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Flower Club - Arranging for Beginners

W Whitlees centre  •  2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Three Towns  • 


Investment project code: 662

Estimated Price



Our floweclub is coming on leaps and bounds since we started almost 2 years ago at the Whitlees Centre and we would love to spread our wings into more dramatic things. We have done flowers bouquets for Whitlees Gala Days and also some button holes for the kids kilts. We often offer to do arrangements for the centre on special occasions like weddings to make the centre look a bit more nice and decorated.


The flower club has expaded since we opened in the Whitlees 2 years ago in January. The club is very good for anyone any age particular inmobile people as it is slow and relaxed and a great chance for a bleather whilst doing the class. It is great to meet new people and good for people to get out the house and get a wee chat and cuppa. We would like the oppertunity to invite demonstratios to the class to inspire us with new ideas and go to some demonstrations also to give us a chance to get out for a while and see some amazing skills demonstrated to give us ideas also.



£300 to go outwith the centre to go to a demonstration 

£100 for refreshments and snacks for after class

£400 over the year to bring in demonastrators and supplies.


Location: Whitlees Community Centre every 2nd Tuesday

Don't have defined milestones