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Sports Leadership Group

C ConnorP2003  •  2023-09-15  •  No comments  •  Three Towns  • 

Investment project code: 407

Estimated Price



We would like to improve the well-being of the pupils in the Auchenharvie cluster by encouraging pupils to be more active in the playground. If successful we would use the money to buy new equipment for the P7 young leaders to use and lead clubs for P1-3 in the playground. We would also fund coaches to support these sessions to make sure that the P7 pupils are given mentoring to provide a quality experience for the wee ones. 



See video attached.



£350 Equipment (one for each primary)

£350 Hi vis jackets for P7 leaders

£300 Coach support

Location: Sports Leadership group at Auchenharvie are a group of young people consisting of former/ existing pupils from Team Inspire & Young Ambassadors. We work together to provide more opportunities for young people being active. We work together with the schools and with Active Schools to have a say in what activities are on offer and are able to shape opportunities in our community.

Don't have defined milestones