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1st Ardrossan (St Peter’s) Rainbows
2024-09-11 • No comments • • Three Towns
We are a rainbows group that has 22 girls and 11 on our waiting list. We would love to take the girls to the cinema to see Moana 2. We would also like to buy them badges and supplies to continue delivering the Girlguiding programme
the cinema is £6 per child £132
badges required 22x4=88 88badgesx £2 each =£176
resources =£300
Retirement Yoga Group
2024-09-03 • No comments • • Three Towns
We are a group of retirees who enjoy yoga instruction, with a registered tutor, every Tuesday morning in Saltcoats Town Hall. We have 25 members, all over 60, most over 70 and several over 80 years of age. Our current hall cannot accommodate any more than 25 and this is a sufficient number for our tutor to oversee safely. We operate a waiting list and we are inclusive of all retirees. Our group has been going for almost 20 years. Yoga keeps us physically active and improves our strength,flexibility, stamina and balance, which is imperative as we age to keep us from falling. Yoga also helps us menally, by coping with stress, when we do our breathing exercises and relaxation at the end of each class.
Many of our members are now widowed or dealing with the illness of a partner and have consequently lost much of their social life. We have one member who is registered blind and several who are hearing impaired. This all leads to isolation and lonliness. Covid has had a massive effect on many of us but we set up a WhatsApp group to enable us to keep in touch via phone calls and messages and to offer support when we need a shoulder to lean on. We like to have coffee meet ups and/or lunches which allows us the time to talk together and find out if anyone is going through a rough time and perhaps needs some support. We also try to have a day trip and a Christmas Dinner each year. This allows us to the have the time to just enjoy a day or an evening out together to have fun. As we all know the cost of living is increasing rapidly and we live in an area of deprivation, so to be able to fund some get togethers and outings means a great deal to those who are no longer able to work.
We are all finding that technology is moving too fast for us, but as a group, we are there to offer assistance, if possible, and try to figure things out between us. We struggle sometimes with so many things having to be done online i.e. applying for funding, making bookings, accessing menus or information and even at times trying to make a GP appintment or order prescriptions. It's getting more difficult to access hard copies of forms and menus etc. Even when shopping ' It's all online' we hear them say. A laptop of our own would make things much easier .as phone screens are too small for to see and are difficult for those with arthritic fingers. We could hopefully learn together, and from one another, how to use a laptop effectively and erase the need for paper copies to be printed thereby helping the environment too.
We have included a video below.
Yoga lessons £550, Coffee/lunch £250, refurbished laptop £200 = £1000
Better, safer storage for our music library.
2024-09-05 • No comments • • Three Towns
3TFM was launched in 2008 to provide a local health and wellbeing and music radio offering to the people of the 3 Towns. It broadcasts on 103.1FM to the local area, and to the rest of the world on the Radio Garden app. As well as broadcasting every day, the station offers training in radio presentation and production to local young people. Our music library is stored on a laptop. Our current laptop is slow and outdated. £500 would allow us to purchase a new laptop which would offer faster, more secure storage for our library. It would also allow us to store more tunes, broadening the range of music that we play to our listeners.
More information about the station can be found at www.3tfm.org.uk/about
Argyle Community Shop
2024-09-11 • No comments • • Three Towns
The ongoing cost of liviing crisis is continueing to have a significant impact on households ability to eat, heat and survive. We are looking to continue to support our community be being able to offer the range of foods that we currently have. Due to ongoing price rises, the community shop will not be able to provide the same choice and range of products if we are unable to secure funding to achieve this. Having access to a range of foods, provides a dignified support for families when they are at their most vulnerable.
£1000 would allow us to purchase food over a 3 month period, which will take us over the depth of winter when energy bills are highest for families. This equates to £83.33 per week and we support approx 65 household each week which is only £1.28 per household per week for food.
Save Ardrossan Harbour
2024-09-12 • No comments • • Three Towns
Our group has grown from three members into double digits and we have recieved support from Councillors, MSP's and MP's, not to mention local business throughout Ardrossan. Our current project is focused on Ardrossan Harbour. The situation at the harbour has lingered on for years and years and with little to no information being announced and quite frankly the town of Ardrossan is being forgotten.
The Ardrossan to Brodick sailing not only provides the shortest, most efficient, and cheapest lifeline to Arran it is a vital heartbeat of community life on both the mainland and the island. There is constant talk of ferries and crossings and tourism. However, the human factor is rarely discussed and how Ardrossan Harbour plays a big part in the day to day to life of people in the community.
