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Investment projects with scope: Irvine

Total budget £35,347

Little sunbeams toddler group

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  Kathleen Wilson  •  Irvine

We would like to take the group and their families on an outing which would be a great benefit to them. Also to keep providing a breakfast and snack for the kids for whom some would ho without during this cost of living crisis.


Bus for trip £500

Breakfast supplies £250

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Friends of Trindlemoss

2024-09-18  •  No comments  •  Broomlands and Bourtreehill Community Association  •  Official position 1  •  Irvine

Trindlemoss Day Opportunities is based in Irvine. Trindlemoss aims to transform community attitudes to better support and promote opportunities for people with learning disabilities and address mental health. We will help individuals share their strengths and skills with the community and encourage recognition for their input.

Throughout all our work, we stay focused on our customers, and the relationships that support and enrich them.

The group would like to organise social events in the evenings to utilise the building in the evening and invite parents, carers, family and friends to participate monthly to begin with to meet up with a long-term goal of making it a weekly meet up depending on how many family and friends would like to support this .

This would encourage a peer support group where the adults with learning disabilities would have the opportunity to meet up with their friends and socialise in the evening. The group would also give parents and carers, family and other care supports the opportunity to make friends and meet up with other parents and carers and support workers who support people with learning disabilities.

Trindlemoss also have residents who would also benefit from social events it would give them the opportunity to meet their neighbours.

The criteria we meet is Health and Wellbeing as Friends of Trindlemoss would promote physical and mental wellbeing the project would address social isolation, bring the community together.

The people who reside in the houses have mental health and learning disabilities so we also hit the criteria for building community spirits as we want to create a venue that is also an environment that they know. We also have other groups who use our building like Healing Hearts who have also shown an interest in volunteering, befriending, and helping  at Friends of Trindlemoss community events.

We would like to hold social events in the evening as winter is nearly here our Focus group have asked if we can put in for funding for the following items. With the following items we can have the oppertunity to fund raise ourselves and have games nights, bingo nights and fun nights. 

 Wireless  PA System - £200

pool table - £420

Curryoke Night - £260  Social event for 80 people (Curry, poppodoms, Rice) Pizza's for non curry lovers & refreshments for Tikka Bar

Entertainment  DJ - £100

Irvine Rangers Supporters Club

2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  IrvineRangersCommunitySocialClub  •  Official position 1  •  Irvine

Christmas party for children age 0-10. 

Hire of Santa - £200

Selection boxes -  £300

Small gifts -  £300

*This is based on previous with approximately 60 in attendance. 

Templeton Chair

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  billy dickson  •  Irvine

Interior design and decoration of display ares.

Design and fitting of information panel..

provision of spotlights, installation of audio facility and appropriate electrical works. 

A school class enjoying helping keep Irvine clean and tidy.

Irvine Clean Up Crew School and Community Programme

2024-09-18  •  No comments  •  Irvine Clean Up Crew  •  Irvine

Irvine Clean Up Crew is looking to continue and even increase our engagement with local schools and other community groups as we continue to promote messages of being responsible with our rubbish to protect the environment for the future. We currently have one class-sized kit of litter pickers, but often receive requests for more than one class to be out using our equipment at the one time. We also receive requests for longer term loans for environmental projects that we are currently unable to support. We are always delighted when schools and community groups reach out to us for support with litter picking activities so we would like to increase our equipment capacity so that we can support as many requests as possible. Our volunteer school’s co-ordinator will continue to provide support for litter picks and also provides opportunities to talk about the impact of litter. Seeing 41year old crisp packets generally starts some lively discussions! We also have a story that was written by two of our volunteers that is already available for schools to use in pdf format. We would like to get some copies of "Sandy's Big Adventure" printed, so that we have copies accessible for others to use out of a school setting.

We would like to use funds from the participatory budget to help us purchase another class size kit of litter pickers, hi-vis vests, gloves and buckets. We also want to arrange a school tour of our rescued "Tiger" to help share messages of being responsible with items you no longer want or need and encouraging repair/reuse rather than throwing items in the bin. Tiger (who is about to be renamed in a community competition) was rescued from the River Irvine looking worse for wear. A good wash and tidy up later and he's back to being super cuddly again. We think offering him to schools with his story and an opportunity to contribute to his ongoing adventure will encourage more conversations and promote ideas about how we can all do more to create less waste.

To help us continue to inspire the local community to take more positive action for the environment we would ask for the following:

30 x child size litter pickers: £360

5 x adult pickers: £95

30 x buckets: £60

30 x child size hi-vis vests: £150

30 x child size gloves: £110

Stationery and delivery costs to help support Tiger's school tour: £75

Printing costs for "Sandy's Big Adventure": £150

Total: £1000

Friends of Redburn Community Group

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Friends of Reburn Community Group  •  Irvine

Our goal is to continue providing community lunches and providing catering services, working in partnership with other local groups and  bringing all members of our local community together regularly with a focus on alleviating poverty, reducing social isolation and enhancing mental health and well-being. 

Our community group offers  free  lunches,or takes small donations, to all residents within Irvine, many of whom are affected by poverty, poor mental health, and social isolation and these lunches provide a vital lifeline, offering not only nourishment but also a sense of belonging and connection. These meals foster social interaction, breaking the cycle of isolation and helping improve their mental well-being.

In addition to the lunches, having a trained chef as a volunteer the group now offers an external catering service to partner organisations at cost which generates income, enhancing the sustainability of the group and allowing the group to continue supporting the community. Volunteers who help run the lunches and catering service will receive essential training in areas such as REHIS (food safety), hospitality, barista skills, first aid, and customer service. These skills not only equip volunteers to support the efforts but also enhance their employability and confidence, empowering them to make a meaningful difference in their community and benefiting them in other areas of their lives.

