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Investment projects with scope: Irvine

Total budget £11,840


Irvine Meadow 2009

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Irvine Meadow2009  •  Irvine

As a club we are always trying to improve the opportunities available to the children however we are constantly coming up against financial barriers due to the rising costs of hiring pitches, referee fees, coaches education and general equipment. We are currently raising money to take the team to a football tournament in Barcelona during the easter holidays 2025 which is a 5 night stay including 4 days of football for the children. This is a great opportunity for the team to socialise and have a weekend with their family and friends whilst playing competitive football. Some of the boys in the team have never been abroad so this is a huge opportunity for them and being accepted for this grant would help us reach our target ensuring that no boy misses out due to the cost for their family. If successful with this grant we would use the money to cover the cost of the tournament entry which is £140 and the cost of the bus to transfer the boys from the hotel to the tournament each day which is £675

Showtime Youth Theatre

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Tricia  •  Irvine

The money would be used to put on a Theatre Show in March 2025 to assist with costumes, props and scenery. By participating in this production, the young people gain skills with performing and working together which builds their mental and physical wellbeing, communication and teamwork skills and builds confidence and trust. In addition to gaining life skills, they have fun and grow together. The Showtime Youth Theatre assists young people to express themselves; gain confidence with public activities and ensures that nursery, primary and secondary school young people interact and develop together. The culmination of learning songs, dances and acting skills creates a fantastic performance. The young people are working very hard every week to learn their new dances/routines and whilst we have auditions for the lead parts, all young people have an active and inclusive part to play whether it is in acting, dancing, singing or drama. This builds not only confidence but also maintains positive mental and physical wellbeing and entertains the people of Ayrshire whilst being a fun activity. A main aim is the development of our young people and to watch them grow throughout the years but we also wish for our local community in Ayrshire to thrive and we therefore try to source and support our local businesses as much as we can.

The Showtime Youth Theatre is an integral part of Irvine life as the young people participate in Marymass, put on shows at Fullarton Connexions, for the Ayrshire Hospice and sing Christmas Carols within local Supermarkets. The young people also learn the value of team work, kindness, community spirit and about the Irvine locality through participating in local events and when they bag pack, sing and fundraise in local shops and supermarkets.

The main benefactors of the funding are the young people but it is also the Instructors, drama and dance teachers, friends and family who get to enjoy all the hard work when they see the performances and smiles on the young people's faces.

Costumes - ready made outfits and dance costumes –10 x £15 - £150;  30 x £20 - £600; 10 x £10 - £100;  = £850.00

Material, thread/ribbon/accessories -  £50 (material); £50 (accessories and threads) = £100.00

Props - paint/brushes/materials (paper/cardboard) for handmade elements  – £50.00

Young Ambassador Conference

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  Martyn2131  •  Official position 1  •  Irvine

We are looking to pay for venue hire, t-shirts and/or badges for the young people to feel part of something bigger, and the possibility of an external training qualfication. The benefit of this training will see around 200 young people in the Irvine locality and across North Ayrshire gain the neccessary skills to be able to do public consultation, plan sports clubs and promote them to ensure high numbers of young people are physically active in their community. Rough costs would be as below:

Venue Hire - £360

Qualification for the Young People - £300

T-Shirts and/or badges - £340.

Total - £1000.

Irvine Rugby Football Club Girls Fyler.jpg

Empowering Girls Through Rugby

2024-09-13  •  No comments  •  Victoria Frater  •  Irvine

This initiative promotes gender equality by encouraging participation and boosting confidence. The U14s Girls Team, which currently has 7 regular players, which has doubled since August 2023 and they are currently using the Irvine Ladies’ old kit designed for men, not tailored for female players. By providing gender-specific rugby kits, we aim to ensure the girls feel comfortable and better prepared, enhancing their performance and overall experience on the field. Through our attached development plan, we aim to increase the number of girls playing over the next few years. Introducing a dedicated kit will boost visibility, encourage participation, and reinforce our commitment to gender equality in sports, fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment that empowers female players to thrive.

The proposed costs are for 12 of each:

Female fitted shorts £200

Female fitted rugby shirts £800


Dreghorn Primary School Show -Annie Jnr

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  DreghornPrimaryPC  •  Irvine

Dreghorn Parent Council are very keen to enhance and develop additional opportunities and experiences for all the pupils at Dreghorn Primary. 

In March 2025 the school is putting on a performance of Annie this is a fantastic opportunity for all Primary 5 -7 pupils. 

There is always a buzz around school and with auditions and rehersals starting this week,  it's going to be an exciting 6 months. 

Through participation in Annie the children have the opportunity to develop their confidence. They will learn new skills in acting, singing, dancing, production, costume creation, make up and set design. So many options for as many children as possible to be involved in: a huge team effort. 

As they learn new skills they will improve their abilities and belief in themselves, a real chance to help nurture and support the wellbeing of our children. 

When asked about being part of the school show the children were bursting with enthusiasm. We were told " One of my favourite things to do is sing, it makes me feel happy" Another child said " I feel more confident in music and dancing so I am excited to show how good I can be because that doesn't always happen in class." 

Reflecting on a previous show one child remembered " Matilda was so fun and made me feel a real part of the school so I want to take part in the show again." 

We would like that same opportunity for lots of our children. Giving them the chance to fire up their imagination can be crucial in their development. We want to enhance their thinking, playing and learning. 

