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Parent Wellbeing and Health Event

R Rob Copeland  •  2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Irvine  • 

Megan's Space
Megan's Space

Investment project code: 697

Estimated Price



We are a North Ayrshire based mental health charity that supports children and young people to rediscover hope and happiness through theraputic interventions. We intend to run a session for parents of young people that we support to promote physical and mental wellbeing. The Parent Wellbeing and Health Event will be open to adults and parents of young children.


The Parents Wellbeing and Health Event will be open to parents of young children and will be inclusive of the following activities to promote physical and mental wellbeing; introduction to yoga and mindfulness, introduction to PT for mental health, havening session an how to increase the resilence of Parents and their Children. A breakdown of the costs below 

- introduction to yoga and milndfullness £250 

- Havening session £250 

- Intro to PT for mental health benifits £250 

- Resilence session £100

- Refreshments £100

- Hall hire £50


Location: Megan’s Space is an Ayrshire-based mental health charity, established in 2019 after the tragic suicide of Megan Copeland. Megan struggled with her mental illness for eight years, before eventually taking her own life. The charity, in her name, was set up to provide therapeutic intervention by qualified practitioners to children and young people under the age of 25 who are struggling with their own mental health. So far, the charity has supported over 500 individual young people, as well as bereaved families, delivered wellbeing sessions to schools and colleges all over Ayrshire and are continuing to receive an influx of referrals through both health and education.

Don't have defined milestones