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Investment projects with scope: Garnock Valley

Total budget £18,043

GVCCB logo.jpg

Garnock Valley community concert band

2024-09-13  •  No comments  •  Garnock Valley Community Concert Band  •  Garnock Valley

Garnock valley community concert band ( GVCCB Charity number  SCO43326)) is a striving and inclusive community band-  continuing  to grow and reconnect  musicians throughout the garnock valley.

GVCCB  gives public performances throughout the community such as St Margarets church in Dalry in which included a local choir, string ensemble and the children’s choirs from local schools. GVCCB also perform at the Scottish and the National concert band festivals each year ( SCBF and NCBF), being highly successful in both – lifting platinum awards each year.

This is only accomplishable with a hard working committee, fundraising throughout the year and funding made available to us.

We keep our subscriptions as low as feasibly possible, to encourage as many players wishing to return to music.

For many, music is a vital (sometimes - only) social interaction available for them – helping their mental wellness, mental agility through reading music and actively encouraging them to interact with like minded people.

We hire local practice space within the Garnock valley community campus once a week,  maintain a musical library ( costing approx £1000-£1500 per year) to keep our concerts and competition performances fresh, challenging and interesting, and hire our musical director  at £3500 per annum

We should like to put ourselves forward for the full amount possible (£1000)to go towards the cost of our musical  library .

Considering the output for so many, we can make this money go a very long way.


Dalry Community Larder - Fresh Produce

2024-09-06  •  No comments  •  Lynette  •  Garnock Valley

We have been operating our Community Larder since Nov 2020, initially as a foodbank during the pandemic, but now aligned with NAC`s Community Larder model, where customers pay £4, for a selection of items and a variety of free short dated/best before items. Unfortunately, over the last 12 months, we have seen how the rising costs have impacted on our funding, where money doesn’t stretch as far as it once did and since the cost of living crisis started, we have seen the numbers of people attending our Community Larder steadily increase. We are now seeing more families attending, as well as more people who are working.  Local businesses have been great here, where we work in partnership with ASDA, Bookers, Co-op and Irvine`s Bakery, who supply us with a combination, of either free short dated/best before items, or items at discounted prices, but during the winter months the donations of fruit and vegetables falls off quite sharply.

Evidence shows that there are significant health benefits to eating at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables daily, particularly in the case of young people and the elderly.

Estimated Costs:

Provision of fruit and vegetables for 26 weeks - 52 larder sessions @ £25 - Total £1,300.

Some of the volunteers.


2024-09-03  •  No comments  •  PlacewoodlandsKilbirnie  •  Garnock Valley

Our group is so unique. We have people from all walks of life, retired folks, people who suffer from mental health issues, veterans, young teens from povierty who we mentor and try and use nature to distract them from the issue they have, people with addiction issues. We have other groups come and use our woodlands to teach about nature. Scouts and restbite office staff. Lots and lots of folks 

We have been doing lots of projects to help with climate change and habit restoration and creation. Aspin tree planting, fruit tree planting, tree maintenance and control of invasive species, wild flower planting. Water course maintenance. So much going on I could go on and on. 

The funding we need is mostly PPE funding. We desperately need safety equipment like gloves, waterproofs, safety wellingtons, safety glasses, highviz tops, safety helmets with viziers, ear defenders, 

Pricing from Amazon as an estimated price of these things. 

Hi Viz tops = £6.49 each x14

Safety helmets with viziers = £23.99 each X2

Ear defenders = £13.99 each x 4

Safety wellingtons sizes from 7 to 11 = £22.39 to £23.39 each x9

Safety gloves = £8.99 pack of twelve 

Safety gloves anti thorn = £9.99 each x4

Waterproof top and bottoms varise sizes = £19.99 each x15

Safety glasses pack of 12 = £14.99

We have also thought about our circumstances in the winter. We currently don't have a proper place to keep warm and boil the kettle. A small stove was our thoughts as it would provide heat to dry off and heat a kettle. We also make a pot of stew in the winter to help warm all the volunteers. Cooking has been a bit difficult but a little log stove would improve that immensely. 

Stove to cook on = £117.95

Total for all above is £998.97 

Please consider us for this funding. It would be a massive help to our group and the community.

Volunteers and Fun Times

Citizen of the Year - Recognition and Celebration

2024-09-17  •  No comments  •  Beith and District Community Council  •  Garnock Valley

Beith and District Community Council want to make it a night to remember and not just for the award winners but also for the nominees and their families. To be given recognition by the community for the many hours of dedication, loyalty and hard work by volunteers is worth its weight in gold. For volunteers to be appreciated publicly gives them a sense of great positive wellbeing by knowing their skills and resilience are valued and making a positive change to themselves, others and their community. Our event will bring a sense of pride and community cohesion through the discovery of sharing their experiences with other winners and nominees and of course the whole community. We want to provide free travel to support attendees access the event to reduce isolation.  Delivering Citizen of the Year event is an important milestone for BDCC in bringing people together to celebrate, reduce isolation and to make new connections and friendships. In the absence of Beith and District Community Council from 2012 until 2017 this activity was delivered by Beith Community Association from 2015 until 2022 however Beith Community Association have now requested that it be returned to BDCC. We are delighted to take this opportunity to  reinstate such an important event for our volunteers.


For our event to be successful we require funding for the following:

Venue costs - £250

Catering costs - £700

Table decorations - £100

Entertainment costs - £400

Bus hire costs - £400

Award Purchases - £300

Printing – Forms, Promotional material & Certificates - £180

Total costs £2330

Brass Banding - Winning is good, but taking part is Best!