The foundation stone of Ardrossan Harbour was laid on 31st June 1806 and completed in 1864, initially proposed by the 12th Earl of Eglinton. The harbour has been a hive of industry in the town from its early days exporting coal, stone and pig iron to Europe. Contrast that with the situation we see today when the Harbour has been left in a perilous state with its very future on the line.
It may not be the main exporter these days but there is plenty of businesses that are drawn to the harbour and as a result into the town of Ardrossan itself. Businesses on both sides of the crossing suffer the ebb and flow of customers in direct proportion to the number of sailings. These are hard working locals who have chosen to support their town and invest here while providing a service for the community. Without these businesses we will have higher local unemployment, reduced facilities, and abandoned units. Businesses need to be able to plan and a timely process regarding the business case for Ardrossan Harbour would have afforded them option.
The harbour has many more links to the town and communities surrounding it than business. Healthcare plays it role as many islanders attend dentists, doctors, opticians, clinics and hospitals on the mainland. The Ardrossan to Brodick sailing allows this vital healthcare network to function. The infrastructure is there from boat to train to destination in easy, tried and tested ways.
We ask all stakeholders involved; Peel Ports, Calmac, CMAL, North Ayrshire Council and the Scottish Government to plainly lay out all relevant information pertaining to Ardrossan Harbour. The long-delayed business case for the work to be carried delayed time and again with a variety of explanations only serve to sow confusion. There is urgent action needed to save Ardrossan harbour and that needs to be discussed publicly and the route forward needs to be clearly marked out giving everyone in the community an opportunity to plan.
Mistakes have certainly been made along the way and that is inevitable, and nothing is irreversible, however, we at Save Ardrossan Harbour ask clearly for all involved to show respect to the towns and people of the communities affected by the ongoing harbour issues. This can be achieved through open truthful discussion and transparency through every stage of the process.
We aim to ensure that everyone can raise their voice in this matter and our funding will be used to increase our community engagement by organising information/fun days, advertising through leaflets and posters and hiring local venues that will allow us to interact with the public.
Hall hire for Civic centre in Ardrossan, Small hall £7.70 per hour = 3 hour booking £23.10
Large hall £15.45 per hour = 3 hour booking £46.35
We would be hiring the hall out to host public meetings and community information and drop in sessions.
We are also planning a fun day to generate interest and buil the groups profile. Inflatables cost £180.80 for 3 hour booking and there would be a DJ at £180 and a buffet in the region of £200.
For these events we would also purchase some pop up banners at a cost of £65 plus vat, two banners roughly £156 including vat.
The remaining funds would be used to purchase leaflets to hand out at these sessions.
High Flats Afternoon Club
2024-09-11 • No comments • • Three Towns
We would like to apply for funding to take the residents of Saltcoats High Flats on trips and outings throughout the year. As an older community of people with a range of mobility needs, many of us live by ourselves. We can go days without talking to people. The High Flats Afternoon Club brings us together with the common theme of living in the same buidling.
We would like to be able to book some trips and days out but due to many different mobility needs, such as walking frames, sticks etc, we need accessible transport. Transport is very expensive and if we were to get £800, we could use a varierty of taxis, minibus or small bus hires to take us on some days out.
£500 for transport costs
£300 for entrance fees, food and drink etc.
Our Wellbeing Matters - Mayfield Parent Council and Mayfield House Captains
2024-09-20 • No comments • • Three Towns
Vision of Project - Create a Wellbeing Corner and Volunteer Programme of Activities at Lunch time and Afterschool.
We are House Captains of Mayfiled Primary School. We applied to be house captains to lead and support children and young people, to listen to children's views, to work with teachers to help with learning and to encourage volunteering in and outside our school. As school captains, monitors and buddy's we would like the funding to help us grow as leaders. - (House Captain Application and video link to see our ideas)
Project 1 - Volunteer Programme to support Lunch Time and Afterschool Activities (Theme - Health & Wellbeing, Building Community Spirit and Cost of Living).
Our school does not have any lunch time or afterschool clubs. We want to lead on lunch time and afterschool activities and with the help of our teachers and parent council who can help by volunteering their time and help us bring in funding for resources. We would like money from PB to purchase 2 new adjustable basketball stands so the big and wee ones can play. We asked our houses what we needed and went a walk around our school playground. We only have 1 basketball net and its older than Mr Faulds so the JANNIE SAID. We did our research and found these for 249.99 each and we need 2.
