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Investment projects with scope: Irvine

Total budget £35,347

School Visits to Wellwood Burns Centre & Museum

Primary Schools’ Education Programme: Irvine Burns Club

2024-09-05  •  No comments  •  John Murdoch  •  Irvine

To reinforce the annual school visits it is intended to produce a workbook for each pupil take away with them as a reminder of their visit.

In relation to the verse speaking “Champion of Champion” event funding is sought to provide trophies for those pupils nominated to represent their schools and performing their chosen poem.

It is intended that there will be three categories, Primaries 1-2, Primaries 3-4 and Primaries 5-7.

There are 11/12 Primary Schools in the Irvine Area, and it is hoped that all would participate.

Those nominated by their schools are also eligible to compete in the Ayrshire Association of Burns Clubs Schools’ Competition held later in the year.

We seek funding towards the printing costs of the workbooks (£500) and the purchase of 36 trophies at a cost of £20 each (£720) a total of £1220.


Castlepark Sewing Group

2024-09-18  •  No comments  •  Castlepark community centre  •  Irvine

When we started out, we found out that the fidget muffs were expensive for the nursing homes and hospitals to buy. After consulting with nurses on the wards at Woodland View and local nursing homes, we decided there was a need for a group to make these for the nursing home and hospitals. We make the fidget aprons/ muffs/ blankets for Woodland View and local nursing homes and donate them free of charge.

The sewing group provides a place for volunteers to work together on a project, reducing social isolation, improving skills and bringing people together to help others in the community. 

Wool (various) - £400 100g ball, £3.58 200g ball, £9.99 300g ball, £11.60

Material (various) - £600 £34.18 per metre £6.99 per metre £25.36 per metre

Megan's Space

Parent Wellbeing and Health Event

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Rob Copeland  •  Irvine

The Parents Wellbeing and Health Event will be open to parents of young children and will be inclusive of the following activities to promote physical and mental wellbeing; introduction to yoga and mindfulness, introduction to PT for mental health, havening session an how to increase the resilence of Parents and their Children. A breakdown of the costs below 

- introduction to yoga and milndfullness £250 

- Havening session £250 

- Intro to PT for mental health benifits £250 

- Resilence session £100

- Refreshments £100

- Hall hire £50


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Irvine and Dreghorn Brass

2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  Alister C  •  Irvine

We are a community brass band organisation based in Dreghorn. We run 3 bands (a contest brass band, a community and a youth band) and we provide free or low cost after school music lessons for young people. We have over 100 members in our organisation and thousands of people are entertained by us each year at gala days, Christmas events and community concerts. We also support fundraising of other charities. People who participate in our bands and our audiences obtain mental well-being and educational benefits from musical activity. Each year we compete in several brass band contests and festivals all over Scotland. Any funding obtained would go towards our (2025) travel costs, entry costs, and other costs for competitions such as music, extra rehearsals etc. Participating in these event will inspires, motivates and develops our players, entertains audiences and we also represent North Ayrshire in an important cultural events.

We are applying for £1,000 for our adult groups competing costs

Cost breakdown would be:

  • Travel cost subsidies – bus hire £600
  • Entry fees - £200
  • Music, extra rehearsal costs - £200

Each year we compete at the Scottish Brass Band Championships in Perth (March 2025) and for this contest alone a bus costs c. £700 and other costs (music, entry, rehearsals) c. £500. As we attend 3 - 4 contests per year the costs incurred for all competitions is c. £3,000. Contests / festivals are important for our groups development and the band would fundraise or meet the gap from reserves.  

Little sunbeams toddler group

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  Kathleen Wilson  •  Irvine

We would like to take the group and their families on an outing which would be a great benefit to them. Also to keep providing a breakfast and snack for the kids for whom some would ho without during this cost of living crisis.


Bus for trip £500

Breakfast supplies £250

The 'Side Larder

The 'Side Larder Food

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  The 'Side Larder  •  Irvine

We are looking for £1000 to help stock our larder over the winter months. The cost of food has increased a lot and our range of foods has been reduced in line with rising costs. We have a lot of older single people who are going to be impacted by the removal of the winter heating allowance so they will be more reliant on coming to the larder each week.

£1000 will allow us to bulk buy our tinned and ambient stock for Jan - March 2025 and ensure that our members have access to a range of foods suitable for their needs.

We have approx over 100 households registered at our community larder and this works out at approx £10 per household.

Example of a £10 basket would be:

Muesli - £1.89

Cooking sauce - £0.87

chicken kievs - £2.25

2 tins soup - £1.50

tuna - £0.69

sweetcorn - £0/49

Peas - £0.33

yoghurts - £0.95

1kg bag past - £1.29

This is an average type of basket and we would multiply this by the number of weekly shoppers and base it on the special offers in the shop. There fore it is difficult to give exact costs for items but ambient, chilled and frozen foods.