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Eligible applications: Three Towns

Total budget £29,288

1st Ardrossan (St Peters) Rainbows

1st Ardrossan (St Peter’s) Rainbows

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  maggieagnew  •  Three Towns

We are a rainbows group that has 22 girls and 11 on our waiting list. We would love to take the girls to the cinema to see Moana 2. We would also like to buy them badges and supplies to continue delivering the Girlguiding programme  

the cinema is £6 per child £132

badges required 22x4=88 88badgesx £2 each =£176

resources =£300

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2024-09-11  •  1 comment  •  Steven836  •  Three Towns

We've created a Suicide Prevention Information Directory to act as a lifeline for anyone having thoughts of self-harm and/or suicide.  We distribute as many booklets as we can along with posters with a QR Code link to the online version. 

The funding we're applying for would allow the group to:

  • Distribute more booklets and posters across the community
  • Reach more mental health organisations, local businesses, and education centres
  • Reach more people living with poor mental health and wellbeing due to isolation, bereavement, addiction, food insecurity, and the cost of living crisis
  • Reach those who have fallen through the net, the hardest to reach, the most marginalised
  • Build community spirit by attending mental health and public networking events and coordinating training and holding events

The funding we're applying for would be spent as follows:

  • Poster Production costs (printing and laminating)
  • Travel, Event and Training costs
  • Promotional Materials for networking and public events including:
  • Branded Pens
  • Branded Keyrings/Trolley Tokens
  • Branded Tops
  • Branded Banner
3tfm logo

Better, safer storage for our music library.

2024-09-05  •  No comments  •  3tfm  •  Three Towns

3TFM was launched in 2008 to provide a local health and wellbeing and music radio offering to the people of the 3 Towns.  It broadcasts on 103.1FM to the local area, and to the rest of the world on the Radio Garden app.  As well as broadcasting every day, the station offers training in radio presentation and production to local young people. Our music library is stored on a laptop.  Our current laptop is slow and outdated.  £500 would allow us to purchase a new laptop which would offer faster, more secure storage for our library.  It would also allow us to store more tunes, broadening the range of music that we play to our listeners. 


More information about the station can be found at

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HMS Dasher Memorial / Remembrance Day 2025

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Allan (K&GCC)  •  Three Towns

HMS Dasher Memorial - Ardrossan

HMS Dasher was a Royal Navy aircraft carrier that blew up on 27 Mar 1943 and the parade weekend is always the closest weekend to the anniversary.  Even though it was 80 years ago, we still have family members of the crew attending each year.  On Sat 29 Mar, there will be a service at sea on board the CalMac ferry, which will stop over the wrecksite. There will be wreathes laid at the memorial at Brodick ticket office.  On Sun 30 Mar, there will be a parade at the sunken garden across the road from St Peters in Chains church, where family members and community groups will have the chance to lay wreathes, flowers and other tributes

2024 costs 

Outgoings                           £   919.20

Biodegradable Flowers   £   100.00

Entertainment                   £   200.00

Buffet                                   £   240.00

Fri Catering                         £     20.00

Wreath centrepieces       £      9.20

St Peter's                              £   100.00

IoC Pipe Band                    £   250.00

Remembrance Day



Static Remembrance Day service in afternoon of Sun 10 Nov at the memorial outside the council building on New Street supported by Auchenharvie Academy, Stevenston youth organisations, including Stevenston Boys' Brigade and Scouts.



Parade from Bradshaw Street, through Dockhead Street and Hamilton Street to the war memorial on the roundabout outside Cafe Melbourne in the morning of Sun 10 Nov.  The parade will be led by the Isle of Cumbrae Pipe Band and will be supported by various organisations, such as Ardrossan Air Cadets, Ardrossan Sea Cadets, church groups and other community organisations.  The service will include the laying of approx 50 wreathes by various groups.  


Pipe band £1000

Note: costs which exceed this funding request will be paid out of branch funds.  We receive no central funding or council funding specific to these events (other than this application)

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Environmental survey to support community purchase of Kerelaw

2024-09-20  •  No comments  •  Stevenston Community Company  •  Three Towns

Later this year, we hope to buy Kerelaw - a former country estate in Stevenston – which is a well-loved, well-used, biodiverse greenspace. As part of the supporting documents for the land purchase, we need to submit an environmental survey of the site to the landowner and funder. The survey and resulting report – an ‘extended Phase 1 Habitat survey’ – would map the site’s habitats, note important ecological features, flag the presence of protected species, and provide management advice for the site.

Once we acquire the land, we will improve it for both the local community and biodiversity and seek Local Nature Reserve status from the Council.

The funding we’re applying for (£1000) would part-fund the environmental survey and report, which in total would cost £4626.


