"My Happy Mind" Wellbeing Resources Skelmorlie Primary, Parent Council.

Investment project code: 703
Estimated Price
Skelmorlie Primary have worked hard to create a school culture based on emotional resilience and positive wellbeing. The parent council are putting in a bid for £1000 to support the school to continue this work by purchasing My Happy Mind educational resources, which can be used as a whole school approach to build positive self esteem, resilience and emotional literacy.Description
Skelmorlie Parent Council are bidding for £1000 to support the purchase of the "My Happy Mind" program and resources which will help to continue the excellent work the school currently do to support pupil health and wellbeing. The cost of the programe is approx £1500 and the School and Parent Council will use fundraising to meet the additonal costs.
The school frequently consult with children about plans for the school and ideas for developments. The children have identified that focusing on health and wellbeing would be positive for their school and that the tools and resources look like fun to use.
"We looked at different ideas to help build resilience and help when we feel anxious. We use Zones of Regulations in school and Myhappymind links to that too. We watched videos of other children talking about how Myhappymind has helped their school and we decided this would help us too."
Primary 7 pupil.
My Happy Mind is an evidence based program taught across the whole school in weekly sessions,
Meet Your Brain – Learning about how our brains work.
Celebrate – Understanding our character strengths and celebrating ourselves.
Appreciate – Developing gratitude as a habit.
Relate – Building positive relationships.
Engage – Engaging with the world.
Teaching Staff at the school will be able to use the resources to embed resillience, coping strategies and strengths based approaches into lessons across the curriculum.
“The portal looks easy to use with the lessons being designed to “pick up and go” and the resources being at hand means this will be a very manageable way of delivering Health and Wellbeing lessons.”
“Resilience is a skill we are needing to work on in our class and the techniques this programme has look to be effective in helping children with self-regulation.”
As a community we are aware of the pressures young people face,with rising levels of poverty, inequaltiy and reduced access to vital services and we are only just understanding the with the long term impact of covid restrictions on childrens development. We believe that access to the My Happy Mind Program will support children to develop the skills and resillience to cope with any challenges they face. The school is a key part of our community, and as such has the potential to embed these approaches with families and the wider community,
"The children will share sessions with parents/carers to highlight the importance of self-care and building self-esteem, resilience, and confidence. The children hope to promote this within our community with sessions for wider public at events such as the at the Nature Festival next year." Head Teacher Lynne Cathcart
Location: Skelmorlie Primary School Pupils and families
Proposed on behalf of: Skelmorlie Primary Parent Council
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