2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  donaldleesreid  •  Garnock Valley

Cost of bringing Co-operation Band to Garnock Valley: £1,000 (Standard concert fee); Guest Soloist: £100; Hire of Geisland Concert Hall for Gala Concert: £250; Production of  Concert Programmes anmd tickets: £80; Catering for Band, other performers, VIP guests and volunteers:(60  people X £3 = £180); Ticket Admin: £100; Parking Marshalls (4 X £20 = £80); 2 First Aiders: £50; provision of interval refreshments for audience: £100. TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF GALA CONCERT: £1940

GVAA harvest for Solace Cafe

Alternative energy at Garnock Valley Allotment Association

2024-09-09  •  No comments  •  Kaz  •  Garnock Valley

As well as GVAA members the association encourages community participation with many young people who are engaged in projects in the allotment.  Some of the projects currently running are growing and harvesting produce for the Wee Pantry and Solace Cafe and young people involved in learning how to prepare areas for growing, how to sow, care and harvest produce. A primary and indispensable piece of equipment would be the installation of portable power stations in the allotment which would be used to energise various tools essential for gardening tasks. Portable power stations would ensure we have have the necessary electricity on demand. The members currently take the rechargeable batteries home to re-energise which often means that communial tools required by the members and young people are not always available to complete the task.  A portable power station capability would not only enhance efficiency but also provide the flexibility to maneuver and operate equipment throughout the plot without being tethered to fixed power sources.  The portable power stations would be charged from two solar panels thus reducing the carbon footprint of members travelling to and from the allotment to collect and deliver charged batteries and the personal costs to members associated with fuel and energy.

2 x portable power stations = Ecoflow River 2 Max + 110W portable solar panel =£1000 (GVAA will meet the costs beyond this amount)

Kilbirnie and Glengarnock Community Association

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Iain Campbell  •  Garnock Valley

Our Commuinty Larder was set up to offer a top up shop which would help alleviate food insecurity as we moved out of lockdown. We have found since that there is a growing number of members who use our service as a main shop not a top-up due to the increased cost of living. Our proposal is for Kilbirnie and Glengarnock Community Association to purchase fresh meat packs from a local butcher and provide them to our larder members either free or at a vastly reduced rate as the cost of buying them themselves may be prohibitively expensice therefore lots of our members will not be getting the proper nutrition in their diet which ultimately long term affects their health and wellbeing. On average we have about 50 weekly members and it would be great for them to be able to have access to fresh, locally sourced meat which they may not get otherwise. We are asking for £1000 which would allow us to purchase 50 x £20 meat packs which would include a variety of meat that could be utilised on a number of meals for people on a low income.

santas helpers

Montgomery Court Entertainment Committee

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Montgomery Court Entertainment  •  Garnock Valley

We would like to apply for funding to help us provide social events, a Christmas lunch and party and free lunch clubs throughout the year. 

Christmas Lunch and party £200 

Lunch Club £500

Entertainer fees for 4 special events £300 

Christmas dinner at Cafe Solace Kilbirnie

2024-08-28  •  No comments  •  Cafe Solace Kilbirnie  •  Garnock Valley

Cafe Solace Kilbirnie provides low cost meals each Friday at lunchtime and in the evening to the community.   These are very popular with between 30-40 customers at lunchtime and 70-80 in the evening.  Children under 12 or anyone in need eat free.   For some of our customers, we are the only friendly people they will speak to in a week, and it may be the only home cooked meal that they have.   At Christmas we like to make even more special, in particular for those customers who have no family to share the festivities with, and our chef and volunteers prepare a lovely three course traditional Christmas feast and arrange a visit from Santa to present wee gift bags for each of our customers (held over two weeks due to numbers - up to 170).   We do make a nominal charge for the Christmas events, but to avoid hardship to those customers who are struggling financially we heavily subsidise these from our own funds (and children still eat free).   We have been fortunate in receiving support from other areas in previous years to assist with costs and reduce the impact on our funds.   This year, the volunteer team are carrying out some fundraising to pay for the small gifts that we will give our customers (sponsored walk, guess the teddy's birthday etc).   Based on last year's costs (£1,677.39), and the continued increase in food prices, we estimate that we will need to subside the events by around £8-900 from our funds.   Our food costs over the past months have been higher than predicted, due to the unsuitability of much of the food that we are receiving from Fareshare and we are anticipating heavier than normal expenditure in the early part of 2025 as we start to plant out our new vegetable garden.  To enable us to meet our ongoing commitments and still provide a festive treat out for our customers, we are requesting funding of £500 to be put towards the purchase of food required for our Christmas meals (approx £2.94 per potential attendee).   

Men's Shed Dalry

2024-09-04  •  No comments  •  Gus Shedder  •  Garnock Valley

Funding will help to purchase tools, consumables, and training for men to participate in productive activities such as: fly-tying, bicycle refurbishment and repair and the manufacture of products from recycled wood.

The output from these activities is directed to other community groups and to those in need. to date we have recycled over 200 bicycles which have been used to quickly mobilises refugees settling in north Ayrshire. Promoting a sustainable and healthy form of exercise and free transportation, also contributing reduce pollution and support a greener north Ayrshire.

We have also been manufacturing garden furniture specifically directed towards members of the community who have limited financial resources and invite them to make an affordable donation as opposed to us implementing a pricing structure.

Ultimately, we exist as a sanctuary for those suffering from isolation, loneliness and mental health issues, facilitating therapeutic, Character-building activities.

We Seek to purchase dual-bevel mitre saw at circa £500.

and train 3 people to Velotech bronze standard to allow them to participate in bicycle maintenance safely and with appropriate knowledge.  training costs £360 PP 

We intend to cover the excess costs from shed funds.