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Investment projects with scope: Three Towns

Total budget £29,288


Save Ardrossan Harbour

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Save Ardrossan Harbour  •  Three Towns


Our group has grown from three members into double digits and we have recieved support from Councillors, MSP's and MP's, not to mention local business throughout Ardrossan.  Our current project is focused on Ardrossan Harbour. The situation at the harbour has lingered on for years and years and with little to no information being announced and quite frankly the town of Ardrossan is being forgotten.

The Ardrossan to Brodick sailing not only provides the shortest, most efficient, and cheapest lifeline to Arran it is a vital heartbeat of community life on both the mainland and the island. There is constant talk of ferries and crossings and tourism. However, the human factor is rarely discussed and how Ardrossan Harbour plays a big part in the day to day to life of people in the community.

The foundation stone of Ardrossan Harbour was laid on 31st June 1806 and completed in 1864, initially proposed by the 12th Earl of Eglinton. The harbour has been a hive of industry in the town from its early days exporting coal, stone and pig iron to Europe. Contrast that with the situation we see today when the Harbour has been left in a perilous state with its very future on the line.

It may not be the main exporter these days but there is plenty of businesses that are drawn to the harbour and as a result into the town of Ardrossan itself. Businesses on both sides of the crossing suffer the ebb and flow of customers in direct proportion to the number of sailings. These are hard working locals who have chosen to support their town and invest here while providing a service for the community. Without these businesses we will have higher local unemployment, reduced facilities, and abandoned units. Businesses need to be able to plan and a timely process regarding the business case for Ardrossan Harbour would have afforded them option.

The harbour has many more links to the town and communities surrounding it than business. Healthcare plays it role as many islanders attend dentists, doctors, opticians, clinics and hospitals on the mainland. The Ardrossan to Brodick sailing allows this vital healthcare network to function. The infrastructure is there from boat to train to destination in easy, tried and tested ways.

We ask all stakeholders involved; Peel Ports, Calmac, CMAL, North Ayrshire Council and the Scottish Government to plainly lay out all relevant information pertaining to Ardrossan Harbour. The long-delayed business case for the work to be carried delayed time and again with a variety of explanations only serve to sow confusion. There is urgent action needed to save Ardrossan harbour and that needs to be discussed publicly and the route forward needs to be clearly marked out giving everyone in the community an opportunity to plan.

Mistakes have certainly been made along the way and that is inevitable, and nothing is irreversible, however, we at Save Ardrossan Harbour ask clearly for all involved to show respect to the towns and people of the communities affected by the ongoing harbour issues. This can be achieved through open truthful discussion and transparency through every stage of the process.

We aim to ensure that everyone can raise their voice in this matter and our funding will be used to increase our community engagement by organising information/fun days, advertising through leaflets and posters and hiring local venues that will allow us to interact with the public.


Hall hire for Civic centre in Ardrossan, Small hall £7.70 per hour = 3 hour booking £23.10

Large hall £15.45 per hour = 3 hour booking £46.35

We would be hiring the hall out to host public meetings and community information and drop in sessions.

We are also planning a fun day to generate interest and buil the groups profile. Inflatables cost £180.80 for 3 hour booking and there would be a DJ at £180 and a buffet in the region of £200.

For these events we would also purchase some pop up banners at a cost of £65 plus vat, two banners roughly £156 including vat.

The remaining funds would be used to purchase leaflets to hand out at these sessions.

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Art ventures at Flying Start Toddler group

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Josephine Coulter  •  Three Towns

The project is Art Venturers it is a programme designed fo babies and children under three years.  The aim is to develop a childs creativity by providing experiences and opportunities for creative play in a relaxed environment.  Children explore and create at their own pace and develop a sense of well being .  the programme promotes bonding and attachments between the babies and their caregivers.  A professional early years worker leads the sessions and the sessions are planned to support childrns development.

