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Investment projects with scope: Three Towns

Total budget £29,288

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Retirement Yoga Group

2024-09-03  •  No comments  •  Avril Gavaghan  •  Three Towns

We are a group of retirees who enjoy yoga instruction, with a registered tutor, every Tuesday morning in Saltcoats Town Hall. We have 25 members, all over 60, most over 70 and several over 80 years of age. Our current hall cannot accommodate any more than 25 and this is a sufficient number for our tutor to oversee safely. We operate a waiting list and we are inclusive of all retirees. Our group has been going for almost 20 years. Yoga keeps us physically active and improves our strength,flexibility, stamina and balance, which is imperative as we age to keep us from falling. Yoga also helps us menally, by coping with stress, when we do our breathing exercises and relaxation at the end of each class.

Many of our members are now widowed or dealing with the illness of a partner and  have consequently lost much of their social life.  We have one member who is registered blind and several who are hearing impaired. This all leads to isolation and lonliness. Covid has had a massive effect on many of us but we set up a WhatsApp group to enable us to keep in touch via phone calls and messages and to offer support when we need a shoulder to lean on.  We like to have coffee meet ups and/or lunches which allows us the time to talk together and find out if anyone is going through a rough time and perhaps needs some support.  We also try to have a day trip and a Christmas Dinner each year.  This allows us to the have the time to just enjoy a day or an evening out together to have fun. As we all know the cost of living is increasing rapidly and we live in an area of deprivation, so to be able to fund some get togethers and outings means a great deal to those who are no longer able to work.

We are all finding that technology is moving too fast for us, but as a group, we are there to offer assistance, if possible, and try to figure things out between us.  We struggle sometimes with so many things having to be done online i.e. applying for funding, making bookings, accessing menus or information and even at times trying to make a GP  appintment or order prescriptions. It's getting more difficult to access hard copies of forms and menus etc. Even when shopping ' It's all online' we hear them say.  A laptop of our own would make things much easier .as phone screens are too small for to see and are difficult for those with arthritic fingers.  We could hopefully learn together, and from one another, how to use a laptop effectively and erase the need for paper copies to be printed thereby helping the environment too. 

We have included a video below.


Yoga lessons £550, Coffee/lunch £250, refurbished laptop £200 = £1000


Hug In A Mug

Ardrossan Indoor Bowls Community Hub (AIBCH)

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Ardrossan Indoor Bowling Club  •  Three Towns

Expansion of the facilities of the Community Corner - £200

Provision of hot beverages, soup, sandwiches and biscuits- £800

Scuba Diving for all

2024-08-27  •  No comments  •  NorthAyrshireDivers  •  Three Towns

To teach Scuba Diving we need a pool to provide a safe and contained area for try dives and training future divers.  Each year in The Three Towns we aim to support residents from all social economical demographics with the opportunity of learning to dive with North Ayrshire Divers.  In 2022 KA Lesure introduced a fee to clubs of £50.00 per night for 1 hours pool hire every Thursday Evening.  As a club we are forced to pass this cost on to the people who desperately want to experience this opportunity.  As a consequence we had to reduce our sessions from October to April which we originally had, down to January to April.  This halved the number of people we could reach within the Three Towns.  Getting funding to support these costs would hugely support the physical and mental benefits to new members learning to Scuba Dive.

For each 1 hour session use of the pool at Aucherharvie Swimming Pool we are charged £50.00 - Our pool use runs from October to April we use the pool a total of 6 months this equates total of 26 weeks thus our expenditure is £1300.00 for pool hire.

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Feed our Community

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  IMC Community Fridge  •  Three Towns

IMC Community Fridge is applying for £1000 for the purchase of amibient and chilled foods to ensure good stock levels during the depths of winter. Many people on prepayment meters have to choose whether to heat or eat and we want to enusre that our community can do both where possible. 

£1000 will allow for £100 to be spent per week for a 10 week period to provide soups, ready meals and other tinned produce. 

We anticipate that approx 30 household will benefit per week from this provision.



2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  glennturner50  •  Three Towns

SeaSalt Streets are seeking funding to continue its successful run of events in and around Saltcoats Town Centre. These pop-up events have included a "kerbie" competition, a basketball challenge, a bird box building day and more recently, the Betsy Miller Awareness Day.

These occasions are intended to create a talking point, a feel good factor, a want to get involved, Inspiring others to create their own events thereby starting a Ripple Effect !!!

If successful, SeaSalt Streets intend to use the funding to hire 2 smoothie bikes and a life size interact cow. The 2 smoothie bikes, 1 adult and 1 child's, each have a built-in blender which, when peddled by the individual, mixes the milk, fruit/syrup of their choice, into a healthy smoothie drink.

