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Investment projects with scope: North Coast

Total budget £20,873

Viking Festival 2024

Clyde Coast & Cumbraes Mens Shed Growth

2024-09-05  •  No comments  •  treasurer.cccmensshed  •  North Coast

The Clyde Coast & Cumbraes Mens Shed is becoming more and more integrated into the community everytime we open our doors, we are being asked to make or repair more and more varied items by the public, Local charitable causes & local businesses, which gives the membership a great sense of achievement and a feeling belonging to the community, which improves their mental health and wellbeing. 

We held evening sessions with the Scottish Womens Institute & the Largs Boys Brigade on seperate nights, which were greatly received and has lead to us organing evening session with both groups which will help to teach them new skills and hopefully develop into something that can use in the future.

The breakdown of costs for the funding is as follows.

  1. For 2 Erbauer Impact Drivers £199.98
  2. For 1 Erbauer Impact Wrench £69.99
  3. For 2 Trade screw Packs £139.98
  4. For 10M of 220mmx 20 Planed Pine £248.88 at current prices
  5. For 50M of 150 x 19 Rough sawn Fence palanks £220.40 at current prices
  6. For 20M of 47x50mm Rough sawn timber £101.00 at current prices

Giving people choice in our food larder and increasing their dignity

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Largs Food Hub  •  North Coast

We would like to offer a pay forward scheme for all 89 of our members and their children for the local church of the Nazarene located in Largs. The church takes a token £2 for a meal and children go free. We would like to offer a free ticket to all our members some of whom come to us at desperate times . We feel if they can go and try it for free they might return the next week. It is non relligious and welcoming and older people might enjoy the company as well as the food. Largs has a large elderly population most of whom are too proud to come to our larder and if we could get the older people who do come to the larder to tell their friends we might not only provide them with food but company as well. Its all about dignity in food provision.

Largs Community Garden - Event boards to be placed on paved area

Largs Hi-Impact Event Information boards

2024-09-12  •  1 comment  •  Jamie Woodburn LCC  •  North Coast

This proposal will provide a fund to create professionally designed event boards, which will be displayed in the Largs Community Council Garden, adjacent to the A78. These will be in A1 size, and provide details in large font of:

  • Event
  • Date 
  • Location
  • Website 

It is clear that social media and even print media has limitations to reach, not least because we find that the older demographic do not engage social media, and the Largs and Millport News cannot provide endless free promotion. Many people do not find out about events on Social media until AFTER the event. 

The Largs Community Council successfully bid for grant funding for Tourist Information Notices boards which are now in place at the Seafront Car Park. We continue to receive feedback from the community that they 'didn't know that was on', whether for Yuletide, Community Cinema or other events and this proposal seeks to address a gap in providing information to those in the area. 

It is intended that this fund is used on a 'per event' basis, to allow non-profit groups the opportunity to promote their event to a large audience, without being burden with the cost. LCC are minded to engage with groups such as The Boys Brigade, Parent Councils, Mens Shed, Largs SWRI, Largs Community Development Trust, Dementia Friendly Largs, Food Larder, Access to Food, Largs Naz (Community events) and others to help them promote their events, increase footfall and drive success for their groups. 

LCC believe this proposal will:

Support Community Spirit - whilst larger events may have budget to publicity, smaller, voluntary organisations have limited finds, and we believe this proposal will help promote local, community based events, and bring the community together, whether through fairs, cinema screenings, workshops or speaking events. Participation in local events creates community cohesion and helps reduce Social Isolation and promotes feelings of physical & mental health wellbeing 

Health and Wellbeing - Our overall aim is to promote local events, and in doing so, we believe that we can help improve the Health And Wellbeing of the community. We know through our Community Cinema events how much people enjoy and the sense of community it bring about. Largs has a vibrant community sector and the more people engaged, the better for everyone. 

Cost of LIving - LCC Access to Food supports Community based Food Events and learning to cook projects and fundraising events ie "tea dances". This provides a sustainable way for individuals and families to prepare healthy but low cost food during the cost of living crisis. Whilst attendance has been increasing, the more people that are aware of events, the more who can benefit. Hard to reach families may not be aware of the events and this is a way they can find out without any stigma, quite the opposite. 

Green Projects -  As referenced above, amongst the groups we intend to engaged to support events are Largs Green Futures and future events to promote growing own produce. The LCC Anti Litter Campaign : plans further Seafront "litter Pick" events which can be promoted, along with other active groups in the area. 