The costs of the project is 20 sessions at £50 per session £1000

1st Ardrossan (St Peters) Rainbows

1st Ardrossan (St Peter’s) Rainbows

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  maggieagnew  •  Three Towns

We are a rainbows group that has 22 girls and 11 on our waiting list. We would love to take the girls to the cinema to see Moana 2. We would also like to buy them badges and supplies to continue delivering the Girlguiding programme  

the cinema is £6 per child £132

badges required 22x4=88 88badgesx £2 each =£176

resources =£300

Saltcoats Mindful Makers

2024-09-18  •  No comments  •  elemay  •  Three Towns

Mindful Makers brings together Three Towns adults to combat the adverse effects of loneliness and social isolation with mindfulness. This community group is run by four volunteers (no cost) and comprises weekly Crafting Sessions and a Book Group. Sessions are open to all and free of charge to users. Friday meetings are held in Saltcoats Library where the welcoming environment encourages regular attendance. Week 1: Crafting - a new skill tutored by an organiser; Week 3: Book Group; Weeks 2 and 4: crafting together. Crafting and mindfulness are beneficial and can alleviate the symptoms of anxiety, stress, depression, loneliness and even dementia ( and Sharing experiences can counter depression through a feeling of belonging. Feedback from participants will guide our work and shape our 2025 programme. We use WhatsApp group to share and communicate between meetings, and a new Instagram account will raise awareness.

Our bid for £800 will allow for increasing costs and will (a) continue the provision of free crafting resources so no one is excluded for economic reasons - £500 (b) enable us to continue to provide community and outreach work - £50 promotion, and (c) increase equality of access for disabled members - £250 towards transport. We need to keep our activities free of charge as it becomes harder to budget for activities to help us thrive. Our 2025 development plan calls for an occasional outside maker to lead a session for a reasonable fee. A 2023 field trip was successful, but transport costs suitable for disabled participants are prohibitive, yet because of the weather we need to plan to visit indoor venues relevant to our selected crafts.

We respect sustainability, recycling items wherever possible, and augment our funds through craft sales. We support an average of 14 members at any time - an optimum number given the donated time and effort for organisation.


Hayocks Free Kids/ Family Christmas Santa Event & Over 50s Christmas Meal

2024-09-02  •  No comments  •  Hayocks Hall  •  Three Towns

The North Stevenston Community Association is dedicated to supporting the local community in North Stevenston. However, financial limitations are hindering our ability to provide free events to the community, especially to vulnerable groups such as children and those over 50 who are affected by financial challenges, food crises, and isolation.

Community Challenges: North Stevenson is a financially challenged area, making it difficult for many families to afford necessities, especially food and activities. This has led to an increased reliance on anti-poverty support and often isolation. Christmas is a special time of year and we would like to help people make positive memories of 2024.

Community Events: To address these challenges, we aim to provide festive events for the community. An all-the-trimmings Christmas lunch &  Free family event including a visit from Santa, a gift, and entertainment. 

Budget Requirements: To successfully organise these events, we require funding support totaling £1000, allocated as follows: - £450 for the Christmas Lunch 3 course 50+ for food and entertainment  - £550 for the Free  kids’ and family Santa event

Activity Costs: Over 50s Christmas lunch -We estimate a guest list of approximately 60 individuals for Christmas lunch and plan to utilise the funds towards 3-course Christmas meals, table settings, crackers, and entertainment. For the kids and family Santa event, we expect approximately 100 children to attend, and the budget will cover expenses for a photo booth, decorations, a disco and DJ, and small gifts or selection boxes.

Impact and Community Resilience: The funding to enable these events will provide temporary joy and enhance community interaction and resilience. Our hall venue allows for positive interactions and offers a supportive environment to strengthen social networks and general well-being within the community.  We would like to increase our services to support people locally and will use the opportunity to highlight our anti-poverty and activity-based program to provide support when needed. 

Conclusion: If the funding is successful, it will enable the Association to bring joy to kids and improve the lives of those in need. It will also encourage local engagement for the development of our service provision in line with local needs and wants.

Poisoned Apple Christmas

Poisoned Apple Productions Community Christmas Pantomime

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  bex_sayt  •  Three Towns

As always, our goal is to write and produce our own community pantomime for families in North Ayrshire, with a special focus on the Three Towns.

It is essential for us to keep our events affordable and accessible to the local community. We recognise that families with multiple children may find it difficult to attend larger pantomimes due to the high costs of travel and tickets. Therefore, we offer a family ticket for our shows, priced at £35 (plus a booking fee payable directly to the booking website), which covers either 1 adult and 3 children or 2 adults and 2 children, with additional babes-in-arms included at no extra charge

Yearly, we have also supplied a tuckshop at the performances each year to ensure that families can buy a treat for their children at affordable prices.

Please find below a summary of costings for the pantomime. We understand that we cannot apply for funding to cover staffing costs, but we would like to include them to provide a clearer overview of the overall expenses.

