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Largs Music Club (LMC)

T Tom Stewart  •  2023-09-05  •  7 comments  •  North Coast  • 


Investment project code: 265

Estimated Price



LMC offers an informal setting for amateur musicians to meet on a regular basis and encourage one another to improve their skill level on their preferred musical instrument.


I moved to Largs late 2022 and created Largs Music Club soon after in response to the interest I received since floating the idea on social media. 

LMC offers an informal setting for amateur musicians to meet on a regular basis and encourage and teach one another to improve their skill-level on their preferred musical instrument.

The club is growing in popularity since word is out that we existing members offer a friendly and relaxed environment for those keen to learn at their own pace without fear of judgement or impatience.  As membership is growing, so does the variety of instruments being learned and taught. 

The club relies on individuals contributing their time and equipment to teach fellow members how to play their preferred instrument. With funding, I would aim to purchase equipment to make that teaching more accessible - music stands, microphones, microphone stands, a Public Address system, amplifiers, mixing desk and some basic entry level instruments to encourage those who do not own an instrument (but who wish to learn one), to join us.  These items are expensive and realistically will require additional funding from me and some other willing members to supplement any money issued following this application. However, I am confident that your contribution will assist LMC continue to grow in membership and reputation and eventually lead to the club playing music for the community.       

The Public Address system is approximately £500. A couple of small amplifiers will cost an additional £500.   

Our club assists develop confidence as well as musical literacy, with participants being encouraged to play live for friends and family and in time, for larger audiences, once the club starts playing local live shows as per my vision. 

Feedback from participants so far evidence the mental health benefits of playing and learning in our community, a benefit I will highlight as I further promote our initiative in the community.  Our latest member told me that since moving to Largs very recently, she was delighted when, a chance encounter with a then stranger in the park led to her learning about our club. Nervous but curious, she came along with her new friend and has made many more new friends through our practice. That she is also getting better at playing her guitar, almost now seems like a bonus.

We at LMC are extremely grateful for your consideration.

Kind Regards


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