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St Winin’s Over 60’S Club

A Anne Marie McMillan  •  2023-09-14  •  No comments  •  Kilwinning  • 

St Winnins over 60s 30th anniversary 5.jpg.article-962.jpg
St Winnins over 60s 30th anniversary 5.jpg.article-962.jpg

Investment project code: 397

Estimated Price



St Winin’s Over 60’S  Club meets each Thursday throughout the year to allow older people to connect with others and enjoy a whole range of engaging and fun activities.  The club aims to reduce social isolation and provide a safe and welcoming space where older people feel included and valued.  Our club encourages group members to meet new people, enjoy a chat in the good company of others. The club is open to anyone over the age of 60 and has a long standing commitment to supporting older people in the local community that spans over 30 years.  The club recently celebrated our 30th anniversary in March 2023.   Our weekly meetings take in St Winnins church hall and this incurs a weekly letting fee of £50. Due to the cost living crisis, we are unable to ask any more than a minimal weekly fee from our group members.  These weekly fees help pay for tea/coffee/ biscuits which are offered each week. We are looking for funding to help us pay for the ongoing costs of this weekly letting fees.  In addition, our group particularly enjoys hosting a variety of seasonal celebrations. These promote the positive health and wellbeing of our group members, raise spirits and provide lots of good fun.  We would like to seek funding to enable us to hold a Burns Supper in the New Year.  This would include the cost of catering, decorations, music and hall let.


We are applying for funding to enable our over 60's club to hold a special Burns Supper.  This event would provide a beacon of light in the dark winter months when social isolation and the cost of living crisis have an even greater impact on people's health and wellbeing.  This event would bring the club together with celebration and fun.  With this funding we would be able to organise food and entertainment for this event which would make it a special day for all group members to enjoy.   Our club plays a vital role in combatting loneliness and encourages members to come along weekly to connect with others and share enjoyable experiences.  The club means so much to its members and has a real impact on people's lives in a positive way.  Any additional funding would help us to pay for the ongoing weekly letting cost of £50.  

Burns Supper: including food, toasts, entertainment and hall hire-£600

Hall letting fees for 8 weeks- £400

Location: We area constituted group, who meet weekly on Thursdays throughout the year. We are open to anyone aged 60 and over. Together we plan and deliver a syllabus of fun activities each year to meet the needs and interests of our group members. We currently have 53 group members. We are always keen for new members to join our inclusive and welcoming community.

Don't have defined milestones