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2024-09-12 • No comments • • Three Towns
SeaSalt Streets are seeking funding to continue its successful run of events in and around Saltcoats Town Centre. These pop-up events have included a "kerbie" competition, a basketball challenge, a bird box building day and more recently, the Betsy Miller Awareness Day.
These occasions are intended to create a talking point, a feel good factor, a want to get involved, inspiring others to create their own events, thereby starting a Ripple Effect !!!
If successful, SeaSalt Streets intend to use the funding to hire 2 smoothie bikes and a life size interactive cow. The 2 smoothie bikes, 1 adult and 1 child's, each have a built-in blender which, when peddled by the individual, mixes the milk, fruit/syrup of their choice, into a healthy smoothie drink.
The interactive cow has milking teats, which, when "milked" dispenses water giving the milker the opportunity of a lifetime to "milk a cow" A unique, one-off experience which will create a lasting memory to the participants.
Estimated costs :
Smoothie bikes + insurance £350.00 Interactive Milking Cow £185.00 Smoothie Supplies 60lt milk, fruit, syrups, 250 cups £150.00 2 x Operators @ 4 hrs each £180.00 Delivery & set up costs £70.00 Promotional materials £50.00
TOTAL £985.00
The group will use this event as an opportunity to promote the Health and Well-being benefits of eating well, and by introducing regular physical activity, the individual can bring about personal change.
By involving families, SeaSalt Streets, by way of these interactive events, hope to continue to build up community spirit and create positive changes both to to individuals and the wider community.

2024-09-11 • 1 comment • • Three Towns
We've created a Suicide Prevention Information Directory to act as a lifeline for anyone having thoughts of self-harm and/or suicide. We distribute as many booklets as we can along with posters with a QR Code link to the online version.
The funding we're applying for would allow the group to:
- Distribute more booklets and posters across the community
- Reach more mental health organisations, local businesses, and education centres
- Reach more people living with poor mental health and wellbeing due to isolation, bereavement, addiction, food insecurity, and the cost of living crisis
- Reach those who have fallen through the net, the hardest to reach, the most marginalised
- Build community spirit by attending mental health and public networking events and coordinating training and holding events
The funding we're applying for would be spent as follows:
- Poster Production costs (printing and laminating)
- Travel, Event and Training costs
- Promotional Materials for networking and public events including:
- Branded Pens
- Branded Keyrings/Trolley Tokens
- Branded Tops
- Branded Banner

Performance in 3 days with Ardeer Primary School
2024-09-20 • No comments • • Three Towns
This project will consist of three days of workshops with fifty 9–11-year-olds from Ardeer Primary School. The project will be in connection with the 'Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival', exploring the festival's theme of 'In/Visible' using Shaun Tan's beautiful picture book, 'The Red Tree'. The process will begin by using drama activities to explore these themes, then will delve into drama skills and confidence building, which will set the young people up to create a performance that will be shared with the rest of the school and wider community of parents, carers and guardians. This project will focus on the process to get to the performance, putting the young people’s learning and development in the forefront of the work. The project will allow young people to explore mental health themes, ensuring they are relevant for their ages, for example, friendships and belonging. We aim to engage the wider school community by getting other classes to help with prop making, so they can feel connected to the performance even if they aren’t onstage themselves. This prop making will use origami to create paper boats to be used within the performance; a motif from 'The Red Tree'. The young people will then be asked to write on their boat what tools they use to 'stay above water'- what do they do to ensure they are maintaining their wellbeing? Drama is a brilliant tool to build community spirit, as each performer can present something they are proud of and share it with their audience of supporters who will come out of the event with a shared experience that can bring them together. This is why it is so important we bring this unique project to the Ardeer community.
Cost Breakdown
2 Theatre Facilitators delivery and planning: £780
Travel: £100
Workshop materials: £40
Performance materials: £80
Total: £1,000
For a breakdown of the materials needed please see the attached document.