Cost Breakdown:

Budgeted promotion of up to 9 events within 12 month period (if we can 

  • A1 (594x841mm) sized print onto 5mm Foamex board £44.50 plus VAT.
  • Design per event board expected 1 hour design £45+VAT
  • 9 event boards £108inc VAT = £972

(Quotation provided by Largs Print Company. If 4 event boards are ordered at a time, the cost will reduce by £10 per units, which would go towards additional boards)

It should be noted that boards will be designed to be reuseable - where an event is recurring annually (for example, school fairs, Dementia Walk, Yuletide etc), the DATE section can be overlaid with this is it anticipated that the number of events that will be promoted will be at least three fold if not more. LCC will stored all boards to future reuse. 




West Kilbride Environment Group

2024-08-28  •  No comments  •  West Kilbride Environment Group  •  North Coast

We have established more sustainable planting and have introduced a range of perennial plants and shrubs in several areas throughout the village. We top up during summer with colourful annuals some which we grow ourselves. We also maintain over 50 hanging baskets which bring colour to the village during the summer months. All our gardens are highly visible in the village and several have seating areas for people to rest and enjoy the plants. One of our gardens has a sensory theme and a Happy to Chat Bench. We believe that the gardens connect people in the village and give a sense of community and pride in our local environment. We work in partnership with a range of other organisations, schools and community and environmental projects who benefit from the range of habitats that we have to offer.

We would be grateful if the PB could support us to bulk buy a selection of bulbs, perennials, plug plants and hanging basket plants to plant out newer gardens and top up our existing gardens. It would also enable a bulk purchase of compost and plant feed

'The Space' Advice centre and community hub - Artist's impression

Opening events for 'The Space' Community Hub and Community Trust launch

2024-09-17  •  No comments  •  Largs Community Development Trust  •  North Coast

What The Trust is about

Largs Community Development Trust (Largs CDT) has secured premises in Boyd Street, Largs to use as a base for the organisation's work, to be called 'The Space'.  Part of that work will be working alongside other organisations, such as offering access to benefit advice services and a credit union. 

Largs CDT is a local organisation set up and run by local volunteers. We aim to work for the benefit of the community in Largs by addressing a range of economic, social, environmental and cultural issues.

The launch will have several aims:

This application is to help launch our activities and raise awareness of the new facility, and help us sign up the community of Largs as 'Friends', improve awareness and recognition of the Trust and the work we do.

We want the launch to:

  • Create momentum and encourage people to join as Friends
  • Help us create a register of volunteer's skills within in the community
  • Capture the ideas and opinions of Largs people
  • Commmunicate the Trust's aims and objectives using eg, leaflets, posters, banners, signboards, events
  • "The Trust is for people like me" — speak to the community across all ages and experiences of life
  • Gather feedback and create interest in current and future projects

We plan to have a number of days where we distribute leaflets and goodies promoting the Trust on and around Largs Main Street, and at The Space community hub. The objective is to encourage the people of Largs to engage with the Trust, see The Space as a place and the Trust as an organisation that supports them, their aspirations and the well-being of the community.

Proposed marketing materials we are seeking funding for: 

  • 10x XL t-shirts, pinted front and back £210
  • 2x 2.5m feather flags £240
  • 300x window cling vinyls £150
  • 1,000x A4 DL (99x210mm) Friends joining forms £145
  • 1,000x A4 DL (99x210mm) flyers about Largs CDT and its aims/objectives £145
  • Posters, social media boosting and targetting £100

We have obtained the help of professional designers to help us with communications, design and a website which will go live with the events. We also anticipate creating other communications eg, press releases, photoshoots, digital media to publicise the event.

Largs CDT is registered as a Scottish charity (SCIO SC053580)

WKEYC Garden

Improving our children and staff's wellbeing outdoors

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  AW  •  North Coast

We spend a significant amount of the nursery day in our outdoor garden and forest area.  We are focussed on giving our children the best experience at our nursery and so the skill sets the children develop outside and the opportunities for different ways to play here are a large part of their learning at WKEYC.  Being able to use our outdoor space so well, builds the children's confidence and resilience to playing outside in all weathers.  In order to provide this we always consider both the children and staff's well being and how best to cater for their comfort.  