The interactive cow has milking teats, which, when "milked" dispenses water giving the milker the opportunity of a lifetime to "milk a cow" 

  Smoothie bikes + insurance        £350.00                                      Interactive Milking Cow                £185.00                                      Smoothie Supplies  60lt milk,                                                             fruit, syrups, 250 cups                £150.00                                    2 x Operators @ 4 hrs each          £180.00                                    Delivery & set up costs                  £70.00                                      Promotional materials                   £50.00

  TOTAL                                              £985.00

The group will use this event as an opportunity to promote the Health and well-being benefits of eating well, physical activity and hopefully bring about personal change.

By targeting families, the group, by way of their interactive events, hope to build up community spirit and create positive changes both to to individuals and the wider community. 



Tuesday Womens Group

The Tuesday Womens Group Expansion

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  TheTuesdayWomensGroup  •  Three Towns

We are looking to raise £800 to continue and expand our group.

£200 for crafts and resources

£200 for food

£400 for trips and outings.

One of our members recently said, "i was sitting alone in the house with no-one to talk too and now I have a purpose on a Tuesday morning, have somewhere to go, have made new friends and look forward to taking part in things again. The winter doesnt look so bad now."

By bringing local women together we are offering a sense of purpose, building reslience and promoting independence.


West Coast Crucible Gaming Group

2024-09-17  •  No comments  •  Trina MacDonald  •  Three Towns

The group was set up after 3 men in their 40s got back into their teenage hobby of painting warhammer miniatures during the Covid Lockdowns and reconnected on social media.  Each of them suffered from social anxiety and found reintegrating extremely difficult.  After a few years of chatting together online the idea to set up a small gaming group to actually play the games was discussed.  After publishing the idea on social media 18 people showed interest so the group went ahead. Initially it was expected that it would be experienced players with their own miniatures that would be attending however the first meeting saw 9 people attend, 5 of which were new to the hobby and didnt own any of their own equipment.  The second meeting had 19 attendees with 8 of them having to use equipment supplied by the group.  

To continue the group and allow it to grow a lot more equipment will be required to allow everyone a chance to take part, especially the youngsters who have joined who dont have the ability to purchase their own kits.  Each starter box which allows 2 participants to play costs £110 and the club needs a minimum of 4 boxes to allow everyone to take part.  The other side of the hobby which most partipants find really aids their mental health is building and painting the miniatures so a space is being planned that will be fully stocked to allow the beginners to learn and enjoy that side of the hobby too.  Modelling tools and paints for this will cost.about £200. The group also provides tea, coffee and soft drinks for the attendees.

The let fees for the room at the Argyle Centre are £175 for the first year.

Argyle Community Shop

Argyle Community Shop

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Argyle Community Association  •  Three Towns

The ongoing cost of liviing crisis is continueing to have a significant impact on households ability to eat, heat and survive. We are looking to continue to support our community be being able to offer the range of foods that we currently have. Due to ongoing price rises, the community shop will not be able to provide the same choice and range of products if we are unable to secure funding to achieve this. Having access to a range of foods, provides a dignified support for families when they are at their most vulnerable.

£1000 would allow us to purchase food over a 3 month period, which will take us over the depth of winter when energy bills are highest for families. This equates to £83.33 per week and we support approx 65 household each week which is only £1.28 per household per week for food. 


Flower Club - Arranging for Beginners

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Whitlees centre  •  Three Towns

The flower club has expaded since we opened in the Whitlees 2 years ago in January. The club is very good for anyone any age particular inmobile people as it is slow and relaxed and a great chance for a bleather whilst doing the class. It is great to meet new people and good for people to get out the house and get a wee chat and cuppa. We would like the oppertunity to invite demonstratios to the class to inspire us with new ideas and go to some demonstrations also to give us a chance to get out for a while and see some amazing skills demonstrated to give us ideas also.



£300 to go outwith the centre to go to a demonstration 

£100 for refreshments and snacks for after class

£400 over the year to bring in demonastrators and supplies.


Saltcoats Victoria - Changing room re-development

2024-09-16  •  No comments  •  Saltcoats Victoria  •  Three Towns

Saltcoats Victoria F.C. is undertaking a redevelopment project to upgrade and expand the existing changing rooms. This renovation will create a more spacious and functional environment for home and away teams, improving the overall match-day experience. The expanded facilities will accommodate larger squads, provide better amenities, and enhance comfort for players before and after games.

Labour and Materials: £1,000