In order to achieve this the money provided would help with running costs for the lunches and provide external training for volunteers.


Running Costs, including food and caretakers costs                         £500.00

Training and admin costs                                                                   £500.00

Total applied for                                                                                £1000.00

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Barnardo's - Improving Wellbeing Through the Creative Arts

2024-09-09  •  No comments  •  Fiona  •  Irvine

Barnardo's Stronger Families provides support across North Ayrshire to Kinship families. We have funding in place for core staff to facilitate groups, sessions and activities however we require funding to provide for resources, refreshments and if we wish to work with local artists. We worked with local artists recently on graffiti projects and creative arts groups with young people and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Those young people recommended that other young people and adults get to experience groups/sessions similar to those that they took part in. Benefits of creative arts sessions are socialisation, reducing isolation, positive communication, learning new skills and discovering artisitic talents. It can build confdence and self-esteem. For Kinship carers it will allow them to take some time for themselves, relax, spend time with other people in a similar situation to them and to build up positive peer relationships and supportive networks. For Kinship families to take part in sessions together, it will allow them to spend quality time as a family, having fun, communicating, supporting each other and relaxing together. Barnardo's will provide the staffing and promotional materials for these sessions.

Costs for 10 sessions:

Venue hire - £150 (2 hours per session)

Refreshments - £100

Creative arts resources - £450

Local artist time - £300

Reclaim, Reuse our Land to improve our Natural environment

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  ICSC72  •  Irvine

We are looking to apply for this project under the Green Projects under the locality PB scheme. We have a substantial area that we are looking to repair and manage with a working party to completely clear, level off, install some drainage, landscape and regenerate this area for wildflowers and make a positive impact on the natural environment. This area will have a new footpath installed to make this new area fully reusable, for everyone including young families and people with disability. Old pallets and containers would be recycled to make planting areas. We have around £800 raised to this project which will contribute to the overall costs of £1650. The labour would be provided by the club as this will help the members appreciate the work needed to regenerate an area, replenish the environment and leave it in a situation where it will continually grow and prospect with minimal input from machinery. Unfortunately we need to drain the area where a good proportion of the costs would go to drainage pipes and aggregate allowing water to drain and be utilised in this area correctly. We would repurpose slabs from the bowling area to this new area to allow full access alongside this embankment. When this area is complete this will be a place where nature will quickly reclaim and break up this dull car park area and will give it a better purpose. We hope to have this area ready late February/March 2025. 

Vennel Friends Discovery Group

Vennel Friends Discovery Group

2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  Vennel Friends Irvine Discovery Group  •  Official position 1  •  Irvine

All our group members take part in volunteering opportunities throughout the local community and help foster community spirit. Most of the group have now completed the bronze level of the award and are now working towards their silver award.

Through the Hobbies and Interests aspect of the award participants are encouraged to engage in and develop new skills, hobbies and to remain socially active. This social activity helps to reduce social isolation and improves the physical and mental wellbeing of participants.  We would like to apply for support to help us provide opportunities for our group to experience a series of new and exciting workshop activities that would contribute to lifelong learning and promote positive wellbeing. These workshops would meet the needs and interests of group members and include arts and crafts, mindfulness and meditation, relaxation techniques, outdoor learning activities and other wellbeing tools.

 Honey Bee Cottage Wellbeing Workshops @ £160 per session x 6 sessions = £1000 


Bourtreehill and Broomlands Community Association (BABCA)

2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  Broomlands and Bourtreehill Community Association  •  Official position 1  •  Irvine

Bourtreehill and Broomlands Community Association (BABCA) would like to get some new decorations for Santa's home at their annual Christmas Fayre the Grotto needs a makeover and this year they would like to make it a free grotto so every boy and girl who has been good gets a gift if they visit Santa at the Christmas Fayre. Santa loves to see all the children and this event is always popular at the Christmas Fayre.

Holding the Christmas Fayre yearly brings the community together the fayre attracts a lot of local craft people as well as it brings all the organisations who use the centre on a weekly basis like So Lovely, Veterans, Brownies, pipe band, Children's First etc an opportunity to fund raise for their individual groups it brings them all together to create a positive change in their local community. The Christmas Fayre also allows BABCA the opportunity to enlist new committee members and volunteers for the food larder (Farm Basket) whilst engaging with the general public.

BABCA would also like to organise a Valentine sixties and seventies night held in the Towerlands Community Centre with a live band to encourage people into Towerlands Community Centre to see what is happening in the centre. The Adults would have the option to come in fancy dress. A wee trip back in time with hits from musical artists from the sixties and seventies like the Beatles, Elvis, Buddy Holly, Diana Ross to name a few.

We also want to use this opportunity to see what community events the community want to see happen in the centre throughout the year. Holding a yearly social engagement helps us as a committee gauge what the community want to see happening in the centre when we organise events.

The criteria we hit are health and wellbeing that address social isolation, social wellbeing of people with learning disabilities, build confidence as people from the Community farm basket shop attend social events it brings people from an intergenerational groups together with social events such as the Christmas Fayre and social event.

We also hit building Community Spirit as the projects and both events will bring people from all walks of life together, old and young. BABCA are all volunteers on the committee who run the centre and look forward to holding events for the community. We would like the following if possible

Entertainment £400

Food pies  times 80 = £80

Hall Hire - £115.50

Santa's decorations £50

presents for Santa  -£300


Total funding    £945.50