The £1000 budget will help fund many aspects of the production:  £250 for lighting, £250 for costumes, £250 for set design, and £250 for sound to name but a few of the costs incurred. 

The children are at the heart of the production raising their voices performing to a packed audience over 2 nights. Aswell as the on stage dramatics they will also be involved in advertising and programme production and children will select guests of honour to invite to their show. 

Due to the cost of living crisis many children do not have the same opportunities to attend expensive dance,drama and singing classes out with school. Our statistics show us that currently 71% of pupils in P5-7 reside within Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) levels 1-4. Therefore by supporting the show our aim is regardless of background and financial situation all pupils will have the opportunity to participate. 

We want as many of our children to say 

"The show is a big part of school life and its so fun" Singing and dancing help me feel happy and clear my head. I would love to have a part to build my confidence."

We really appreciate and value your assistance to help us support our stars of the show. 

North Ayrshire Darts Academy

North Ayrshire Darts Academy

2024-09-09  •  No comments  •  Rosalyn17  •  Irvine

We are a non profit and self funded ever expanding youth darts academy and our members have grown considerably since January we currently have a waiting list of 10 youths awaiting a space at NADA.  We are always needing new dart boards due to the numbers of children using them, we also host Scottish ranking competitions throughout the year and need top of the range boards for these dsays.  We pride ourselves on supplying the necessary equipment to youths who may not be able to afford them such as sets of darts, cases, shirts and stems/flights.

8 x Winmau Blade 6 dart boards(£64.99 each)

5 shirts (Various sizes) £20 each

Sets of darts, Stems, flights


Greenwood Academy Champions Board.png

North Ayrshire Champions Board

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  laurissamonaghan  •  Irvine

Group of secondary age pupils who are expeirenced who come together monthly to discuss the things in care that affect them.  The time is also used to build friendships and develop new skill s like team building, event planning and much more. We are looking to use the funds to enable us to become a more established group and to buy resources that we can use to make stuff that help us stand out such as tshirts, badges ect.   Our main aim is to buy resources such as arts equipment and distraction tools that we can create a calming box for other care experienced young people in our locality/school that we can give out which also can include information on our group to let them know we are here for them but we would also include print out's that may be helpful to them in their care journey. 

£200 - Merch

£800 - Resources

Our pledge (posed by models)

Ghillie Dhu Crew

2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  Ghillie Dhu Crew  •  Irvine

The Ghillie Dhu groups were recognised by the SCVO as a voluntary organisation in May 2024 (Organisation name; Friends of the Ghillie Dhu, reg number; 8890). The groups have been in existence for 5 years. Referrals come mainly from North Ayrshire Council's Children & Families teams throughout North Ayrshire, parents can refer children and the group includes some whose adoptive parents have found the groups to be the only organisation in which their children recieve the high level of adult support to allow them to participate fully and have a positive experience.The aim of the group is  helping the children to trust and regulate their emotions, to promote kindness to others and to help the children learn social skills which can help them  progress to participating in mainstream community children's organisatiions. The group continued online throughout Covid restrictions and the children have shown continuing enthusiasm for attending. We have our own Face Book page - The Ghillie Dhu Crew, pleased look us up and like. 

There are two groups (over and under 8's) which meet in the Volunteer Rooms in Irvine, only the cost of the venue is met by the council. The costs of activities, crafts, the group sweatshirts with our logo and the children's evening snacks and celebrating events, such as Halloweeen are all met by fund raising. The children's sweatshirts need replacing (app £18 each) and the cost of craft and other materials is £250-300 per year. It is hoped that in the new session, 2024/2025 funding will stretch to organising guests who could provide therapeutic experiences such as puppet making and animal& wildlife awareness. The amount applied for is to assist with all these costs. 



Tourette Scotland - West of Scotland Support Group

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  JULIEW  •  Irvine

We are hoping to arrange sports coaching sessions for our young people at The Portal in Irvine. We are also hoping to arrange a visit to Bouncestation - a local play and activity centre. We think it is really important to promote positive physical and mental health in young people who are struggling to cope with the challenges that Tourette's bring. Tourette Syndrome is a complex neurological condition. Many of our young people suffer from social isolation; difficulties at school; judgement from others; dealing with regular health-related appointments; and various other challenges. Our group, based in Irvine, is a safe space for young people - and their families - to meet in person with other young people living with Tourette's. We offer arts and crafts, sporting games and board games at our regular meetings. The aim of our group is to have everyone feel included, supported and understood. 

We are hoping to put on six sports sessions throughout the year in addition to our support meetings at Bridgegate in Irvine. 

Cost to hire out Portal space and a sports coach - £100 per session. 

Cost to take 20 participants to Bouncestation - £310

Cost to cater sporting events - £90


Total cost: £100 x 6 = £600




                                                 =              £1000

Greenwood Parent Council

Greenwood Academy Parent Council- supporting the Music and Drama Group

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  cimik  •  Irvine

The Parent Council wish to help support the young people with gaining the best experience with all aspects performance of music and drama events within the school but especially the musical shows. The funding we are applying for is to allow the purchase of technical equipment which will enhance the experience of the working within music industry and also be used for other events in Music and Drama throughout the year. 

We are also looking to fund some of the more sustainable aspects of the stage makeup to allow our young people to further develop their skills which they have developed already within school in our Lovilious class.

Stage Lighting set with 8 Pre-Wired LED Pars, DMX Controller and Stands- £900

Make-up brush sets- £100