Young ambassadors are a group of S1-S6 pupils within Ardrossan Academy who are passionate that the views of young people are heard, valued and influence decision making; and that they are engaged in driving sporting change in our school and in the community. In this context our Young Ambassador role has two key bits: to promote sport, and motivate and inspire other young people to get involved in sport in a wide range of settings within their local communities, including schools, clubs and community organisations to influence six key aspects of school sport: extra-curricular sport provision links to community sport opportunities opportunities for extra- curricular competition celebration of young people achievements in sport leadership opportunities for young people As role models and leaders for other young people, Young Ambassadors can have a pivotal role within their school and wider community. We have a Young Ambassador comittee in each school and it is pupil lead and supported by school staff and Active Schools Staff.

Don't have defined milestones