  • Rent of KA Leisure Space (St Matthews Academy based on 2023 pricing) for 3 days: £460
  • Costuming: £300
  • Marketing (posters and flyer printing): £100
  • Tuck shop: £400
  • Travel costs: £200
  • Rent of Lighting and Sound equipment for 3 days: £1000
  • Rehearsal costs: No charge as we have our own rehearsal space
  • Technical staffing costs: £1250
Last Christmas

The David White Hub (Sheltered Housing)

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  The David White Hub (Sheltered Housing)  •  Three Towns

We would like to apply for funding to provide a Christmas Lunch and Party for residents, and fund a bus trip to a local shopping centre. We would also like to bring residents together for social events by providing some live entertainment afternoons. 

Christmas Lunch and Party £500

Bus Trip to Shopping Centre £340

Entertainer Fees £160

Hayocks Tenants and Residents Group (HTAR) - Community Garden Project

2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  Hayocks TARA  •  Three Towns

The HTAR are a group of volunteers who help promote the interests of residents in the area on matters concerning housing, the environment and the social and communication.  We meet up monthly based within Hayocks Community Centre

We are planning revamping our existing garden area at the Hayocks Community Centre, which the HTAR hold the lease for into a safe and welcoming community space. This will include a seating area where hall users, or members of the community can sit and rest or socialise. The space will also include a growing area with raised beds built and installed, where members of the community can come and work together to grow and harvest their own fruit and vegetables. These vegetables can then be taken home by members of the community or be donated to the larder within the community centre or used within the existing cafe within the centre.  Our existing outdoor area has ramped access therefore this would be accessible for all members of the community

This would build on community spirit and help towards peoples health and wellbeing such as social isolation and promote healthier eating. We are an area of high deprivation and this would allow members of the public a free space to meet up with friends with no additional costs.


Raised Planters - £510

Compost - £200

Garden Tools - £150

Plants and seedlings - £75

Water Butt - £65



Saltcoats Victoria - Changing room re-development

2024-09-16  •  No comments  •  Saltcoats Victoria  •  Three Towns

Saltcoats Victoria F.C. is undertaking a redevelopment project to upgrade and expand the existing changing rooms. This renovation will create a more spacious and functional environment for home and away teams, improving the overall match-day experience. The expanded facilities will accommodate larger squads, provide better amenities, and enhance comfort for players before and after games.

Labour and Materials: £1,000

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Retirement Yoga Group

2024-09-03  •  No comments  •  Avril Gavaghan  •  Three Towns

We are a group of retirees who enjoy yoga instruction, with a registered tutor, every Tuesday morning in Saltcoats Town Hall. We have 25 members, all over 60, most over 70 and several over 80 years of age. Our current hall cannot accommodate any more than 25 and this is a sufficient number for our tutor to oversee safely. We operate a waiting list and we are inclusive of all retirees. Our group has been going for almost 20 years. Yoga keeps us physically active and improves our strength,flexibility, stamina and balance, which is imperative as we age to keep us from falling. Yoga also helps us menally, by coping with stress, when we do our breathing exercises and relaxation at the end of each class.

Many of our members are now widowed or dealing with the illness of a partner and  have consequently lost much of their social life.  We have one member who is registered blind and several who are hearing impaired. This all leads to isolation and lonliness. Covid has had a massive effect on many of us but we set up a WhatsApp group to enable us to keep in touch via phone calls and messages and to offer support when we need a shoulder to lean on.  We like to have coffee meet ups and/or lunches which allows us the time to talk together and find out if anyone is going through a rough time and perhaps needs some support.  We also try to have a day trip and a Christmas Dinner each year.  This allows us to the have the time to just enjoy a day or an evening out together to have fun. As we all know the cost of living is increasing rapidly and we live in an area of deprivation, so to be able to fund some get togethers and outings means a great deal to those who are no longer able to work.

We are all finding that technology is moving too fast for us, but as a group, we are there to offer assistance, if possible, and try to figure things out between us.  We struggle sometimes with so many things having to be done online i.e. applying for funding, making bookings, accessing menus or information and even at times trying to make a GP  appintment or order prescriptions. It's getting more difficult to access hard copies of forms and menus etc. Even when shopping ' It's all online' we hear them say.  A laptop of our own would make things much easier .as phone screens are too small for to see and are difficult for those with arthritic fingers.  We could hopefully learn together, and from one another, how to use a laptop effectively and erase the need for paper copies to be printed thereby helping the environment too. 

We have included a video below.


Yoga lessons £550, Coffee/lunch £250, refurbished laptop £200 = £1000