Project 2 - Our Wellbeing Corner (Theme - Health & Wellbeing, Community Spirit, Cost of Living and Green Projects)
Part of our walk around we noticed that there is not anywhere for young people to sit together outdoors. We would like to turn a corner of our playground into a wellbeing corner. We would like money for picnic benches and planters. We called a local men's shed. They said if we got the PB money they would make them for us and would only charge us for the wood - We thought this was an absolute BARGAIN!!! The space we looked at you can see the fields behind us and the cows - we thought this area would make the ideal spot. We as Mayfields House Captains want to introduce FUN, FRIENDLY FRIDAYS where pupils will give at least 1 comliment to someone during our lunch time activity. We would also like to use the space when we are volunteering as buddy's and mentors as this is an ideal space to put our planters and we can help the wee people grow vegetable and their confidence. This space would allow us as House Captains to develop our leadership skills using a space that is not used and hopefully recruit more wellbeing wizzards as part of our fun and friendly Friday's.
Basketball Stands 249.99 x 2 = 499.98
3 x Picnic Benches 2 x Planters = 580
Total = 1039.98 (We planning on fundraising for the rest if successful)
Dementia Befriending and Wellbeing Cafes - Ayrshire independent Living Network
2024-09-18 • 4 comments • • Three Towns
The Dementia project provides one to one befriending for people living with dementia, offering companionship at home or support to acces their community. It also gives vital respite to unpaid carers. Additionally, the dementia wellbeing cafes offer a welcoming space for those with dementia and their loved ones to enjoy soical activities, entertainment and connection over a game of pool, a cuppa and a chat.
We appreciate the volunteers giving up their time to provide support, however we would like them better equipped for their role. The money would be used to provide volunteers with first aid kits in their cars, for when they are taking people out. It would also pay for lanyards and name badges for the volunteers to wear when they are volunteering.
£250 - First aid kits
£500 name bages and lanyards
West Coast Crucible Gaming Group
2024-09-17 • 1 comment • • Three Towns
The group was set up after 3 men in their 40s got back into their teenage hobby of painting warhammer miniatures during the Covid Lockdowns and reconnected on social media. Each of them suffered from social anxiety and found reintegrating extremely difficult. After a few years of chatting together online the idea to set up a small gaming group to actually play the games was discussed. After publishing the idea on social media 18 people showed interest so the group went ahead. Initially it was expected that it would be experienced players with their own miniatures that would be attending however the first meeting saw 9 people attend, 5 of which were new to the hobby and didnt own any of their own equipment. The second meeting had 19 attendees with 8 of them having to use equipment supplied by the group.
To continue the group and allow it to grow a lot more equipment will be required to allow everyone a chance to take part, especially the youngsters who have joined who dont have the ability to purchase their own kits. Each starter box which allows 2 participants to play costs £110 and the club needs a minimum of 4 boxes to allow everyone to take part. The other side of the hobby which most partipants find really aids their mental health is building and painting the miniatures so a space is being planned that will be fully stocked to allow the beginners to learn and enjoy that side of the hobby too. Modelling tools and paints for this will cost.about £200. The group also provides tea, coffee and soft drinks for the attendees.
The let fees for the room at the Argyle Centre are £175 for the first year.
Three Towns Growers (3TG) - Look & Learn
2024-09-20 • No comments • • Three Towns
3TG maintain and manage the Community Allotments, Elm Park, Ardrossan. We are seeking funding to produce 'interpretative' boards to be positioned at key areas within the allotments. These will present visual and textual information. For example, the wildlife pond, and its inhabitants, why biodiversity is important for us all as well as the environment. How the pond benefits growing food. As place to chill and relax and by extension be part of resetting your wellness and mental health. A board at the community & training plot explaining, whats growing and how it is governed by the seasons etc. Three further boards (including a site map and information) at other locations on the site. The fund would buy materials to make the boards from scratch, with volunteers from the allotment’s membership, and importantly volunteers from the communities of the Three Towns working together to construct them. The project will introduce people to woodworking, digital design, desktop publishing, and get them working outside gaining an understanding of biodiversity and growing food all at local level. They will be designed so that information can be changed and updated as and when required. The boards will be part of an ongoing move to encourage people to visit the allotment for leisure and relaxation, to experience the 'outdoors' in a safe space. This project will benefit an estimated 40 participants throughout the construction and placement stages, and further 300 - 400 people using the allotment or visiting.
Costs would be as follows, Clear Acrylic Boards £200, Marine Plyboard £396, Coach Bolts £30, Yacht Varnish £40, fence posts £300, Ducks Black Matt Paint £86, post cement £80. The 3TG will contribute £200 to the project, making a total cost of £1132.