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Castlepark Primary School Parent Council - After School Family Hub

C Castlepark Primary Parent Council  •  2024-09-13  •  No comments  •  Irvine  • 


Investment project code: 712

Estimated Price



Castlepark Primary Parent Council are planning to run an after-school 'Family Hub'. We will run workshops with different themes each week, including ‘help with homework’ and ‘family fun’. A healthy meal or snack will also be provided. Our aim is to support family learning, engage with the local community and promote health and wellbeing. This will be free of charge to those who attend.


Our aim is to ensure every family in our school community has a safe place to meet for support and to provide a healthy meal or snack to combat the cost of living crisis.

We aim to promote health and wellbeing by running after school workshops for our families. The workshops will run over a 6 month period from January 2025 - June 2025. Each workshop will run for around an hour and a healthy snack or light meal will also be provided. 

We have collated responses from our parents and children which highlighted the following:

  • parents want to feel more included in the school environment and with their child's learning
  • children would like their parent/caregiver to have more involvement with their learning and for the learning to be ‘more fun’
  • families would like to meet for support (from each other and from professionals)
  • families would like to be more active
  • children would like to learn how to cook healthy meals
  • parents and children expressed an interest in attending a regular after-school club

We feel our plan for an after-school family hub would help meet the needs highlighted, we would be able to support family learning in a fun and engaging way. As well as providing a healthy snack or light meal, to help families during the current cost of living crisis.

We would work with the local community builder, the NHS, Local charities and Parent Council Volunteers to ensure a wide range of needs are met. Each ‘workshop’ at our new Family hub would have a theme, such as:

  • Homework Help/ Supported Study (supporting family learning)
  • Health and Wellbeing (promoting physical and mental wellbeing)
  • Equality and Equity (outside agency delivering a workshop on this, with fun family games)
  • Health and Fitness (physical games and activities for all ages and abilities)
  • Cooking Healthy meals on a budget (community cook-a-long)
  • Caring for our Community (community litter picks)

We would use the money secured from the bid to get our ‘Family Hub’ up and running.  Our predicted expenditure is £40 to buy equipment such as plates, cutlery and cooking utensils. Then a further £40 per session (for 24 sessions) to purchase the ingredients for the included healthy meal/snack.

Location: Castlepark is classified as an SIMD1 area. People who live here are so proud of our local area and work hard to ensure we are working towards the best possible environment and outcomes for our families and community.

Proposed on behalf of: Castlepark Primary School Parent Council are a pro-active group of volunteers who give up their time to plan and facilitate events and opportunities for the families in Castlepark.

Don't have defined milestones