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Post COVID regeneration/community involvement in Think About Plastic-Arran

T ThinkAboutPlastic-Arran  •  2023-09-12  •  No comments  •  Arran  • 

TAP Logo.jpg
TAP Logo.jpg

Investment project code: 372

Estimated Price



After leading Arran to be the first Scottish Community to gain 'plastic free' status by reducing plastic entering our sea TAP now seek to engage a wider community and those new to Arran to join together to reduce unnecessary plastic.


Following COVID, there has been population movement away from Arran resulting in Think About Plastic losing some of their volunteers and supporters and an influx of new people who may not be fully aware of the work of TAP. Think About Plastic-Arran (Charity No. SCO48987) is a steering group, set up in response to community concern, which works by involving community groups, businesses and individuals to think about their plastic use at source, in use and in disposal (reduce, re-use, re-purpose, recycle),  This project seeks to engage or re-engage people to work together (thus reducing social isolation and loneliness) to reduce the amount of plastic in use on Arran and subsequently reduce plastic litter in our environment (benefitting our seas and marine life and our countryside) and promoting the health and well-being  by maintaining and improving our beautiful island. Every single person can truly make a difference.

  1. The project aims to raise awareness of the services of TAP and encourage people to become actively involved in reducing the amount of plastic entering the seas around Arran through the launch of a new @friends' scheme. To support this we would like to purchase materials to engage/ re-engage individuals and groups including a supply of metal pin badges for members and friends and generally raise awareness of issues with the general population and visitors to Arran.  500 badges @31p each  £155    Total £195 and to produce and stckers to raise awareness about the disadvantages of wet wipes being flushed down the toilet. (the incidence of plastic-containing wet-wipes has increased on Arran's beaches and constitues a health hazard. as well as being unpleasant). These two actions will form the basis of a 'Don't Flush' campaign in Spring/Summer '24. Initial set-up costs for badges £40, 500 badges'@31p each £155  Design fee for 'don't flush' stickers £150  80x 75x110mm vinyl stickers £89.76  Postage £3.90   Total   £438.66                                       


Location: TAP comproses representatives from COAST, EcoSavvy, our local councillor and local businesses and community organisations. TAP operates a glasses loan scheme(open to all) to reduce the use of plastic drinking vessels, TAP operates a beach cleaning equipment service (available to all communities on Arran) and offers training, advice and support to beach cleaning groups. TAP collects, collates and analyses data about marine litter every year and feeds this information into UK and Scottish Government policy decision-making  via Marine Conservation Scotland. It is also used to determine prorities for Arran. TAP operates an accreditation scheme for businesses and community organisations who have significantly reduced their use of plastic TAP offers pactical support and advice to anyone seeking to reduce their plastic footprint TAP operates a website (currently being revised and updated), and a Facebook page. TAP worked with North Ayrshire Coucil to highlight organisations and indidviduals on Arran who have been accredited by TAP and who are taking positive actions to reduce plastic. The video we made togther (produced by North Ayrshire) is on You tube.

Proposed on behalf of: Think About Plastic-Arran (TAP)

Don't have defined milestones