Hayocks Tenants and Residents Group (HTAR) - Community Garden Project

2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  Hayocks TARA  •  Three Towns

The HTAR are a group of volunteers who help promote the interests of residents in the area on matters concerning housing, the environment and the social and communication.  We meet up monthly based within Hayocks Community Centre

We are planning revamping our existing garden area at the Hayocks Community Centre, which the HTAR hold the lease for into a safe and welcoming community space. This will include a seating area where hall users, or members of the community can sit and rest or socialise. The space will also include a growing area with raised beds built and installed, where members of the community can come and work together to grow and harvest their own fruit and vegetables. These vegetables can then be taken home by members of the community or be donated to the larder within the community centre or used within the existing cafe within the centre.  Our existing outdoor area has ramped access therefore this would be accessible for all members of the community

This would build on community spirit and help towards peoples health and wellbeing such as social isolation and promote healthier eating. We are an area of high deprivation and this would allow members of the public a free space to meet up with friends with no additional costs.


Raised Planters - £510

Compost - £200

Garden Tools - £150

Plants and seedlings - £75

Water Butt - £65




Saltcoats Christmas Carnival

2024-09-04  •  No comments  •  lainey.mckinlay  •  Three Towns

The Saltcoats Christmas Carnival was started many years ago to provide Christmas lights in Saltcoats – this evolved over the years and has become a full carnival.  This provides a much needed free day out for families in the local community, when everything else related to Christmas is so expensive this event gives some relief from that.  The day includes, entertainment all through the town with a staged area with local and up and coming artists performing, including dance schools and primary schools, we will have 3 santas grottos including an ASN grotto (and disco) that will be fully accessible, activities in Saltcoats Town Hall, Santa abseiling from the clock tower and a large fairground. There will also be a mobile cinema street entertainers and a few other surprises!

Main costs:

Fairground £8k

Independent H&S £800

Donations to local groups for support/assisting on day £500

First Aid: £330

Santas Grotto set up, selection boxes and books = £1500

Entertainement  - Starlite (staging, PA,) £500

Road Closures, licences, & venue (town hall)  £1500

Mobile cinema £200

Abseiling Santa/street entertainment £500

Miscellaneous £1000

Marketing and advertising materials for the event donated by Clyde studios






The event is planned and organised by a small group of volunteers who have skills and experience in different areas.  External professionals are brought in for things like Health and Safety, Insurance etc.


On the day we have many groups that help including; ATC, Sea Cadets, Guiding, Scouts, and NAC community officers. 

A £1000 donation would help make this event magical and give families memories that will last a long time.  In the age we are living in people are struggling more and an event like this not only gives experience and fun but takes some pressure off of parents and caregivers.

Enjoying companionship, a chat with a cuppa and cake.

Dementia Befriending and Wellbeing Cafes - Ayrshire independent Living Network

2024-09-18  •  4 comments  •  Ayrshire Independent Living Network  •  Three Towns

The Dementia project provides one to one befriending for people living with dementia, offering companionship at home or support to acces their community. It also gives vital respite to unpaid carers.  Additionally, the dementia wellbeing cafes offer a welcoming space for those with dementia and their loved ones to enjoy soical activities, entertainment and connection over a game of pool, a cuppa and a chat. 

We appreciate the volunteers giving up their time to provide support, however we would like them better equipped for their role.  The money would be used to provide volunteers with first aid kits in their cars, for when they are taking people out.  It would also pay for lanyards and name badges for the volunteers to wear when they are volunteering. 

£250 - First aid kits

£500 name bages and lanyards  

Free homemade meals

Food & Heat

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Whitlees centre  •  Three Towns

If we were to be sussessful with the funding the money would help us offer the community the free meal & hot drink 3 times per week so they are able to come along sit in the heat get a hot meal and a wee chat with friends or just to see some friendly faces in the cafe. We would love to offer this throughtout the day from morning to later afternoon as we know people have different circumstances in life and may not be able to get out early and also we want to encourage parents to come in before the school pick up as we know with the cost of living parents may skip a meal and this way they have had something warm to eat before heading home. Also we encourage anyone coming along to the cafe to charge any devices they may have including mobility scooters to try help them save some of their own electricity. We are here to help with any calls that may need to be made regarding any home issues they have, for exmaple if they have any issues with gas or electric and they are unsure how to call for help or advise. 

Cost for running over 3 days per week for 12 weeks

Food cost per week £120

£100 per week for hot drinks


Hayocks Over 50s+ Club

Hayocks Over 50+ Club

2024-09-02  •  No comments  •  over50stevenston  •  Three Towns

We hope to apply for support towards contributing to our Trips (£500) and a Christmas Dinner (£500).