Therefore we are asking for some smaller items that will make a big difference to their time in the garden.  We are hoping for mobile hand wash stations for warm handwashing outside which is key to children's health and wellbeing; tarpaulins for shelter and ground cover with a tougher tarpolin required as this needs to be robust enough in the stormier weather;  facilities for hot drinks for staff and children to allow them to cintinue for longer outside and feel happier doing so; hand and feet warmers for staff (children are catered for already) and portable seating for staff to take five minutes whilst out in the garden - the children have these facilities in their log chairs. 

Although small these items will have a direct impact on everyone's mental and physical health.  Staff will feel valued and appreciated in their workplace as we try our best to keep them warm and dry and everyone will benefit from being outdoors, learning in a different environment.  This is proven to aid in their overall health and promote other ways to learn.  In some cases, this will also provide an element of play they may not receive at home promoting equal opportunites for our children.

Below are the items we would love to be able to provide for our  children and staff. 

Insulated Mobile Hand wash station x 3 (£204) = £612

Tarpaulin (3m x 4m) for groundsheet = £11.99

Tarpaulin (waterproof and storm proof) for shelter = £75.36

Travel Chairs x 4 (£10) = £40

Hot drink dispenser x 3 (£24.99) = £74.97

Travel mugs for staff x 8 (£9.88) = £79.04

Warm insoles for wellies ( £5.98 for 2 pairs) = £23.92

Hand warmers (40 pk) = £26.49

Total £943.77

There is a document attached with the links to the products we are looking at. As these are live links prices may have varied (especially on Amazon) from when we have looked at these - we will endeavour to purchase as close to these prices as possible. 



Children fun play park

Craufurd Simson Park

2024-09-18  •  No comments  •  Jenny_Clark_466  •  North Coast


The Craufurd Simson Park charity will be developing a piece of land acquired from the council for an outdoor play park for use by the residents in West Kilbride.  

In order to develop the park, the children will be invited to contribute to their vision of the park at an event. The event will provide an afternoon of fun, to build community awareness about the project and to make sure that the children are able to play a role in developing the park and feel included in the development.

The event will be hosted in the space the park will be built on (subject to the relevant approvals and insurance).

The event is aimed to be fun for the children, build community spirit, and gather the input we need for the next big step.  We hope that this will build excitement give the children something to look forward to.

We will provide entertainment for the children and an area for the children to build their vision for the park and choose the equipment they would want.

The park will ultimately deliver the proven health and wellbeing benefits of an open space with play equipment for children to engage in physical activity, build social skills and feel part of a community.

Funding for the park will be sought through other funding avenues once the land is transferred through a Community Asset Transfer.

This initiative is championed by the Community Roots and orgnaisation well established in the West Kilbride community. Community Roots is set up to help people live their best healthiest lives with food security and outlets that improve mental and physical well-being. Community Roots runs the Village Larder, SHED & a community garden.

Improvement of access to West Kilbride Glen from B7047

2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  •  North Coast

We require to widen this particular entry point to the Glen to permit vehicular access for work vehicles to undertake the renovation and renewal of the decrepit and dangerous blaes football pitch. This will involve the removal of bollards and a gate blocking access.  We plan to ensure safe passage way for work persons and the community by trimming overhanging trees. This will also ensure the health of the trees and avoid collision. We require to relocate bins en route to maximise public access and ensure the condition of the Glen is maintained.

The cost of materials, equipment and labour will be £1000


Skelmorlie Community Garden..A Garden for Our Village

2024-09-06  •  No comments  •  IsyAgnew  •  North Coast

As a small group..we are creating a garden/space for all to enjoy.

A way of giving back to our community

A year ago we took ownership of a desolate,drab and weed-filled area..a year later we have transformed it into an oasis of important for mental health. We have a spot full of insect life..all our plants are bee/butterfly/pollinator friendly so important as this will be our village legacy for the next generation of up and coming gardeners.

The environmental benefits are exponential.

The village now has a focal point,a meeting place,somewhere to chill.

Our young people have a safe place to access.

Thanks to last years PB award we have a Wee Library..and a large planter filled with pollinator-friendly plants..both built by  Clyde Coast and Cumbrae Men's Shed

Our next wee project is the area at the entrance to the CC..we've already sited a planter full of polinator-friendly plants.

Seating in this area affords views to the hills and also all the play areas too..ideal for parents to watch their kids whilst also allowing them freedom to play.

We would like to purchase two sturdy benches..for the enjoyment of the village of Skelmorlie.

The benches in mind cost £75 pounds each.

They are made locally by a woodcrafter in Dalry.

Total cost would be £150