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Hayocks Tenants and Residents Association (HTARA) - Community Skip Project

H Hayocks TARA  •  2023-09-15  •  No comments  •  Three Towns  • 


Investment project code: 422

Estimated Price



The HTAR are a group of voluteers who help promote the interests of residents in the area on matters concerning housing, the environment and the social and community life in the Hayocks area.


We live in an area of deprevation, this means that council up lifts or skip hire is costly for some people to prevent these costs reidents are fly tipping. There is alot of fly tipping in our area and we are greatful to the local volunteers who who take time to try and do the their best to make our community a place to be proud of as well as making it it safer for our wildlife, animals and kids to run around. Some of the items fly tipped are to big for the volunteers to lift, so have to leave it until these are picked up by Streetscene workers.

We are applying for money to cover the cost of  two skips, so local resident can come and use it rather than fly tip it. There will be no cost for people to come along and dispose of their rubbish, hopefully this will reduce the fly tipping, making our commmunity a better place. We will pilot this over 2 months to see if it reduces the fly tipping and then maybe look at doing it a few times a year. 

Skips x 2  £816

Permits x 2 130



Location: The aim of HTAR is to safeguard and promote the interests of residents in the area on matters concerning housing, the environment and the social and community life in the Hayocks area. Our objectives are: To bring the residents together to ascertain their views on a wide range of issues affecting the area To advocate those expressed views to various agencies/bodies delivering the services in the area To give residents a voice in the decision making processes which affect them. Reviews

Don't have defined milestones